The BBC Story

The BBC Story

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BBC History milestones

On the 14 November, 1922 the British Broadcasting Company went on the air for the first time. The transmission sparked huge interest and was considered the latest scientific marvel of the age. It was the first of many key milestones in UK broadcast history, which until the advent of commercial competition, were largely the preserve of the BBC. By 1932 the 'Company' had transformed itself into a public corporation, and had opened one of the most advanced broadcasting centres in the world, Broadcasting House.

History of Innovation

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History of Innovation

Research and Links

Explore the life and times of the man who created the BBC in the 1920s, moulding its very ethos and instigating a model for public service broadcasting all around the world. Also includes aspects of Reith's personal life and his career post BBC. Find out more. navigation


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