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12 hiring manager mistakesPhoto Gallery  12 hiring manager mistakes
Here are some common hiring manager mistakes and what can be done to come out of a job interview alive — and even with an offer.
Mortgage gap loans to jobless delayed
A much-delayed federal program designed to help unemployed homeowners in Massachusetts and elsewhere pay their mortgages probably won’t be up and running until later this spring, if at all.
State jobless rate falls to 8.2%
Massachusetts in February posted its biggest monthly jobs gains in more than a year and the unemployment rate declined to its lowest level since May 2009, the state Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development reported yesterday.


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Suppose you present information, but no one remembers? How to be memorable.
By Paul Hellman, 03/18/11, 11:00 AM

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Six tips to get out of the unemployment rutPhoto Gallery  Six tips to get out of the unemployment rut
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