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Hong Kong Observatory hosts training workshop on severe weather forecasting and warning services
Posted 18 July 2011

A World Meteorological Organization (WMO) training workshop on severe weather forecasting and warning services was successfully held at the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) from July 4 to today (July 15). The hosting of this training workshop was part of the Observatory's ongoing contributions to the international meteorological community. >> More

Météo-France : Hommage à Jean Labrousse
Posted 12 July 2011

Jean Labrousse, ancien Directeur de la Météorologie Nationale, est décédé samedi 9 juillet 2011 à l’âge de 79 ans.

A la Direction de la Météorologie Nationale (DMN), après un premier poste au Togo, il fit assez rapidement parler sa fibre pédagogique en intégrant l’ENM, où il rencontra en particulier Jean Lepas, qui allait devenir un de ses plus fidèles amis et collaborateurs. >> More


Observatory launches project to provide city weather forecasts to Asian developing countries
Posted 7 July 2011

The Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) today (July 7) announced the operational launch of a Hong Kong co-ordinated World Meteorological Organization (WMO) project to provide city weather forecasts to developing countries in Asia. >> More

US National Weather Service: Major Dust Storm Moves Through Arizona
Posted 6 July 2011

Dust storm entering Phoenix, as seen from the NWS Phoenix offic


A very large and historic dust storm moved through a large swatch of Arizona during the late afternoon and evening hours of July 5, 2011. Widespread reports of near zero visibility and winds gusting over 50 mph were received by the National Weather Service Phoenix office. >> More


La sécheresse actuelle en regard des grandes sécheresses du passé
Posted 6 July 2011

Comme l'on pouvait s'y attendre, le mois de juin a été marqué par une activité orageuse parfois importante, en particulier au sud des Alpes et dans les Alpes valaisannes orientales. D'une manière générale, les excédents se sont surtout fait sentir en Suisse alémanique, notamment dans les Grisons, en Engadine et dans les Alpes orientales. Plus surprenants en revanche sont les excédents (compris entre 105 et 120 %)  enregistrés dans la région lausannoise et la région de Delémont ; ces régions doivent beaucoup aux journées pluvieuses des 4, 16 à 18 et 22 juin -> voir ci-contre "précipitations de juin".>> More


AEMET: Junio, muy cálido y seco
Posted 6 July 2011

Precipitación junio 2011

El mes de junio ha sido cálido, con una temperatura media de 21,5 ºC que se sitúa 1,5 ºC por encima del valor medio del mes. En precipitaciones ha resultado seco en general, al situarse la media acumulada en torno a 22 mm, muy por debajo de su valor normal para este mes, que es de 36 mm.>> More



India Meteorological Department: Monsoon Features during June 2011
Posted 6 July 2011

Normally monsoon advances over most regions of country in the month of June except some parts of northwest India. There is large variability in the dates of advance of monsoon over different regions and also the quantum and distribution of rainfall which has a direct bearing on the sowing operations of kharif crops over many regions of India.

The Indian Summer Monsoon is characterized by large spatio-temporal variability on various scales. The pattern of variability in every year is unique. The South West Monsoon season extends through June to September. The normal date of onset of SW monsoon over Kerala is 1st June. The rainfall during June accounts for 19% of the seasonal rainfall. In this report some of the characteristic features displayed by the southwest monsoon 2011 in the month of June are analysed and presented in the following sections. This includes the observational aspects, anomalies in the circulation field and synoptic systems.>> More


Météo-France: Résultats du projet Climsec
Posted 6 July 2011

Copyright Météo-France / Patrick PichardLancé en mars 2008, le projet de recherche Climsec avait pour objectif de caractériser l’impact du changement climatique sur la ressource en eau, notamment sur l’humidité des sols, et de produire de nouveaux outils pour les services en charge du suivi climatique. Coordonné par Météo-France et soutenu par la Fondation MAIF*, le projet a associé des chercheurs du CNRS, du CERFACS, du Cemagref et de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris.

L'effet de serre et les émissions anthropiques modifient le climat. Si la température moyenne à l’échelle du  globe est la première concernée, d’autres composantes climatiques subissent ou subiront ce changement : parmi elles, la ressource en eau.>> More

BoM Australia: Neutral ENSO conditions likely to persist
Posted 6 July 2011

Neutral ENSO conditions are firmly established across the tropical Pacific Ocean, with most atmospheric and oceanic indicators at near normal levels. The majority of international climate model forecasts of ENSO show that neutral conditions are likely to continue through the southern spring, with forecast temperatures being lower than were being forecast a few months ago.

The influence of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) on Australian rainfall is currently neutral. Our climate model, POAMA, has forecast a positive IOD event to develop during winter, although there’s no evidence of an event at this stage. In the past, positive IOD events have been associated with drier conditions over parts of Australia, particularly in the southeast, during winter and spring.>> More

UK Met Office: Forecasting extremes for insurance
Posted 1 July 2011

The increasing importance of long-term forecasting for insurance and reinsurance firms is outlined in a joint Lloyd's and Met Office report published online this week. Written by Matt Huddleston, Principal Consultant at the Met Office, the report examines the issues that the changing climate poses for managing exposure to weather-related risk.

In 2010, about $27 billion of insured loss was recorded by firms around the world due to floods, storms, drought, and other extreme weather.*

Traditionally insurance and reinsurance companies have managed their exposure to this type of risk by basing decisions on records of past events. However, there is growing evidence that suggests changes in our climate are increasing the frequency of extreme weather events - and this may mean that past data is less reliable as the only guide to the future.>> More


HKO: Community Weather Information Network Wins Royal Meteorological Society Award
Posted 1 July 2011

The Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) has been given the prestigious 2010 Vaisala Award for Weather Observing and Instrumentation by the Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS) for the Community Weather Information Network (Co-WIN), jointly set up by the HKO and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HK Poly U). The award was presented to the Director of the HKO, Mr Shun Chi-ming, and the Head of the Department of Applied Physics of HK Poly U, Professor Helen Chan, at the RMetS Conference on June 29 (UK time) in Exeter, UK.

The RMetS's Vaisala Award, presented every two years, was given to the HKO and HK Poly U in recognition of their joint effort in raising community awareness toward weather and climate through the establishment of Co-WIN in Hong Kong. In its citation for the award, the RMetS highlighted Co-WIN's success in enabling people of all ages, in particular schoolchildren, to appreciate the elements through hands-on activities in running weather stations. Apart from weather-data sharing, Co-WIN also provides a platform for the exchange of observational experiences and for the organisation of related educational activities. The RMetS also recognised Co-WIN's achievement in demonstrating how groups can work together to deliver high-quality community education on weather and climate for the benefit of all.>> More


AEMET lidera el desarrollo de nuevos productos de satélites meteorológicos
Posted 1 July 2011

El último Consejo de EUMETSAT ha confiado AEMET, que lidera el grupo SAF de Nowcasting, el desarrollo de de nuevos productos de satélites meteorológicos. Esta decisión se tomó en la reunión de Copenhague, el pasado 29 de Junio, durante la celebración del Consejo de EUMETSAT, en la que el Presidente de AEMET firmó el acuerdo para la Segunda Fase de Desarrollo Continuo y Operaciones (CDOP-2) del SAF de Nowcasting.

En dicho acuerdo se fija como entidad responsable a la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología, y como tal se recogen las actividades que ésta debe de realizar. La actividad principal para la CDOP-2 es desarrollar y mejorar los productos y el Software del SAF de Nowcasting implementando nuevos avances científicos y adaptándolos tanto a satélites geoestacionarios no europeos (GOES, MTSAT) como a futuros satélites geoestacionarios y de órbita polar (MTG, NPP/JPSS). Asimismo dicho Software, que contiene los 18 productos para ser obtenidos localmente, será distribuido a los usuarios que previamente hayan firmado una licencia de uso.>> More

160,000 people affected as gales, downpours hit China
Posted 1 July 2011

Gales and downpours generated by the tropical storm Meari have caused floods in 17 counties of three provinces on the east coast since Saturday and left 164,000 people affected, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said Monday.

As of 3 p.m. Monday, the floods that the northeastward-moving Meari caused in the provinces of Liaoning, Zhejiang and Shandong starting from Saturday have forced the evacuation of 7,500 people, affected 33,000 hectares of farmland and destroyed 400 houses, the ministry said in a statement.

The disaster has resulted in direct economic losses of nearly 200 million yuan (around 30.89 million U.S. dollars) for the three provinces, it added. (June 28).>> More

Deutscher Wetterdienst: June 2011 was the sixth excessively warm month in a row
Posted 1 July 2011

June 2011 was too warm and, above all, very changeable - as well as being the sixth month in succession which was too warm for the time of year. The really enjoyable summer weather was confined to the first and last ten days of the month. A brief but scorching heat wave beginning on 27 June brought the highest temperatures yet recorded in Germany this year. For much of the rest of the month the weather was unsettled, and somewhat cooler at times, with occasional bouts of extreme local weather, including thunderstorms, heavy rain, hail and violent gusts as the initial analysis by the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) of data from its around 2,000 weather stations shows.>> More


Average U.S. temperature increases by 0.5 degrees F
Posted 30 June 2011

According to the 1981-2010 normals to be released by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) on July 1, temperatures across the United States were on average, approximately 0.5 degree F warmer than the 1971-2000 time period.


Normals serve as a 30 year baseline average of important climate variables that are used to understand average climate conditions at any location and serve as a consistent point of reference. The new normals update the 30-year averages of climatological variables, including average temperature and precipitation for more than 7,500 locations across the United States. This once-a-decade update will replace the current 1971–2000 normals.>> More


MétéoSuisse: Bilan de juin 2011
Posted 30 June 2011

Le mois de juin 2011 fut en moyenne 1.5° plus chaud que la norme 1961-1990. Les sommes de précipitations furent très variables d'un endroit à l'autre avec des excédents en Valais, au Tessin et dans les Grisons. L'ensoleillement fut inférieur à la moyenne, notamment en Haut-Valais, dans les Alpes centrales, au Tessin et dans les Grisons. >> More


ECMWF Publishes Annual Report
Posted 30 July 2011ECMWF Annual                    Report 2009

The Centre's Annual Report provides an overview and a broad, non-technical description of ECMWF's main activities. informing about major achievements, key events of the year, the evolution of the forecasting system, research highlights, and our contribution to climate studiesIt also gives an indication of future plans of ECMWF. The Annual Report of each year is normally released in June/July of the following year.>> More



EUMETSAT Council approves SAF CDOP-2 and discusses EPS-SG Preparatory Programme Proposal
Posted 30 June 2011

EUMETSAT, the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites, held its 72nd Council meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 28-29 June. The meeting was chaired by Prof. Petteri Taalas, Director-General of the Finnish Meteorological Institute. It was the last Council attended by the outgoing EUMETSAT Director-General, Dr. Lars Prahm, who will be succeeded by Alain Ratier, currently Deputy Director-General of Météo France, on 1 August 2011.

Council gave the green light for the second phase of the Continuous Development and Operations Phase (CDOP-2) for EUMETSAT’s Satellite Application Facility (SAF) network, ensuring funding of SAF activities for a period of five years beginning in March 2012.>> More


JMA to host Second Asia/Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users Conference Dec. 6-9
Posted 30 June 2011

The Asia and Oceania regions are frequently affected by severe natural phenomena such as tropical cyclones, torrential monsoons, volcanic eruptions, yellow sand storms, floods, sea ice and wildfires. In addition, the importance of monitoring the climate and the environment is increasing, prompting enhanced global interest in the field. In this regard, meteorological and earth observation satellites provide frequent and extensive observational information for use in disaster prevention and climate monitoring/diagnostics, and are indispensable in today’s world.>> More : les données du changement climatique accessibles à tous
Posted 30 June 2011 est le premier observatoire francophone des données scientifiques sur le changement climatique.

Les controverses qui ont éclatées en France et dans le monde, en particulier au moment du sommet de Copenhague en décembre 2009, ont fait apparaître la nécessité de rendre accessible à un large public les données scientifiques du changement climatique. a été conçu par Universcience avec le concours de laboratoires français des sciences du climat*, dont le Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM) de Météo-France. Sa vocation est de constituer la référence francophone dans le domaine des indicateurs du changement climatique. >> More

AEMET: El trimestre marzo-mayo, el más cálido de la serie
Posted 30 June 2011

El trimestre marzo-mayo de 2011 ha resultado muy cálido a extremadamente cálido en todas las regiones, con una temperatura media de 15,3 ºC, que se sitúa 2,3 ºC por encima de su valor medio normal (13 ºC), lo que hace que este trimestre haya sido el más cálido de la serie histórica, iniciada en 1951, por delante de los correspondientes a los años 1997 (15,24 ºC) y 2006 (15,13 ºC). Las precipitaciones se han situado en torno a un 10% por encima de la media.

En todas las regiones las temperaturas medias estacionales superaron ampliamente los valores medios. Tan sólo en la franja mediterránea comprendida entre el sur de Cataluña y el litoral mediterráneo andaluz, así como en Canarias, parte de Baleares y provincia de Huelva  la anomalía de la temperaturas media trimestral quedó por debajo de los 2º C, mientras que en el resto de España osciló en general entre 2º C y 3º C, llegando a superar la diferencia con los valores normales los 3º C en algunas pequeñas áreas del suroeste de Galicia, País Vasco y zona del Sistema Central.  En Baleares la primavera fue también muy cálida a extremadamente cálida, mientras que en Canarias si bien el trimestre ha sido cálido a muy cálido en general, las anomalías térmicas han sido inferiores a las del territorio peninsular, situándose en promedio en torno a  1 º C. >> More


Pakistan Meteorological Department: Outlook for monsoon season (July-Sept 2011)
Posted 21 June 2011

Pakistan summer monsoon rainfall is invariably affected by the global regional and local climatic conditions prevailing prior to the season. Analysis of their combined effects indicates that the total amount of rainfall averaged over Pakistan during the monsoon season (July-September) will remain 10% below normal. However, there are chances of above normal rainfall in the northern half of Pakistan including Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces and Kashmir. At occasions the interaction of easterly and westerly systems may result in heavy downpours causing localized urban/flash flooding.>> More


BoM: ENSO state remains neutral over the Pacific
Posted 22 June 2011

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology reports that climate indicators of ENSO remain at near normal levels, with neutral conditions now firmly established in the tropical Pacific. International climate model forecasts of ENSO show neutral conditions are likely to continue through 2011.

Atmospheric and oceanic indicators of ENSO including the trade winds, Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), cloudiness near the date-line and ocean temperatures have been at near normal levels for the last month after rapidly transitioning away from the La Niña conditions that had been present for the previous 9−12 months.

The influence of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) on Australian rainfall is currently neutral. A weakly positive IOD event has been forecast to develop during winter. In the past, positive IOD events have been associated with drier conditions over parts of Australia, particularly in the southeast, during winter and spring. >> More

JMA: Higher Risks of Tide Inundations during Summer to Fall : Provision of Hourly Tide Level Calendars for Reconstruction Activities and Preparedness of the Residents in the Affected Areas
Posted 21 June 2011

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has released hourly astronomical tide level calendars at twelve ports in Tohoku and North-Kanto region, in order to support reconstruction activities and preparedness of the residents in the affected coastal regions.

Coastal areas experiencing land subsidence in Tohoku and North-Kanto region are now facing higher risks of tide inundations during summer to fall. Due to thermal expansion of sea water during the season, high water levels of spring tides are expected to rise by up to 10 to 15 cm from July to August, and by up to about 20 cm from September to October, compared with in June. >> More



Météo-Suisse : Les images satellitaires au service des installations solaires
Posted 21 June 2011

Les sources d'énergie renouvelables, dont l'énergie solaire, sont actuellement au centre des discussions. Pour une planification efficace des installations solaires, MétéoSuisse établit depuis peu des cartes de potentiel solaire. Elaborées à partir de données satellitaires de la dernière génération et résultant de longues années de travail de recherche et de développement, ces cartes représentent l'énergie solaire disponible pour n'importe quel lieu en Suisse avec une résolution de 2 kilomètres. La ville de Saint-Gall, l'une des premières clientes à y recourir, les utilise pour établir le potentiel de production d'énergie solaire de l'ensemble des toits de la ville. >> More

India Meteorological Department: Long Range Forecast Update for 2011 Southwest Monsoon Rainfall
Posted 21 June 2011

Summary of the Update Forecasts for 2011 Southwest Monsoon Rainfall
i) Southwest Monsoon Season Rainfall
Rainfall over the country as a whole for the 2011 southwest monsoon season (June to September) is most likely to be below normal (90-96% of Long Period Average, LPA).
Quantitatively, monsoon season rainfall for the country as a whole is likely to be 95% of the long period average with a model error of ±4%. The Long period average rainfall over the country as a whole for the period 1951-2000 is 89 cm.
ii) Monthly (July & August) Rainfall
Rainfall over the country as a whole in the month of July 2011 is likely to be 93% of its LPA and that in the month of August is likely to be 94% of LPA both with a model error of ± 9 %.
iii) Rainfall over Broad Geographical Regions
Over the four broad geographical regions of the country, rainfall for the 2011 Southwest Monsoon Season is likely to be 97% of its LPA over North-West India, 95% of its LPA over North-East India, 95% of its LPA over Central India and 94% of its LPA over South Peninsula, all with a model error of ± 8 %.>> More


CMA starts up Level Four emergency response for the No. 4 tropical storm
Posted 21 June 2011

At 11:00 a.m. today, China Meteorological Administration (CMA) starts up Level Four emergency response to cope with upcoming No. 4 tropical storm in northwest Pacific Ocean this year.   Path probability forecast of the No. 4 tropical storm in the next 48 hours from 10:00 a.m. on June 21. (Beijing Time). At 10:00 a.m. today, the tropical storm is located at the sea surface of 460 km southeast Taishan city of Guangdong province (19.7N, 116.6E) with maximum wind force up to scale 8 (18m/s).

It is forecasted to move northwest gradually with gaining intensity a little and approach coast areas of central and western Guangdong. It is likely to land in the areas from Taishan to Xuwen in Guangdong province from night of June 22 to morning June 23 with force scale 8. Affected by the storm, from June 21 to 24, there will be heavy rain or rainstorm affecting central and southern Guangdong, central and southern Guangxi, Hainan, Taiwan, and southern Yunnan, of which parts of southwestern Guangdong, southern Guangxi, northern Hainan, and southern Taiwan will be hit by severe rainstorm.>> More

Update on volcanic ash disruptions to flights in south-east Australia
Posted 21 June 2011

A tendril of ash from the Southern Ocean has moved rapidly to south-east Australia, driven by an intense low and strong southerly winds. The ash is forecast to clear throughout today and into tomorrow (Wednesday) - with the bulk forecast to clear tomorrow evening.

Director of the Bureau of Meteorology's Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre in Darwin, Dr Andrew Tupper, said the ash cloud has travelled over 4000 km in the past 24 hours at a speed of 170-190 km/h.

"The ash is still clearly visible on satellite imagery, and has been observed by a number of pilots flying at lower altitudes.

"The volcanic ash cloud is now more than two weeks old, and generally between 8 and 13 km (26 000 to 42 000 ft) in altitude, with the leading edge at an altitude of approximately 10 km (32 000 ft)," said Dr Tupper.>> More

Météo-France: Bilan de la situation au 16 juin 2011
Posted 21 June 2011

Le pays connaît actuellement une sécheresse exceptionnelle sur une grande partie du territoire. Cette situation est la conséquence de deux composantes bien distinctes :
- un déficit pluviométrique durant la période de recharge des nappes souterraines avec des
conséquences sur leur remplissage.
- un déficit pluviométrique exceptionnel durant le printemps, accompagné de températures très nettement supérieures aux normales. Ces conditions ont eu pour conséquence un
assèchement très précoce des sols superficiels.

Le temps pluvio-orageux de la première quinzaine de juin a toutefois permis d’améliorer quelque peu la situation des sols superficiels d’une large partie du territoire. Au 15 juin, les sols restent malgré tout dans un état de sécheresse sévère.>> More

EUMETSAT celebrates 25th anniversary
Posted 20 June 2011

The European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites, EUMETSAT, celebrates its 25th anniversary on 19 June.

EUMETSAT has been monitoring weather and climate from space since 19 June 1986 and will do so for decades to come with the new Meteosat Third Generation geostationary and the planned EUMETSAT Polar System Second Generation (EPS-SG) polar-orbiting satellites.

See for a special anniversary feature, including an interactive timeline and interviews with past and present Directors-General.


Royal Meteorological Society Student Conference 2011
Posted 20 June 2011

The Royal Meteorological Society Student Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Science will take place from 30 June to 2 July 2011 at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. This conference will provide an enjoyable opportunity to exchange ideas with other PhD students and young scientists working in meteorology.

The RMS wishes to thank the sponsors, Page Bros and the World Meteorological Organization.

The Welcome Pack, including a full programme and abstracts is available at:

UK Met Office: First OPAL climate survey results are in
Posted 20 June 2011

A special climate survey which we launched at the start of spring has received tens of thousands of results.

The Open Air Laboratories (OPAL) climate survey, launched in March, was completed by more than 16,000 people. The survey looks at ways in which we affect the climate and how the climate may affect us.

Since the start of the survey the country has experienced a record-breaking dry spring which was also the joint warmest on record, with weather varying from March frosts to April heat.

One area of the survey investigates perceptions of warmth, cold and clothing by participants. Almost 1,800 results have been recorded so far, providing valuable information on how our own response to weather changes throughout a season.>> More


CMA: Rainfall has weakened in middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River
Posted 20 June 2011

From June 19, the rainfall has weakened considerably in middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River and the weather is going to be mostly cloudy or overcast in the next three days.

The Central Meteorological Office forecasts that in the coming week the major rainfall region will locate at Yellow-Huaihe River Basin, Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin, South China, and eastern Southwest China bringing rainfall 30 to 70 mm. Yangtze-Huaihe River basin, and South China is likely to receive rainfall up to 90 to 120 mm and coastal areas in South China over 150 mm.

Chief forecaster Zong Zhiping introduces that parts of middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River will be affected by process rainfall with mild precipitation.

Since June first, middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River has seen four times of heavy rainfall. The rain process with severest rainfall and largest coverage happens from June 13 to 15, which has caused floods in Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Guangxi, and Hunan. >> More


JMA: Enhancement of Rainfall Observation in the Affected Areas in Tohoku Region
Posted 20 June 2011

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) announced its enhancement of rainfall observations in the affected areas by “The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake”. JMA installed nine ad-hoc rain-gauges equipped with a solar panel and a transmitter at the below sites and started their operations on June 14, 2011. The affected areas, experiencing loosed soils, land subsidence, and physically damaged embankments and drainage facilities due to the quake and tsunami, have become more vulnerable to sediment and flood disasters. The enhanced rainfall observation will enable provisions of more detailed meteorological information to the affected areas in a timely manner.>> More


Sudan Meteorological Authority: Sudan Seasonal Monitor
Posted 20 June 2011


Early and advanced movement of IFT northward, implied significant rainfall over the north part of Sudan with high rainfall amounts registered in the Southern and western part of Sudan during late May.

Good late May rainfall will support the agricultural situations in the southern Sudan and provide favorable situation for early growing in the southern Kordofan and Southern Darfur. Favorable conditions of growing seasons and replanting are maintained by late May good rainfall , especially in the southern and western parts of Sudan. Vegetation has significantly developed to average levels in the areas of Warab, Jonglei, Bahr Eljabal, Unity, Western Bahr Elghazal, Western Equatoria and Eastern Equatoria after the March and April dryness.

Forecasts for July-August-September rainfall from different sources (IRI and ECMWF) have become more consistent. Considering forecasts from SMA and from other institutions, expectations for this key period of the rainy season are of on average to above average rainfall.>> More


World Cup organisation committee co-operates with DWD
Posted 17 June 2011

Stadium weather forecasts for Women's Football World Cup

Just a couple of days before the start of the FIFA Women's Football World Cup Germany 2011TM – As always with outdoor events, the weather can have a major impact on the upcoming tournament.

This is why, as agreed by contract, the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) provides the FIFA and DFB organisation committee from now on with special forecasts and warnings about any adverse weather development that might affect the nine World Cup stadiums in Germany. Football fans and spectators can find the latest stadium weather forecasts on the Internet at

As Germany's national meteorological service, the Deutscher Wetterdienst informs here about the current weather and severe weather situation at all World Cup sites, providing full text reports, graphics as well as the latest satellite and weather radar images. The stadium weather site furthermore includes forecasts for the next two days and climate figures for the venues of the tournament.>> More information


NOAA: Major flooding on the Mississippi river predicted to cause largest Gulf of Mexico dead zone ever recorded
Posted 15 June 2011

The Gulf of Mexico’s hypoxic zone is predicted to be the largest ever recorded due to extreme flooding of the Mississippi River this spring, according to an annual forecast by a team of NOAA-supported scientists from the Louisiana Universities MarineLong-term measured size of Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone with 2011 forecast. Consortium, Louisiana State University and the University of Michigan. The forecast is based on Mississippi River nutrient inputs compiled annually by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

 Scientists are predicting the area could measure between 8,500 and 9,421 square miles, or an area roughly the size of New Hampshire.  If it does reach those levels it will be the largest since mapping of the Gulf “dead zone” began in 1985. The largest hypoxic zone measured to date occurred in 2002 and encompassed more than 8,400 square miles. 


Vietnam National Hydro-Meteorological Service: Climate change poses real threat
Posted 15 June 2011

Temperature in Việt Nam is forecast to increase by around 2.30C on average a year by the end of the 21st century, according to recent climate change scenarios.

The scenarios also say that the total rainfall in the dry season is expected to dip while sea level will rise from 75cm-1m compared to the average level of the 1980-1999 period.

If sea level rises by 1m, 40% of the Mekong River Delta’s area and 11% of the Red River Delta will be submerged.

Accordingly, 11-12% of Việt Nam’s population will be consequently affected directly and 10% of the country’s GDP will be lost, according to a draft Strategy for climate change adaptation which is now under construction by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE).>> More


Servicio Meteorológico Naciona (Mexico): Pronostico Estacional de precipitacion para Junio-Julio-Agosto. Producto Experimental
Posted 15 June 2011

La metodología empleada para elaborar el presente pronóstico, se basa en la correlación de predictores como las anomalías de la temperatura superficial del océano y la precipitación regionalizada para México durante el mes a pronosticar. Se realiza con ayuda del Software “Climate Predictability Tool (CPT)”.

EN EL PRONÓSTICO PROBABILÍSTICO se agrupa la precipitación en 3 categorías, lluvia normal, por arriba de lo normal y lluvia por debajo de lo normal, y se pronostica la probabilidad de que la precipitación para determinado mes se encuentre dentro de alguna categoría.

EL PRONÓSTICO DETERMINÍSTICO consiste en calcular la anomalía (diferencia entre el valor pronosticado y el valor climatológico o promedio de la lluvia) esperada para el mes a pronosticar, así, anomalías positivas indican lluvia por arriba del valor promedio o “normal” y anomalías negativas lluvia por debajo del promedio o normal. Se expresa en términos de anomalía porcentual, así, 100 % indica pronóstico de lluvia igual al promedio histórico, 50 % indica la mitad de lo que normalmente llueve, 150 % representa lo que precipita normalmente y 50 % adicional.>> More


UK Met Office: Scientists meet to improve cloud modelling
Posted 15 June 2011

8 June 2011 - Over 100 world leading scientists have gathered at the Met Office in Exeter to review the latest research in cloud physics, important in the development of both better weather forecasts and improved climate

The underlying theme of this international meeting is to increase understanding of the physical processes associated with clouds and cloud feedbacks in the present climate and in response to climate change.

Much discussion will focus on the increasing use of satellite data to evaluate and improve the representation of clouds in weather and climate models. This is an area in which significant progress has been made in recent years.>> More


Météo-France: Bilan de la sécheresse au 1er juin 2011
Posted 8 June 2011

La plupart des régions françaises connaissent à ce jour des conditions de sècheresse
hydrométéorologique exceptionnelles pour la saison. Cette sécheresse précoce est due à un
printemps 2011 particulièrement chaud et sec.

La quantité d’eau recueillie sur la France représente moins de la moitié du cumul moyen de
référence 1971-2000. Ce printemps est le plus sec des cinquante dernières années, devançant les printemps 1976 (54 %) et 1997 (60 %). Quelques nuances régionales apparaissent toutefois : les déficits ont été généralement plus marqués sur le nord et l’ouest du pays tandis que le Languedoc et l’est de la Corse ont connu des précipitations excédentaires.

Avec une température moyennée sur la France supérieure de 2,5 °C à la moyenne de référence établie sur la période 1971-2000, ce printemps 2011 se positionne au premier rang des printemps les plus chauds depuis le début du XXème siècle, devant ceux de 2007 (+2,1 °C) et 2003 (+1,8 °C).>> More


NOAA: Wallow Fire in Arizona Now Second Largest in State's History
Posted 8 June 2011 NASA MODIS

The Wallow Fire, in eastern Arizona, has burned 389,000 acres in parts of the Apache National Forest and is now the second largest wildfire in the history of the state. More than 5,000 people total have been evacuated. The fire is 0% contained. The fire has produced dense plumes of smoke visible from space and thick enough to reduce visibility to less than a mile in some places. The fire has also begun to threaten neighboring New Mexico and spillover smoke and disrupted flights and prompted an air quality alert on the other side of the border


IDEAM: Inició oficialmente temporada de huracanes en el Océano Atlántico, mar Caribe y Golfo de México
Posted 7 June 2011

Como es tradicional para esta época del año, desde el 1 de junio se inicia oficialmente la Temporada de Huracanes en el Océano Atlántico, mar Caribe y golfo de México, por lo cual el IDEAM sugiere a todos los Comités Departamentales y Locales de Atención y Prevención de Desastres, estar atentos, especialmente en las regiones del Archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia, La Guajira, Magdalena, Atlántico, Bolívar, Sucre y Córdoba y, en el territorio marítimo colombiano en el mar Caribe, que históricamente han sentido los efectos directos de los ciclones tropicales; de manera indirecta, el norte y centro del territorio nacional han sido afectados por lluvias fuertes asociadas a las bandas nubosas que acompañan a los ciclones, produciendo crecientes súbitas, avalanchas e inundaciones. Estos efectos indirectos se han producido cuando los ciclones tropicales se han desplazado muy cerca de la Costa Caribe colombiana.>> More    


Servicio Meteorológico Naciona (Mexico): Altas temperaturas, propicio para la formación de tornados
Posted 7 June 2011

El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN) dependiente de la Comisión Nacional del
Agua (Conagua), informó que derivado de la inestabilidad atmosférica ocasionada por la
intensa onda de calor, asociado con una zona seca de vientos de los Oeste que
interaccionan con aire húmedo proveniente del Golfo de México, han generado la
formación de torbellinos que dependiendo de su tamaño e intensidad algunos han sido clasificados como tornados, con vientos superiores de 100 km/h y desplazamiento rápido >> More


NOAA's National Hurricane Center has joined the conversation on Twitter, effective with the start of the Atlantic hurricane season on June 1
Posted 7 June 2011

The NHC presence on Twitter is a prototype to help decision-makers and the public receive notifications of the very latest on hazardous tropical weather systems. The addition of NHC's voice via Twitter services to the social stream will enhance the ability of NHC and its partners to achieve their missions by building situational awareness, and allow for a broader reach of information to the public that it serves.

A tweet will be sent whenever NHC issues:

  • A public advisory regarding a tropical cyclone (TCP)
  • A tropical cyclone update (TCU)
  • A position estimate (TCE)
  • A tropical weather outlook (TWO)



Météo-France: L'enneigement en montagne durant l'hiver 2010-2011
Posted 8 June 2011

Copyright Météo-FrancePrometteur en début de saison,  l’enneigement de la saison 2010-2011 a été plus souvent décevant, surtout pour les Alpes du Nord, les Pyrénées et les massifs de moyenne montagne. Sur tous les massifs, le début d’enneigement est précoce. Fin novembre les valeurs d’enneigement sont partout conformes ou supérieures aux normales. La situation devient ensuite différente jusqu’en mars selon les massifs.

Sur les Alpes du Nord, la sécheresse (35 à 50% de déficit de précipitation de décembre à fin avril) maintient tout l’hiver des conditions d’enneigement nettement inférieures aux normales. Dans les Pyrénées, la sécheresse a été un peu moins marquée mais les épisodes perturbés, trop souvent accompagnés de douceur et de pluie à haute altitude, entraînent un enneigement très déficitaire en dessous de 2000 m.


Bureau of Meteorology of Australia: Heavy La Niña rainfall leaves autumn chill
Posted 7 June 2011

Autumn 2011 will go down in the record books as Australia's coolest autumn since at least 19501, figures released from the Bureau of Meteorology's National Climate Centre show today.

Nation-wide, autumn 2011 beats the previous record low set in 1960 (-0.95°C), with temperatures -1.15°C below the 1961-1990 average. The abnormally cool temperatures are largely the result of the strong 2010/11 La Niña event which brought heavy rainfall and cool daytime temperatures to Australia, before decaying in late autumn. Of the five coolest autumns nation-wide since 1950, four have occurred during or following La Niña events.

The record cold autumn ends a quite remarkable sequence of extremes for Australia as a result of the strong La Niña. >> More


India Meteorological Department: Onset and advance of monsoon
Posted 7 June 2011

Southwest monsoon normally sets in over Kerala around I June. This year, monsoon has set in over most parts of South Arabian Sea, Kerala, some parts of Tamilnadu, south Bay of Bengal and South Andaman Sea on 29 May 2011. Setting in of monsoon was delayed by about 10 days over Andaman Sea; however, it was early by 3 days over Kerala.
Due to strengthening of cross-equatorial flow over Arabian Sea and formation of an off-shore trough, monsoon further advanced rapidly and has covered entire Kerala, Tamilnadu and Goa, many parts of Karnataka and some parts of south Andhra Pradesh till today. Heavy to very heavy rainfall is occurring along the west coast for the last two days.>> More


CMA closely monitors weather and provides service for the long-awaited rainfall in Yangtze River valley
Posted 7 June 2011

From tomorrow on, the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River valley will welcome moderate to heavy rain with isolated torrential rain. The long-awaited rainfall is expected to add water storage of reservoirs and alleviate drought for the dry areas. CMA has entered special working state since May 31 carrying out morning national weather consultation and drought-relief consultation. All levels of meteorological departments have strengthened rolling monitor and coordination with related sectors.

From June 3 to 7, Southwest China, Yangtze-Huaihe River valley, South of the Yangtze River, and South China will see moderate to heavy rain with isolated torrential rain bringing rainfall 30 to 50 mm with parts up to 60 to 90 mm and isolated 100 to 150 mm. On June 3, heavy rain will begin from Hunan and Hubei, of which northwestern Hunan will be hit by rainstorm. On June 4 and 5, rainfall will gain intensity sharply bringing moderate to heavy rain with isolated rainstorm to southern Hubei, northern Hunan, northern Jiangxi, most parts of Zhejiang, and southern Jiangsu and southern Anhui. The drought in these areas will be eased to some extent.>> More

Details on drought in China

AEMET: Mayo, el tercero más cálido de la serie histórica
Posted 8 June 2011Precipitación mayo 2011

El mes de mayo ha sido muy cálido a extremadamente cálido en toda España, con una temperatura media mensual de 2,9 ºC por encima del valor medio del mes (15,9 ºC), lo que le coloca en el tercer mes de mayo más cálido en el conjunto de España de toda la serie histórica (desde 1950), después de los de los años 1964 y 2006. Las precipitaciones fueron normales al situarse la media acumulada sobre el territorio español en torno a 60 mm., valor muy cercano al normal para este mes que es de 64 mm.>> More

Deutscher Wetterdienst: 2011 sunniest spring on record
Posted 3 June 2011

"Germany enjoyed summery weather in spring 2011: sunshine amounts were higher this spring than in any other spring since records began and only spring 2007 was warmer. On the other hand," explained Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) press officer Uwe Kirsche, initial
analysis of the data from around 2,000 weather stations shows that "rainfall was lower in the months of March, April and May than it has been at any other time since 1893."
At 10.1°C second warmest spring since 1881. >> More


Deutscher Wetterdienst: An exceptionally warm, far too dry and very sunny May
Posted 3 June 2011

The weather in Germany in May 2011 An exceptionally warm, far too dry and very sunny May
Offenbach, 30 May 2011 – After a cool, wet and dull May last year, May 2011 showed another side of the weather in Germany. The initial analysis by the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) of data from its around 2,000 weather stations shows that, despite getting off to a cold start, May 2011 was very dry with abundant sunshine and was ultimately much too warm.>> More


UK and US to undertake collaboration on space weather
Posted 1 June 2011

U K Prime Minister David Cameron and US President Barack Obama welcome the growing partnership between the Met Office and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Weather Service in working toward the delivery of space weather alerts.

The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Met Office and  NOAA in February 2011 provides for a coordinated US-UK partnership. This involves a range of UK and US agencies and organisations in the delivery of Space Weather alerts to help provide critical infrastructure protection around the globe.

The two governments have announced that they will embark together on an ambitious programme to create the world's first combined space weather model capable of forecasting terrestrial weather and also indicating where, when, and for how long space weather effects will persist in our upper atmosphere. Space weather anomalies can disrupt and degrade GPS-enabled positioning, navigation, and timing capabilities. >> More


New Zealand MetService welcomes new Chief Executive
Posted 1 June 2011

MetService’s newly-appointed chief executive Peter Lennox is no stranger to science and technology, says MetService chairman Sarah Astor.

“Peter has many years’ experience working in and with the global biotechnology sector, and brings a well-balanced blend of commercial and scientific disciplines to the role,” she says.

Peter joins MetService from New Zealand Trade and Enterprise’s executive team where, as Group General Manager Operations and previously Group General Manager ICT & Biotechnology across a number of regions, he worked closely with New Zealand’s private sector to create wealth globally.

Peter Lennox says, “As not only a highly-respected scientific institution, but also a global leader in commercial meteorological science and weather communication technologies, MetService is already delivering significant commercial benefits back to its owners – the New Zealand public.”>> More


AEMET amplía y detalla observaciones y predicciones en su web
Posted 31 May 2011

AEMET amplía y detalla desde hoy, 30 de mayo, los datos de observaciones y las predicciones en su página web y en su servidor ftp de acuerdo con el compromiso adquirido en su nueva política de datos. Se incrementa así de forma significativa el conjunto que puso disponible el pasado 30 de noviembre.>> More


Nigeria Climate Review Bulletin 2010
Posted 31 May 2011

Nigeria is part of the global community and therefore not immune to the impacts of climate
change. Just like the MDGs, our Vision 20: 2020 may also be at risk if Climate Change adaptation and mitigation strategies are not put in place. Therefore, there is need for adequate understanding of past, present and future climate trends to enable policy makers manage our changing climate and mainstream climate information into our national and global development plans. This implies that climate risk information derived from analyses of Nigerian climate data need to be integrated into our national planning and decision-making. Such integration should encompass both the challenges that climate extremes pose and the opportunities climate change presents, especially those associated with the green economy, as a pathway for sustainable development. It is in the light of this concept that NIMET publishes the Nigeria Climate Review Bulletin annually to assess the climate of the previous year and also to bridge the gap between climate and socio-economic development. The publication compliments the Seasonal Rainfall Prediction which NIMET also presents to the public at the beginning of each year.

The review of the climate over Nigeria in 2010 has shown that warmer than normal conditions prevailed over greater parts of the country especially in the north and central states. Rainfall amounts in the year over the country were generally higher than long term mean values except in places in and around Kwara State, leading to floods and opening of dams.>> More


Météo-France: Bilan du printemps 2011
Posted 31 May 2011

Avec une température moyennée sur la France supérieure d’environ 2,6 °C à la moyenne de référence établie sur la période 1971-2000, ce printemps 2011 se positionne au premier rang des printemps les plus chauds depuis le début du XXème siècle, devant ceux de 2007 (+2,1 °C) et 2003 (+1,8 °C). Ces écarts ont été encore plus marqués pour les températures maximales de l’après-midi (+3,8 °C) que pour les températures minimales de fin de nuit (+1,4 °C).
Le printemps 2011 a également été exceptionnel par ses faibles précipitations : la quantité d’eau recueillie sur la France représente environ 45 % du cumul moyen de référence 1971-2000. Ce printemps est le plus sec des cinquante dernières années, devançant les printemps 1976 (54 %) et 1997 (60 %). Quelques nuances régionales apparaissent toutefois : les déficits ont été généralement plus marqués sur le nord et l’ouest du pays tandis que le Languedoc et l’est de la Corse ont connu des précipitations excédentaire. >> More


CMA releases Yellow category alert of meteorological drought
Posted 31 May 2011

The Central Meteorological Office of China Meteorological Administration (CMA) continued to release Yellow category alert of meteorological drought at 6:00 p.m. on May 30: 

According to the monitor on May 30, severe meteorological drought exists in northern and eastern Hubei, northern Hunan, central and southern Anhui, northern Jiangxi, southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang, and Shanghai. These will be light rain or shower with uneven distribution and little rainfall in the drought-hit areas in the next three days. The meteorological drought will persist. (May 30)


India Meteorological Department: Monsoon onset over Kerala
Posted 29 May 2011

Southwest monsoon has set in over Kerala today, the 29th May 2011, 3 days in advance to the normal onset on 1st June. Southwest Monsoon has also advanced into most parts of south Arabian Sea and some parts of Tamil Nadu, south Bay of Bengal, south Andaman Sea.

The northern limit of monsoon passes through 11° N / 60° E, 11° N / 70°E, Aminidivi, Kozhikode, Kodaikanal, 8°N / 80°E, 8° N / 90°E , Nancowry and 9° N / 99° E. Widespread rainfall has occured over Kerala and Lakshadweep, scattered over south Tamil Nadu & Nicobar Islands during past 24 hours. The chief amounts of rainfall (1 cm & above) recorded at 0830 hours IST of today are: Kottayam 10, Cochi, Kozhikode, 7 each, Karipur 6, Cochi(AP) 4, Aminidivi, Minicoy and Kavarati 3 each and Mangalore 1.

Onset of southwest monsoon over Kerala took place in association with an upper air cyclonic
circulation over southeast Arabian Sea off Kerala coast. Conditions are favourable for further advance of southwest monsoon over some more parts of Arabian Sea, remaining parts of Kerala, some more parts of Tamilnadu, south Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea and some parts of Karnataka during next 2 – 3 days.

Kenya Meteorologcal Department: Review of rainfall during the "long rains" season and the outlooks for the June-July-August season
Posted 26 May 2011

The March to May 2011 seasonal rainfall has almost ceased over most parts of the country. As per the prediction, the rainfall was highly depressed and poorly distributed, both in time and space, over most parts of the country. This was more so over the North-eastern parts of Kenya and the Coastal strip where most meteorological stations recorded less than 50 percent of their seasonal Long-Term Means (LTMs) for March to May. The rainfall was also characterised by late onset in some parts of the country. The poor rainfall performance impacted negatively on the agricultural and pastoral activities in various parts of the country. The water levels in the hydroelectric power generation dams also went down following the generally poor rainfall performance in the catchment areas.

The climate outlook for June-July-August (JJA) 2011 season indicates that the Western highlands are likely to receive near normal rainfall with a tendency to above normal while generally depressed rainfall is likely to be experienced over the Central Rift Valley and the coastal Strip. The central highlands including Nairobi area are expected to experience cool, cloudy and drizzly conditions. Rainfall emanating from western Kenya may occasionally spread to the Central districts and Nairobi. Fairly low temperatures are also expected to be experienced in Central Rift Valley and parts of the highlands west of the Rift Valley).>> More


UK Met Office: 2011 Atlantic tropical storm season forecast
Posted 26 May 2011

Our forecast for this year's North Atlantic tropical storm season confirms it will be quieter than the very active season in 2010.

Our forecast for the 2011 season is for 13 tropical storms between June and November, with a 70% chance that the number will be in the range 10 to 17, which is very close to the 1980-2010 long-term average of 12. This is in contrast to 2010 which had a total of 19 tropical storms.>> More


NOAA: 2011 tornado information
Posted 26 May 2011

NOAA satellite shows storm system moments before spawning tornado in Joplin, Mo. More deadly tornadoes in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Arkansas claimed 13 additional lives on May 24, 2011. During the severe weather outbreak, two separate tornadic supercells approached Norman, Oklahoma and the National Weather Center building where NOAA National Weather Service facilities are located.

On Sunday, May 22, 2011, a devastating tornado hit the city of Joplin, Mo., leaving an estimated 123 people dead and 750 others injured, about 1,500 people remain unaccounted for in Joplin.

The Joplin tornado is the deadliest since modern recordkeeping began in 1950 and is ranked 8th among the deadliest tornadoes in U.S. history.>> More


Summer 2011 UV Outlook
Posted 26 May 2011 a photograph of the sun

Environment Canada scientists predict that UV (ultraviolet) values across Canada will be about three to four per cent higher during the summer months, and possibly even higher for some days in the spring, as compared to pre-1980 levels, due to the reduced thickness of the ozone layer. Record ozone thinning in the Arctic this spring is expected to contribute to these higher UV values.>> More



Australian Bureau of Meteorology: La Niña reaches its end
Posted 26 May 2011

The Bureau of Meteorology's latest climate update issued today (25 May), has announced the final curtain call for the climate phenomenon known as La Niña.

Dr Andrew Watkins, Manager of the Bureau's Climate Prediction Services said La Niña has played a spectacular and at times devastating role in shaping Australia's climate since mid-last year. However rapid changes in Pacific climate patterns over the past few weeks have finally brought the event to a close.

"This most recent La Niña [2010-2011] will go down in the record books as one of the strongest in living memory. It's been nearly 40 years [1975-76] since Australians have witnessed a La Niña event of this intensity," said Dr Watkins.>> More


Chinese Meteorological Administration: FY-3B meteorological satellite put into use
Posted 26 May 2011

On May 26, State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense held a ceremony in Beijing to hand over polar-orbiting meteorological satellite FY-3B to China Meteorological Administration (CMA). For the first time, China has realized dual polar-orbiting satellites’ monitoring. The global observation frequency has enhanced from 12 hours to 6 hours.

The FY-3B meteorological satellite was launched on November 5, 2010. FY-3 is a series of the second generation polar-orbiting meteorological satellites of China which provide global, 3-dimentional, quantitative and multi-spectral remote sensing data under all weather conditions, to meet new and higher requirements in modern meteorological operations, especially in numerical weather predictions.>> More    

IDEAM informa que la region Andina entro en la etapa de transicion hacia la temporada seca de mitad de ano
Posted 26 May 2011

El IDEAM informa que la región andina entró en la etapa de transición (días lluviosos alternados con días secos) hacia la temporada seca de mitad de año, que normalmente se presenta entre mediados de junio, julio, agosto y mediados de septiembre.  Por lo anterior, se esperan mañanas mas soleadas, para los próximos días en gran parte de la región Andina, sin embargo, aún se esperan lluvias menos intensas en horas de la tarde y noche en sectores de los Santanderes, Antioquia, Boyacá, Cundinamarca y Eje Cafetero. >> More


NOAA hurricane outlook indicates an above-normal Atlantic season
Posted 24 May 2011

The Atlantic basin is expected to see an above-normal hurricane season this year, according to the seasonal outlook issued by NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center – a division of the National Weather Service.

Across the entire Atlantic Basin for the six-month season, which begins June 1, NOAA is predicting the following ranges this year:

12 to 18 named storms (winds of 39 mph or higher), of which:
6 to 10 could become hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or higher), including:
3 to 6 major hurricanes (Category 3, 4 or 5; winds of 111 mph or higher)

Read more

Un nouveau radar pour mieux observer les précipitations et gérer les risques naturels dans les zones de montagne de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Posted 23 May 2011

Météo-France et le Cemagref officialisent aujourd’hui à La Mure-Argens (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) la mise en service du premier radar déployé dans le cadre du projet RHyTMME, en présence de Jean-Yves Roux, conseiller régional de la Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, de Pierre Coron, sous-préfet de Castellane et d’Anne-Marie Levraut, chef du service des risques naturels et hydrauliques de la Direction générale de la prévention des risques du ministère du Développement durable.

Du fait de son relief montagneux et de son climat méditerranéen, la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur est particulièrement vulnérable aux inondations, crues torrentielles, mouvements de terrain, avalanches et feux de forêts. Ces phénomènes naturels sont dépendants des précipitations (pluie, grêle, neige) ou, dans le cas des feux de forêt, de leur absence.

Dossier de presse

Communiqué de presse

The Nigeria inaugurates new national weather forecasting and climate research centre
(posted 23 May)

In light of climate impact and the increase in meteorological hazards, the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) has established a National Weather Forecasting and Climate Research Centre for providing efficient climate services. The Centre, located in Abuja, will engage in coordinated operation and research activities in the areas of applied meteorology, weather forecasting, climate modelling and climate information services. It was inaugurated on 10 may 2011 by H.E. Mrs Fidelia Akuabata Njeze, Minister of Aviation, Federal Republic of Nigeria.




México: Inicia en el Océano Pacífico la temporada de lluvias y ciclones tropicales 2011
Posted 23 May

El SMN prevé la formación de 14 ciclones troplicales en el Océano Pacífico, lo que representa un número dentro del promedio histórico para la región
La Conagua cuenta con 18 Centros Regionales de Atención de Emergencias con equipo portatil especializado para suministro de agua potable, bombeo, saneamiento básico, limpieza de líneas de alcantarillado, encalamiento y colocación de costalera, entre otros
Como parte de la coordinación y el fortalecimiento de mecanismos de prevención de la ciudadanía entre Federación, Estados y Municipios ya se cuenta a nivel nacional con 24 mil 570 refugios para atender a 3 millones de personas ubicadas en zonas de riesgo.>> More

L’observation des températures de surface de l’Atlantique nord :
une aide à la planification des vendanges du Pinot noir ?

Une étude récente publiée dans la revue Climate Research montre que l'observation des variations de température à la surface de l'océan Atlantique fournirait six mois à l'avance un indicateur précieux sur la date des vendanges du Pinot noir en Bourgogne. Ces travaux ont été menés par Yves M. Tourre, climatologue diagnosticien à Météo-France, Daniel Rousseau, membre du Conseil supérieur de la météorologie, Lionel Jarlan du Centre spatial d'étude de la Biosphère (Institut de recherche pour le développement), en collaboration avec Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie et Valérie Daux. >> Communiqué de presse

Etude en Anglais

Australian Bureau of Meteorology: La Niña near its end
Posted 11 May 2011

The 2010−11 La Niña event is nearing its end, with most indicators approaching neutral values. Climate models surveyed by the Bureau of Meteorology suggest that the Pacific Ocean will continue to warm over the coming months, with neutral conditions likely to persist through the austral winter.

Steady warming of the equatorial Pacific Ocean since mid-January has resulted in near-normal ocean temperatures. Atmospheric indicators of La Niña are now responding to these changes in the ocean and an active Madden Julian Oscillation, resulting in a weakening of trade winds, changes in cloudiness and an easing of typical La Niña pressure patterns. Likewise, the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), which recorded its highest April value since 1971, has dropped from above +25 to +11 in the past fortnight. >> Press release


Weather, climate extremes punctuate very warm, wet April in U.S.
Posted 11 May 2011

Weather, climate extremes punctuate warm, very wet April in U.S. Historic flooding, a record-breaking tornado outbreak and devastating wildfire activity made April 2011 a month of historic climate extremes across much of the United States, according to scientists at NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) in Asheville, N.C.

The average U.S. temperature in April was 52.9 degrees F, which is 0.9 degrees F above the long-term (1901-2000) average. April precipitation was 0.7 inches above the long-term average, the 10th wettest April on record. This monthly analysis, based on records dating back to 1895, is part of the suite of climate services NOAA provides.>> Press release

Wea ther, climate extremes punctuate warm, very wet April in U.S crease understanding of climate change across Singapore and South East Asia|

UK Met Office signs agreement with Singapore
Posted 10 May 2011

10 May 2011 - To help Singapore build up climate science capabilities to prepare for climate change, the Met Office has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Singapore National Environment Agency (NEA).

The collaboration aims to enhance the NEA Meteorological Services Division's climate science capability to produce reliable projections of Singapore's rainfall, temperature, wind and sea level for different time-scales up to 2100.>> Press release


AEMET: El abril más cálido
Posted 10 May 2011

  El mes de abril ha resultado extraordinariamente cálido en prácticamente toda España, con una temperatura media de 3,9 ºC por encima del valor medio del mes, lo que le sitúa en el abril más cálido de toda la serie histórica. La precipitación fue normal.>> More information


CMA strengthens measures for grain production service
Posted 10 May 2011

Recently China Meteorological Administration (CMA) publicized the 2011 meteorological service action plan for national grain production. The plan aims to provide better meteorological service for grain production increase by strengthening efforts in critical season and production phase service, meteorological disaster mitigation, construction of agrometeorological service system and meteorological disaster mitigation system in rural areas (Two Systems), weather modification for grain production, and capability construction of agrometeorological disaster monitor and prediction.

It is reported that all levels of meteorological departments in 800 main grain production counties of 24 provinces would carry out meteorological service at critical season and time and ensure at least one soil moisture automatic observation station is set up in each county. In the 50 grain high production counties, meteorological departments will carry out special service and equip 2 to 3 soil moisture automatic observation stations.>> More information


Australian Bureau of Meteorology: International meeting reaches a new tsunami agreement
Posted 10 May 2011

Representatives from countries around the Indian Ocean reached an agreement today (6 May) on a new service for improved tsunami threat information to commence in October (2011). The decision comes on the final day of a week long gathering of international representatives for the Intergovernmental Coordination Group (ICG) for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning & Mitigation System, held at the Bureau of Meteorology's Melbourne head office.

Mr Rick Bailey, incoming Chair of the ICG, said the new service will provide much more detailed tsunami threat information for Indian Ocean countries than the current Interim Advisory Service. "The Regional Tsunami Service Providers will help Indian Ocean countries better prepare their national tsunami warnings, providing more accurate information to save lives and reduce the frequency of false alarms.>> Press release

ted on 5 May 2011

MétéoSuisse: 16e congrès de l'Organisation météorologique mondiale
Posted 5 May

Le 16e congrès de l'Organisation Météorologique Mondiale (OMM) se tiendra à Genève du 16 mai au 3 juin 2011. Il sera principalement consacré aux nouveaux services liés aux changement climatiques et à la gestion d'événements extraordinaires comme l'éruption du volcan islandais qui a perturbé le trafic aérien l'année dernière. Le Conseil fédéral a défini les directives pour la délégation suisse.
Le Conseil fédéral habilite la délégation suisse à approuver une hausse de 4.5% des contributions obligatoires versées à l'OMM pour les années 2012 à 2015. La Suisse soutiendra par ailleurs l'instauration d'un système international de services climatologiques ("Global Framework for climate services" GFCS) et se portera candidate au siège de secrétariat du GFCS.>> Press release


NOAA: Historic Flooding Along Lower Mississippi
Posted 4 May 2011

Historic flooding is occurring or expected View of forecast river conditionsalong the lower Mississippi River, with precipitation estimates of 10-20+ inches from the lower Ohio Valley southwestward through the mid to lower Mississippi Valley and portions of the Oklahoma and Arkansas. The flooding is expected to have major impacts to economy, including both agriculture and navigation.>> Details



CMA: Interview with 3 experts from WMO
Posted 4 May 2011

Subordinated to China Meteorological Administration (CMA), CMA Training Center (CMATC) is a national higher continuing education and on-the-job training institution for the meteorological departments. It is also designated as the Beijing Component of WMO Regional Training Center (WMO RTC Beijing) in China. Over the past decade, CMATC focuses on the needs for developing Chinese meteorological service, and for building up qualified human resources.

On April 28, 3 experts sent by WMO——Ms Vilma Castro (the team leader), Mr. Yinka Adebayo and Ms Zhang Qinghong went to the WMO RTC External Assessment for WMO RTC Beijing. In the morning of April 30, these experts accepted the interview of Kong Yan, journalist of China Meteorological News Press>> Full story


UK Met Office: Warmest April on record
Posted 4 May 2011

Provisional Met Office climate figures for April 2011 indicate that the month is the warmest on record with many parts of the UK seeing temperatures 3 to 5 °C warmer than normal. The month is also the 11th driest April in the UK. These records go back more than 100 years, to 1910.

The UK average temperature was 10.7 °C exceeding the previous warmest April on record of 10.2 °C in 2007.>>Full Text


Météo-France: Avril 2011, deuxième mois d'avril le plus chaud depuis 1900
Posted 4 May 2011Cliquez pour agrandir - Copyright Météo-France

La France métropolitaine a connu cette année un mois d’avril exceptionnellement chaud, sec et ensoleillé. Ces conditions remarquables résultent de l’influence persistante de conditions anticycloniques sur la métropole.

Avec une température moyenne supérieure de 4,0°C à la moyenne de référence (calculée sur la période 1971-2000), avril 2011 se positionne au deuxième rang des mois d’avril les plus chauds depuis 1900, derrière avril 2007 (+4,3°C) et loin devant avril 1945 (+2.8°C), 1961 et 1949 (+2,6°C). Ces écarts sont plus marqués pour les températures maximales de l’après-midi (+5,5°C) que pour les températures minimales de fin de nuit (+2,5°C). A l’exception de quelques jours plus proches de la normale autour du 15 avril, les températures quotidiennes se sont maintenues autour de valeurs bien supérieures tout au long du mois. Entre le 6 et le 11, elles ont même atteint des valeurs sans égal depuis 1947 pour une première quinzaine d’avril. Plusieurs records mensuels de température maximale quotidienne ont été battus dans la moitié sud de la France ainsi que dans les Alpes et localement en Bretagne.

NOAA: April 2011 tornado information
Posted 2 May 2011

NOAA's preliminary estimate is that there were 312 tornadoes during the entire outbreak from 8:00 a.m. EDT April 26 to 8:00 a.m. April 28, 2011.

  • During the 24-hour period from 8:00 a.m. EDT April 27 to 8:00 a.m. EDT April 28, The National Weather Service (NWS) estimates there were a total of 226 tornadoes.
  • The NWS Storm Prediction Center issued severe weather outlooks five days in advance and tornado watches hours in advance.
  • NWS Weather Forecast Offices issued life-saving tornado warnings, with an average lead-time of 24 minutes. NWS issued warnings for more than 90 percent of these tornadoes. More


AEMET recibe el certificado ISO 9001:2008 a los servicios que presta a la navegación aérea
Posted 2 May 2011

29/04/2011  La Agencia Estatal de Meteorología ha recibido la certificación ISO 9001:2008 a los servicios meteorológicos que presta a la navegación aérea. El presidente de AEMET, Ricardo García Herrera, recibió este certificado por parte del director general de AENOR, Ramón Naz Pajares, en un acto presidido el 29 de abril por la secretaria de Estado de Cambio Climático, Teresa Ribera.

El certificado del Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad de la Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación (AENOR) está basado en la norma internacional ISO 9001, la herramienta de gestión de la calidad más extendida en el mundo con más de un millón de certificados en 178 países. Su certificación indica que se mejora los procesos y se logra una mayor implicación de los profesionales de cara a ofrecer un servicio de calidad al exterior.>> Press release


India Meteorological Department: Long Range Forecast for 2011 South-west Monsoon Season Rainfall
Posted 19 April 2011

India Meteorological Department (IMD) follows a two-stage forecasting strategy for long range forecasting of the south-west monsoon season rainfall over the country as a whole. The Long Period Average (LPA) of the south-west monsoon season rainfall over the country as a whole for the period 1951-2000 is 89cm. The first long range forecast for the south-west monsoon season (June-September) rainfall is issued in April and the forecast update is issued in June.

IMD’s long range forecast for the 2011 south-west monsoon season (June to September) is that the rainfall for the country as a whole is most likely to be Normal (96-104% of Long Period Average (LPA)). There is very low probability for season rainfall to be deficient (below 90% of LPA) or excess (above 110% of LPA).

Quantitatively, monsoon season rainfall is likely to be 98% of the LPA with a model error of ± 5%. The LPA of the season rainfall over the country as a whole for the period 1951-2000 is 89 cm.>> Press release

Hong Kong Observatory launches Aviation-Weather Disaster Risk Reduction website for WMO's Aeronautical Meteorology Programme
Posted 18 April 2011

Figure 1: World Meteorological Organization 'Aviation-weather Disaster Risk Reduction' (ADRR) website hosted and operated by the Hong Kong Observatory The Hong Kong Observatory launched the “Aviation-weather Disaster Risk Reduction” (ADRR) website to WMO members and aviation users on 18 April 2011.  The website is specially tailored to serve the aviation community.  It is developed under the lead of the Hong Kong Observatory as a regional Pilot Project on Aviation-weather Disaster Risk Reduction in RAII (Asia) and RAV (South-west Pacific) established by the Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology (CAeM) of WMO.  The objective is to help the aviation community in the planning of airport operations, reduction of risk and disruption due to weather, thereby enhancing aviation safety. >> Press release


MétéoSuisse: La sécheresse de 1976 en Suisse et le point sur la situation actuelle
Posted 18 April 2011

La situation devenant préoccupante du point de vue de la sécheresse actuelle, MétéoSuisse a fait une étude comparative avec la dernière grande sécheresse du XXème siècle, celle de 1976.

Si l'on considère que la période de janvier à juin 1976 fut la plus sèche jamais enregistrée depuis 1870, il est très préoccupant de constater que les quatres premiers mois de 2011 sont encore plus secs que les mois correspondants de 1976, et même très nettement pour les stations de Genève, Sion, Château-d'Oex, Zurich et Davos ; et ceci avec un historique des 12 mois précécents également plus déficitaire.

En conclusion

L'année 2011 semble bien partie pour figurer en bonne place parmi les sécheresse qui ont frappé la fin du 19ème et le 20ème siècle. >> Full text


Météo-France: Chaleur et déficit d'enneigement records dans les Alpes et les Pyrénées
Posted 18 April 2011

La période exceptionnellement chaude qu’a connue l’ensemble de la France durant les dix premiers jours d’avril a eu des conséquences remarquables dans les Alpes et les Pyrénées : de nombreux records de température ont été battus, tandis que le déficit d’enneigement s’est accentué, atteignant lui aussi des valeurs record.

La chaleur inhabituelle installée dès le 1er avril s’intensifie entre le 6 et le 10. La masse d’air recouvrant les Alpes présente alors les caractéristiques de celles d’un mois de juillet : l’isotherme 0°C (altitude au-delà de laquelle la température devient négative) se maintient durant ces cinq jours entre 3400 m et 3900 m, culminant par endroits vers 4100 m le 8.>> Full Text

NOAA: Earth had 13th warmest March on record
Posted 18 April 2011

The Earth experienced the 13th warmest March since record keeping began in 1880, as the climate phenomenon La Niña continued to be a significant factor. The annual Global surface temperature Anomalies - March 2011.maximum Arctic sea ice extent was reached on March 7 and tied with 2006 as the smallest annual maximum extent since record keeping began in 1979.

The monthly analysis from NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center is part of the suite of climate services NOAA provides government, business and community leaders so they can make informed decisions.

Global surface temperature Anomalies - March 2011.
High Resolution (Credit: NOAA)


MétéoSuisse: Début avril 2011 : Chaleur record et sécheresse
Posted 11 April 2011

Première décade d'avril : records de température

Des températures maximales record pour une première décade d'avril  ont été enregistrées sur plusieurs stations de plaine du réseau de MétéoSuisse. Les premiers records avec des températures estivales, ont été enregistrée entre le 02 et le 03 avril avec 26.0°C à Sion et 25.9°C à Coire.

Les  journées du 06, 07 et 08 avril 2011 ont aussi été marquées par de nombreux records pour une première décade.>> Full text


Accession agreement between Slovenia and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts signed
Posted 11 April

On 8 April 2011, Mr Roko Žarnić, Slovenian Minister for Environment and Spatial Planning, and Mr Dominique Marbouty, Director-General of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), signed the “Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and ECMWF on the accession of the Republic of Slovenia to the ECMWF Convention and related terms and conditions” in Ljubljana. Mr Silvo Žlebir, Director General of Slovenian Environment Agency, and Mr Klemen Bergant, Director of Slovenian Meteorological Office and Permanent Representative of Slovenia with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), also attended the ceremony. On the basis of the signed accession agreement, Slovenia will become ECMWF’s twentieth Member State.>> Full text


NOAA: Drought Continues to Intensify Across Large Portion of Country
Posted 11 April 2011

Drought Continues to Intensify Across Large Portion of Country.

  United States Seasonal Drought Outlook

Drought continues to be a serious problem across a large portion of the country. The April through June 2011 U.S. Seasonal Drought Outlook indicates that drought is expected to intensify or persist across the Southwest, Southern Plains and other areas. The latest U.S. Drought Monitor shows that nearly 1/3 of the contiguous U.S. is currently experiencing drought conditions, with exceptional drought (D4) conditions indicated for the contiguous U.S. for the first time since November 2009.>> Full text



AEMET: Marzo arroja un 50% más de precipitación
Posted 8 April 2011

Marzo arroja un 50% más de precipitación

  Precipitación marzo 2011

El mes de marzo ha resultado muy húmedo en general, con una precipitación media acumulada en torno a 68 mm, un 50% por encima del valor normal de 46 mm. La temperatura media del mes se sitúa dentro de los valores normales.>> Full text





Météo-France présent à la 3ème édition de Safer Seas
Posted 8 April 2011

Météo-France* sera présent à la 3ème édition de Safer Seas qui se tiendra à Brest du 10 au 13 mai. Cette manifestation internationale, dédiée aux problématiques de la sécurité et sûreté maritimes, réunit des opérateurs et professionnels de la mer de toutes disciplines et compétences. L’édition 2011 est dédiée au changement climatique et à ses défis pour la navigation en mer  avec trois volets essentiels :
- Politiques, réglementations, innovations technologiques et moyens opérationnels : les avancées en matière de sécurité maritime depuis Safer Seas 2007 ;
- Politiques de sécurité maritime de demain face aux enjeux et évolutions climatiques ;
- Contexte géostratégique et sûreté maritime : les dossiers sensibles.>> Full text


Hong Kong Observatory: My Little Observatory website launched
Posted 8 April 2011


  My Little Observatory website

The Hong Kong Observatory launched the new My Little Observatory website today (April 4). My Little Observatory website provides many weather related knowledge and information as well as some interactive games. Children and other interested parties are welcome to visit the site at>> Full text



México y Haití fortalecen relaciones en materia de meteorología y climatología
Posted on 6 April 2011

Especialistas mexicanos imparten un diplomado a meteorólogos de Haití
El intercambio de información especializada entre México y Haití reducirá los riesgos de pérdidas humanas antes fenómenos hidrometeorológicos

El intercambio de información en materia de meteorología y climatología entre México y
Haití permitirá desarrollar mejores servicios especializados, los cuales servirán para que
ambos países estén mejor preparados y se disminuyan las riesgos de pérdidas,
principalmente humanas, generadas por el impacto de los fenómenos
hidrometeorológicos, que son cada vez más extremos como consecuencia del cambio
climático, aseveró Adrián Vázquez Gálvez, Coordinador General del Servicio
Meteorológico Nacional (SMN), dependiente de la Comisión Nacional del Agua
(Conagua).>> Full text


Deutscher Wetterdienst now on Facebook and YouTube
Posted 1 April 2011

Weather and climate are much-discussed topics in the social media world

From 01 April 2011, the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) has its own page on Facebook and a channel on YouTube. Interested users of these social networking sites will find there the latest news and background information about weather and climate as well as a multitude of weather- or climate-related pictures and videos. The DWD's online profiles are available at and

"Social networking offers us a much quicker and more direct way of coming into contact with private citizens to discuss weather and climate issues. This will clearly change our public relations and communication with the public," comments Uwe Kirsche, Head of the DWD's Press and Public Relations Division, this new information channel of Germany's national meteorological service. "Through these networks, we can now publish texts, pictures and videos for direct dialogue with the people about our work and interesting issues relating to climate and weather.” >> Full text

Bureau of Meteorology of Australia: La Niña weakens as Pacific warms
Posted 30 March 2011

The tropical Pacific Ocean warmed only slightly over the last fortnight, with temperatures continuing to approach their normal values for this time of year. The recent warming in the Pacific Ocean is consistent with the life cycle of past La Niña events, which tend to decline during the southern hemisphere’s autumn. All available climate models suggest further weakening of the La Niña over the coming months, with a return to neutral conditions likely by the southern hemisphere winter.

Contrasting with the ocean, atmospheric indicators of the La Niña including trade winds, cloudiness and the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) have shown little trend and remain consistent with a well developed La Niña event. These atmospheric indicators are expected to return to neutral over the coming months in response to changes in the ocean.>> Full text

NOAA: Natural Variability Main Culprit of Deadly Russian Heat Wave That Killed Thousands
Posted 14 March 2011

The deadly Russian heat wave of 2010 was due to a natural atmospheric phenomenon often associated with weather extremes, according to a new NOAA study. And while the scientists could not attribute the intensity of this particular heat wave to climate change, they found that extreme heat waves are likely to become increasingly frequent in the region in coming decades.

The research team drew from scientific observations and computer climate models to evaluate the possible roles of natural and human-caused climate influences on the severity of the heat wave. The study was accepted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters, a publication of the American Geophysical Union.>> Full Text

Bureau of Meteorology of Australia: La Niña continues to weaken in tropical Pacific
Posted 2 March 2011

The La Niña event in the Pacific Ocean continues to weaken after reaching peak intensity in early January. Pacific Ocean temperatures along the equator, particularly those below the surface, have warmed over the past month. This warming has markedly reduced the strength and volume of the cool water that has been present during the previous nine months. Current observations in the Pacific Ocean are consistent with the breakdown phase of La Niña events.>>Full text

Inspector General’s Review of Stolen Emails Confirms No Evidence of Wrong-Doing by NOAA Climate Scientists
Posted 2 March 2011

At the request of U.S. Sen. Inhofe, the Department of Commerce Inspector General conducted an independent review of the emails stolen in November 2009 from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England, and found no evidence of impropriety or reason to doubt NOAA’s handling of its climate data. The Inspector General was asked to look into how NOAA reacted to the leak and to determine if there was evidence of improper manipulation of data, failure to adhere to appropriate peer review procedures, or failure to comply with Information Quality Act and Freedom of Information Act guidelines.“We welcome the Inspector General’s report, which is the latest independent analysis to clear climate scientists of allegations of mishandling of climate information,” said Mary Glackin, NOAA’s deputy under secretary for operations. “None of the investigations have found any evidence to question the ethics of our scientists or raise doubts about NOAA’s understanding of climate change science.”>>Full text

Meteorological departments brace for large-scale rainfall in China
Posted 25 February 2011

Affected by the cold air, in this morning, Xinjiang and Northeast China saw a sharp temperature drop by 15 to 19 degrees Celsius. At the same time most parts of central and eastern China were overcast. In the next three days snowfall will cover the areas ranging from Inner Mongolia to South of the Yangtze.

In the next three days there will be rainfall affecting most parts of central and eastern China with isolated torrential rain. The drought in northern China is likely to ease obviously.>> Full text 

Chinese Meteorological Association provides meteorological service for citizen evacuation from Libya
Posted 25 February 2011

At 14:25 on Feb. 24, the special meteorological service forecast product was sent to the General Office of the State Council, State Asset Regulatory Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Commerce and other sectors to provide service for the evacuation of Chinese citizens from Libya. According to the forecast of Central Meteorological Office, in the next three days there will be mostly cloudy in Libya, Tunisia, and Egypt. However, there will be strong wind in sea waters of Benghazi port of Libya. Preventive measures should be taken for marine gale.

Recently, the security situation in Libya has been aggravated. There are 30 thousand Chinese citizens waiting for evacuation. The central government responds quickly to this urgent need and sends chartered commercial aircrafts and ships to collect Chinese nationals at the first time. According to the Xinhua News Agency, about 4,600 Chinese had left Libya by Feb. 24 in China's largest-ever evacuation.>> Full text

Government of Canada Improves Weather and Marine Services in the Arctic
Posted 23 February 2011

The Harper Government is demonstrating its strong commitment to Canada's North by investing in meteorological and navigational warning services in the Arctic. This will provide enhanced accessibility to weather data and navigational shipping information for mariners, economic sectors and the general population of the North. Environment Minister, the Honourable Peter Kent, and Fisheries and Oceans Minister, the Honourable Gail Shea, announced the $34.8 million investment. >> Full text


NOAA: Climate Projections Show Human Health Impacts Possible Within 30 Years
Posted 23 February 2011

A panel of scientists speaking at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) unveiled new research and models demonstrating how climate change could increase exposure and risk of human illness originating from ocean, coastal and Great Lakes ecosystems, with some studies projecting impacts to be felt within 30 years.

“With 2010 the wettest year on record and third warmest for sea surface temperatures, NOAA and our partners are working to uncover how a changing climate can affect our health and our prosperity,” said Jane Lubchenco, Ph.D., under secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and NOAA administrator. “These studies and others like it will better equip officials with the necessary information and tools they need to prepare for and prevent risks associated with changing oceans and coasts.” >> Full text

UK Met Office: Emissions contributed to Autumn 2000 flood risk
Posted 23 February 2011

Greenhouse gas emissions due to human activity substantially increased the odds of damaging floods occurring in England and Wales in Autumn 2000 according to new research published in the journal Nature.ukfloodsukfloods

Although the precise magnitude is still uncertain, the researchers found a 2-in-3 chance that the odds were increased by about a factor of two or more.

The study suggests that, although these floods could have occurred in the absence of human influence on climate, greenhouse gas emissions can now be blamed for increasing the odds of floods occurring at that time. >> Full text


Bureau of Meteorology of Australia: La Niña event now passed its peak
Posted 23 February 2011

The La Niña event which has dominated the Australian climate for the past nine months is showing signs of weakening. Pacific Ocean temperatures, most notably below the surface, have warmed, while atmospheric indicators such as the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), trade winds and cloud patterns have eased from their respective peaks in early January.These observations are consistent with both the life cycle of past La Niña events and long-range climate models, which show the Pacific gradually warming during the southern autumn of 2011. All available climate models suggest further weakening of the La Niña is likely through autumn, with most indicating a return to neutral conditions by winter 2011. >> Full text


Metéo-Suisse: Couche d'ozone, nuage de cendres volcaniques et surveillance climatique - derniers résultats de la recherche
Posted on 19 January 2011

Le programme de Veille atmosphérique globale (VAG) mené sous l'égide de l'Organisation météorologique mondiale (OMM) a abouti ces dernières années à des résultats intéressants. Les mesures effectuées au-dessus de la Suisse montrent une diminution de la tendance à la baisse de la couche d'ozone. L'observation de la vapeur d'eau permet quant à elle de mieux comprendre le système climatique. Les nouveaux réseaux d'observation mesurent les modifications minimes du rayonnement sur la planète - autant d'informations utiles non seulement pour la recherche sur le climat, mais aussi pour le secteur de la santé. Les mesures d'aérosols ont par ailleurs livré des informations cruciales sur le nuage de cendres du volcan islandais Eyjafjallajökull au printemps 2010. Les activités de recherche réalisées par la Suisse dans le cadre du programme VAG sont coordonnées par l'Office fédéral de Météorologie et Climatologie MétéoSuisse. >> Full text

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: 2010 Tied For Warmest Year on Record
Posted on 13 January 2011

According to NOAA scientists, 2010 tied with 2005 as the warmest year of the global surface temperature record, beginning in 1880. This was the 34th consecutive year with global temperatures above the 20th century average. For the contiguous United States alone, the 2010 average annual temperature was above normal, resulting in the 23rd warmest year on record.

This preliminary analysis is prepared by scientists at NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C., and is part of the suite of climate services NOAA provides government, business and community leaders so they can make informed decisions.>> Full text

Annual Australian Climate Statement 2010
Posted on 5 January 2011

Data collected by the Bureau of Meteorology show that the Australian mean rainfall total for 2010 was 690 mm, well above the long-term average of 465 mm. As a result, 2010 was Australia’s wettest year since 2000 and the third-wettest year on record (records commence in 1900).

2010 began with El Niño conditions in the Pacific followed by a rapid transition into La Niña during autumn. From January to May rainfall was generally above average in most areas except the western half of Western Australia and southern Tasmania. By July, La Niña conditions were well established and most areas of Australia experienced very much above average rainfall. The second half of the year (July to December) was the wettest on record for Australia.

However, not all areas were very wet during 2010. Southwest Western Australia had its driest year on record, and Tasmania had near to average rainfall for the year; the result of a dry first six months followed by a relatively wet second six months. >> Full text


Canada's Top Ten Weather Stories for 2010
Posted on 4 January 2011

Environment Canada has selected its top Canadian Weather Stories for 2010. These stories are rated from one to ten based on factors that include the impact they had on Canada and Canadians, the extent of the area affected, economic effects and longevity as a top news story.>> Full text


ECMWF appoints new Director-General
posted on 17 December 2010

At its 74th session on 7-8 December 2010, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Council unanimously appointed Professor Alan Thorpe as the next Director-General. He will start from 1 July 2011 and he will succeed Mr Dominique Marbouty, ECMWF Director-General since 2004.

Since 2005, Professor Thorpe has been the Chief Executive of the UK's Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), which is the largest funder of environmental science research in the UK universities and institutes. NERC employs around 2700 people and operates research
aircraft, ships and facilities like supercomputing and Antarctic bases. Prior to that he had a period as Director of the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research and a long career as an academic at the University of Reading.

For more information please contact Manfred Kloeppel at


Royal Society calls for award nominations
posted on 10 December 2010


The Royal Society's medals, awards and prize lectureships provide an opportunity to celebrate and recognise outstanding scientific achievement. The Royal Society invites submissions for nominations for medals, awards and prize lectureships that will be awarded in 2011.

The Royal Society Kavli medal and lecture for excellence in all fields of science and engineering relevant to the environment or energy will be awarded for the first time in 2011. Further details.

To find out which awards are available in 2011 and to download nomination forms, please click here.

Anyone is able to nominate a candidate for a Royal Society medal, award or prize lectureship. Please note that the eligibility criteria for nominees are stated on the website for each award. Many are open to early-to-mid career scientists. To nominate a candidate, please fill in the appropriate nomination form available online. The Royal Society will then approach the proposed referees of that candidate for further information before a decision is made on the winner.

The closing date for returning completed nomination forms is Monday, 14 February 2011.

For more information, please contact: Emily Roberts at mail address
or mail awards.


Optima, un nouveau service pour les professionnels de la route - 120 000 kilomètres de routes sous surveillance météo
posted on 25 October 2010

A l’occasion du salon Interoute et Ville qui se tient à Metz du 26 au 28 octobre 1, Météo-France présente un nouveau service de météorologie routière : OPTIMA (Outil de production sur les tronçons d’informations météo routières), destiné aux exploitants2 et aux professionnels des routes (transporteurs…). >> full text

Les prévisions de Météo-France accessibles depuis la télévision
posted on 7 October 2010

Météo-France franchit une nouvelle étape dans la diversification de ses moyens de diffusion de l’information en proposant un accès "à la carte" à ses prévisions depuis la télévision. >> Full text

Meteorological information and road safety in Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
posted on 6 October 2010

More than 1.2 million people die in road accidents and between 20 and 50 million people get injured every year around the globe. In Libya 50 000 people died in road accidents during the last forty years from 1969 to 2009. This unpleasant fact was revealed recently in the Global Status Report on Road Safety released in 2008 by the World Health Organization.

Weather conditions contribute beside many other factors in causing road accidents in Libya. Therefore, meteorological information has become important factors in road transport, once most benefits of meteorological information and meteorological services in transport sector are related to improved safety, better quality of service and improved efficiency of maintenance operations.

This paper highlights the standard meteorological services offered by the Libyan National Meteorological Centre (LNMC) to media and radio stations that may help and lead to reduce losses in both people and economy. >> Full text

Eulakes: European lakes under environmental stressors
posted on 6 October 2010

About 20 representatives from 4 partner countries, respectively: Austria, Hungary, Italy (Project leader) and Poland participated in the local EULAKES project opening in Charzykowy, Poland, 23 August 2010.

The EULAKES project is a new, integrated approach to improve lake governance in Central Europe. The Programme covers 4 European lakes, namely: Balaton (Hungary), Charzykowskie (Poland), Garda (Italy) and Neusiedl (Austria). EULAKES is mainly risk and vulnerability studies and environmental monitoring to provide scientific data to local authorities and support decision making processes. The overall objective of the project is to improve lake governance in order to mitigate the impact of the climate change. >> full text

WMO mourns passing of Salvador Alaimo
posted on 29 September 2010

WMO Second Vice-President (1987-1994) Salvador Alaimo passed away in Buenos Aires (Argentina) on 19 September 2010, almost four months after undergoing pre-scheduled heart surgery from which he never fully recovered.

Commodore Salvador Alaimo was born in the city of San Juan (Argentina) on 2 January 1934. After graduating from the Argentine Air Force Academy, he was commissioned to the USA to study meteorology with the US Air Force, receiving a M.Sc. in Professional Meteorology from Saint Louis University (Missouri).

He served most of his career with the National Meteorological Service of Argentina, where he was appointed Director-General at the end of 1982.

During this period he often provided on-board meteorological support on Antarctic flights, including a 1973 transpolar flight to Antarctic Base Marambio, Australia and New Zealand which led to the establishing of a commercial transpolar regular service by the Argentine national carrier.

Commodore Alaimo was elected to the WMO Executive Council in 1983 by the IXth World Meteorological Congress. Subsequently, the Xth Congress elected him Second Vice-President in 1987 and he was re-elected as such in 1991 by the XIth Congress. Throughout this time he served in, and often chaired, a number of key WMO Executive Council working groups.

He retired from the NMS of Argentina at the end of 1993 but continued as Permanent Representative of his country and WMO Second Vice-President until mid-1994.

He was also a life-long philatelist who focused primarily on meteorological and polar issues. His specialized philatelic web page can still be accessed at:

On the Spanish version of his web page, he can be seen (on the right) launching the first ozonesonde at Base Marambio with the Finnish Ambassador to Argentina and the Permanent Representative of Finland with WMO, Erkki Jatila, in November 1988.

Those wishing to contact his family may do so through his son Rodolfo Alaimo:


Environment Canada Assists with Haiti’s Recovery
posted on 13 September 2010

Environment Canada (EC) recently joined forces with our international partners to help restore weather forecasting abilities within Haiti after the devastating earthquake in January. >>More


Nuevo sitio Web - Uruguay
posted on 2 September 2010

La Oficina de Relaciones Públicas de la Dirección Nacional de Meteorología (DNM), pone en conocimiento de todos que buscando optimizar la calidad de la comunicación y del acceso a la información que esta Dirección Nacional brinda así como también buscando adecuarnos a los tiempos que corren, a partir del día de la fecha la DNM contará con un nuevo sitio web cuya dirección será, tal y como hasta ahora.

Les transmitimos además que debido a la reciente implementación de esta nueva página web es probable que existan algunos inconvenientes durante un primer periodo de tiempo, en el cual paulatinamente se irá dando la adaptación de todos los involucrados en su uso y mantenimiento, razón por la cual les solicitamos de antemano que sepan comprendernos.

CMA Enhances Meteorological Service in Support of Disaster Prevention and Reduction
posted on 31 Augusut 2010

In 2010, weather and climate in China have been extremely anomalous. Meteorological disasters occurred in a sudden, extreme and concurrent manner, causing widespread impacts and serious damages. Since May 2010, 14 successive torrential rains have hit the South China and broad areas to the south of the Yangtze River, leading to concurrent floods and geological disasters. >> full text

"An Introduction to Meteorology"
posted on 20 Augusut 2010

The Hydro-meteorological Service of Macedonia has announced a new publication, entitled “An Introduction to Meteorology” (in English, 245 pages) by Vlado Spiridonov and Mladjen Curic. The book focuses on the atmosphere of our Planet. >> full text

NOAA: Second Warmest July and Warmest Year-to-Date Global Temperature on Recor
posted on 17 August 2010

Note from the WMO Secretariat: Awaiting the final ranking of 2010, the first half of the year fits within the warmest trend compared to historical records for the same period of the year. The  WMO Statement on the status of the global climate in 2010 is due for early December. >> full text

Cooperation between the Economic Co-operation Organization (ECO) and the Islamic Republic of Iran Meteorological Organization (IRIMO) 
posted on 16 August 2010

IRIMO and ECO mark a new treaty in service os Human Security. His Excellency Mr Bahram Sanaei the Head of IRIMO and his Excellency Mr Mohammad Yahya Maroofi, the Secretary General of ECO signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 1st June 2010. >> full text

The 200,000 visitor to the MeteoWorld received a commemorative certificate ans special gifts 
posted on 28 June 2010

In the morning of 21 June 2010, Miss Hu Xi, a Shanghai student who just finished her college entrance examination, became the 200,000th visitor to the MeteoWorld. She was presented by Mr. Feng Lei, Deputy Director-General of Shanghai Meteorological Bureau, and Ms. Liu Ouxuan, Deputy Director of the MeteoWorld pavilion, a commemorative certificate with signatures of Mr. M. Jarraud, Secretary-General of WMO, and Dr. Zheng Guoguang, Administrator of CMA, as well as special gifts offered by the MeteoWorld – an elaborate crystal model of the MeteoWorld as well as Lanlan and Duoduo, the mascots of the MeteoWorld. >> More

Patterson Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to Bruce Angle 
posted on 24 June 2010

Mr. Bruce Angle, Manager Global Issues for Environment Canada’s Meteorological Service was presented with the Patterson Distinguished Service Medal on June 2nd at the Annual Congress of Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society of Canada (CMOS). >> More


Environment Canada provides support to help Haiti’s National Meteorological Service rebuild weather forecasting capacity

posted on 21 June 2010

Environment Canada, in coordination with our international colleagues at Météo-France, has helped the Government of Haiti launch their first public meteorological website. The website carries information on weather warnings, alerts, weather bulletins and a five-day weather outlook from the National Meteorological Centre of Haiti (NMC). >> More


World Weather Information Service showcased in Shanghai World Expo
posted on 17 June 2010

The future version of the World Weather Information Service (WWIS) Website of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is showcased in the “MeteoWorld” Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo 2010 that runs from May to October 2010.

This brand-new version of WWIS is Google Earth enabled. It allows users to freely move around a virtual globe by changing the viewing angle and position, and has the additional capability of representing many different views such as geographical and man-made features on the surface of the Earth. It features a versatile "fly-over" function to any part of the world and a quick search function. This revamped version of WWIS will therefore provide users with more intuitive and flexible access to the official weather forecasts for more than 1 300 cities around the world. >> More








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