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  • March 13, 2011
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American Muslims Fear Demonization in Congress

Mark Lukens, a pastor at Bethany Congregational Church, holds a sign at the "Today, I Am A Muslim, Too" rally in New York City, March 6, 2011
Photo: Reuters

Mark Lukens, a pastor at Bethany Congregational Church, holds a sign at the "Today, I Am A Muslim, Too" rally in New York City, March 6, 2011. The rally was held in response to the upcoming Congressional hearings to be led by Rep. Peter King.

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The Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, New York Congressman Peter King, will begin Congressional hearings on March 10 into what he calls the "radicalization" of American Muslims.  King says he has an obligation to investigate what he claims is a real terrorist threat from certain elements of the Muslim community in the United States.  But critics say the hearings could demonize millions of law-abiding Americans who make up that community.   

Congressman King’s constituents gathered outside his Long Island office recently to voice their opinions on the radicalization hearings. As opponents sang a peace song, supporters countered with, "We support King! Another pro-King demonstrator shouted that the Koran encourages Muslims to kill infidels.

Among the supporters - constituent Richard Lazevnick. "We are letting all sorts of people in, whatever they believe," he said.  "If you do not believe in the American way, in our government and system of laws, then you do not belong in the United States."

There are an estimated seven million Muslims in the United States.  They include people from all walks of life, including Keith Ellison, the first Muslim member of Congress.   He is scheduled to testify at the hearings.  

Congressman King’s office did not respond to VOA, but his web site features a CNN story in which he repeats a controversial suggestion about the extent of American Muslim radicalization.

"In 2004, I said 80 percent of the mosques [in America] were controlled by extremists,"  King said.  "That was based on testimony in 2000 from Sheikh Kabbani, who was testifying in a State Department hearing.  Now, I do not know today, if it could be more than 80 percent, it could be less than 80 percent."

Services at the Masjid al-Abidin Mosque in Brooklyn, New York are piped through an outdoor speaker for all to hear.  Among those attending is the Executive Director of the Islamic Leadership Council of New York, Zaheer Uddin, who rejects the 80 percent figure as a myth.

"There could be a few mosques.  At least we do not know any of those mosques, if there are any," he said.  "If Peter King has that knowledge, he should speak out about those specific mosques."

Uddin says only five percent of U.S. domestic terrorism is committed by Muslims, adding that his organization condemns their actions.  And a recent Duke University study indicates U.S. authorities uncovered 48 out of 120 Muslim terrorist plots since 2001 thanks to tips from the Muslim community.

On Sunday, Jews and Christians joined Muslims on Times Square in New York to protest the radicalization hearings.  Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf, who is seeking to build an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan, objects to Congressman King’s exclusive focus on Muslims and Islam.

"Extremism comes from all the faith traditions," he said. "There are American extremists and radicals as there are Muslim extremists and radicals.  It is this cycle of radicalization that we have to bring an end to."

An FBI report confirms that U.S. domestic terror threats range from white supremacists and eco-terrorists to anti-government extremists and separatists. But King refuses to change the focus of his hearings. He says that they aim to show that overall Muslims are good Americans, but their leadership is not doing what it should.

Comments (25)

08-03-2011 Ryan

All faith "traditions" as Imam Rauf states may have extremist elements, but they are certainly not all violent, so his attempt to diffuse by pointing his finger at others fails. All religions are NOT created equal and some are inherently more violent than others. Untl Rauf and others like him admit this, we will continue to have problems like these and confusion as to the source.

08-03-2011 HockeyTown4Ever (USA)

Let's be factual here. "Congress" isn't demonizing these people, REPUBLICANS are demonizing Muslims. These hearing are a REPUBLICAN effort to spread fear.

08-03-2011 Ryan

All religions are NOT created equal and some are inherently more violent than others. Untl Rauf and others like him admit this, we will continue to have problems like these and confusion as to the sources.


Just as we now see the McCarthy era as bizarrely paranoid - what with the numerous (and false) outing of communist, our grandchildren will view the current Muslim scare. The golden rule is a fundamental law in every major religious faith - including Islam.

08-03-2011 Mike M

"Extremism comes from all the faith traditions"... Well said. Muslims and Christians are the worst offenders.


One day, once the whole muslim boogie-man hunt is over, it will be YOU defending your race or religion. It is then that you will be made to feel un-american, no matter how good you've been to society. Allowing this to set a precedent will pave the way, but only if you let it. Just think of the muslims who left everything behind to thrive here, just to have you act like Hitler. Really, for a minute, ponder it.

08-03-2011 penneywize (usa)

Since when is being an american a religion? Muslims can be american as can christians and jews. We are looking at homegrown terrorism. We have been fighting the kkk and militant miltia minutemen, both of which are christian based hategroups. So please step into the meltingpot and blend. If u want your way of life go home and fight for it like we did in america.


Consider that the majority of terrorist activity in the world is presently done by radical Muslims. Why would Muslims in the US, who have an invitation as key partners to participate in these hearings, object to these efforts that could identify and try to prevent this in the US ?


Islam was born by the sword and dies by the sword.

08-03-2011 David (USA)

Peter King is a begot. For instance we hear a lot that "All terrorists are Muslims" but the reality is different and the data simply does not support such a conclusion. FBI’s official website has a chronological list of all terrorist attacks committed on U.S. soil from the year 1980 to 2005. A total of 318 terrorist incidents in the US occurred in this period, Muslims committed only 14 of them and that is 5%. (Page 15; 57 to 66).


Is there any other religon that has produced a 911 attack like mooslims? I didn't think so!!!


Is there any other religon that has produced a 911 attack like mooslims? I didn't think so!!!

08-03-2011 Merlin (USA)

Most American Muslim's are decent Americans. Some are not, but we can say that about Americans of every kind. Shari'a is the curse of Islam, if it becomes regional or national. In America it is familial and mosque centered. Let's keep it that way!

08-03-2011 hamad part 1 of 4 (oman)

Do you want to know who encourage killing ? Who tends to set on fir of hatred and segregation among Americans . Americans should prepare themselves to prove their patriotism in order to satisfy the whims of Zionists . What is wrong with those people ? There is a big different between what you believe and the Law of any country .

08-03-2011 hamad part 2 of 4 (oman)

I do not think all Americans accept every law in the US , So what are you going to do . Chase every one and let him proves his loyalty . Let us suppose that is acceptable , congress should follow those people who prefer the foreign agenda to interest of Americans . Those people should prove their loyalty of the US not people who practice their principles and respect other religions . I don t think every American should smoke and drink alcohol to prove his loyalty . Where are we living ?

08-03-2011 hamad part 3 of 4 (oman)

What is the mean of democracy and freedom , if some sectarians can not practice their religion . I should ask constituent Richard Lazevnick do you think Judaism and Christianity accept the relations of gays of lesbians whereas Americans law accept their relation ? Moreover , nobody says anything when Terry Jones and his followers announced that they are ready to burn Quran as a bias trial .

08-03-2011 hamad part 4 of 4+extra (oman)

Actually , they intend to provoke Muslims into walking against them and then tell Americans look at those people who like violence . We are not going to descend to this miserable level because our ethics and religion are not allowed us to insult others and burn their holey book . I heard speech of Pope Benedict and priest Bishara Al Rai shepherd Bishop of Jbeil in Lebanon . What they said heal the wounds and spread peace whereas Terry speech implants hatred and set on fir of spite .

08-03-2011 hamad extra (oman)

I do not know how he has become priest ? Let those people expose their malicious intentions and reality frankly in front whole Americans . Era of exploitation and intimidation is over and Americans start seeing the big picture clearly .

09-03-2011 Ed Swanzey (USA)

The real answer to this problem is to eliminate ALL religions. Religions have nothing to do with God, and everything to do with social-control.

09-03-2011 Godwin (Nigeria)

Koran says kill the infidel. What other prompt do you need to kill if you are a muslim? Muslims a peaceful people? That is a laugh. American admission of anything and everything in the name of freedom is surely going to create a middle east soon around ground zero. God bless America. No other extremism is backed by law except the islamic one in Koran, so makes it hard to control. A home has been made for devil in USA!

10-03-2011 baali (ethiopia)

i am black ,so islam is my native religion not adopted now how treated mohamed the blacks,?but u americans u deprived uor rhig,you made native americans to extinict,who thought u to do that ? u know it very well.the most terrerists ever known in history is yours ,cruseders and even now you doing so

11-03-2011 Uncle Bob

Hamad, you are talking freedom of religion,then why I still have to hear from you of condemning the Saudis for not allowing any religion in Saudi Arabia? There are no religious police elsewhere only in Saudi Arabia.

12-03-2011 Merlin (USA)

@baali: 1)Yes, I know very well how Islam treated blacks; like SLAVES! When Europeans arrived in Africa they found Muslim's with black slaves and the Arabs found Europeans would pay for slaves. Arab Muslim's and African chiefs sold slaves to Europeans. 2)Iam Native American; we are not extinct having about 10,000,000 in 2010.

12-03-2011 Merlin #2 (USA)

@baali: 3) Actually the biggest killers in history were Hitler, Musselini, Stalin, and Mao who killed over 100,000,000 people from 1925-1975; and the biggest terrorists are Muslim Al Qaida killing thousands of people; mostly Muslim in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

13-03-2011 Adekunle (USA)

I do not care what they do so long as Americans are safe in their country. Rep. Peter King, I am on your side. Aftr that investigate all hate groups in this country and expose all of them. This is a name and shame. I am all for it so long as we are safe from extremists like the KKK, Black Panthers, Anti Abortion extremists, eco terrorists, gangs etc. Your hands are full but I am on your side all the way because nobody should be terrorized. We should all remain free to do the right thing.

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