
Section 16: External Relationships and Funding



(Note: This section only applies to BBC services funded by the licence fee.  There are further guidelines for BBC services not funded by the licence fee and commercially funded services must comply with the Advertising and Sponsorship Guidelines for BBC Commercial Services.)


The BBC is committed to working collaboratively with others to deepen the impact and reach of its programmes, extend creative possibilities and maximise public value.  Working in partnership with others, we can offer added value to our audiences in a range of ways, such as co-productions with other producers and broadcasters, mounting joint initiatives with arts and educational bodies and delivering services in minority languages to the UK's Nations.

It is a basic premise of the BBC Charter and Agreement that public service television, radio and online services in the UK are funded from the licence fee.  No licence fee funded broadcast or online service can carry sponsored programmes or take funding from advertising.

In many cases our involvement with outside bodies will not involve sharing costs or receiving any funds.  But in some very limited cases, monies may come into the BBC under exceptions allowed by the BBC Charter and Agreement.  Such exceptions are regarded under the terms of the Agreement as 'Alternative Finance'.

All such arrangements must conform to the provisions of the Agreement itself.  In some cases they must also comply with these further regulatory documents:

  • Statement of Policy on Alternative Finance agreed between the BBC Trust and the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport

(See Appendix 3 online: Statement of Policy on Alternative Finance)

  • Framework for Funding Prizes and Awards agreed by the BBC Trust.

(See Appendix 4 online: Framework for Funding Prizes and Awards)

(See Section 17 Interacting With Our Audiences: 17.4.10 - 17.4.13)


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