Themes world map
Themes > Capacity-building


Through its Education and Training Programme, WMO assists the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services, especially those of developing countries, in their efforts to contribute, in the most effective manner, to the development plans of their countries and to become full partners in global collaborative efforts. This includes the development of human resources through training, provision of educational material and the award of fellowships.
  training room

Training activities are coordinated by subject such as meteorology (including marine meteorology and tropical meteorology), weather forecasting, agriculture, aviation, climate and climate prediction, disaster prevention, environment, hydrology, instruments (including satellite and radar remote-sensing) and obserations, oceanography, telecommunications, and many others.

There are 23 Regional Training Centres and a network of cooperating universities and advanced training institutions which contribute to the global effort. WMO promotes and facilitates technology transfer, as well as the establishment and development of specialized centres of excellence in various regions. It has established Regional Offices at Headquarters in Geneva and field offices in various parts of the world, which enable the Organization to effectively assist countries in their quest for sustainable development.







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