BBC News 18 March 2011 Last updated at 17:29 ET

Libya's Gaddafi given ultimatum

US President Barack Obama says the Gaddafi regime must follow the UN's ceasefire demands or face military action.

A survivor during a minute's silence in Rikuzentakata, north Japan, 18 March 2011Japan raises nuclear alert level

Japan raises the alert level at its stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, one week after the quake and tsunami which triggered the atomic crisis.

Demonstrators at the Wisconsin State CapitolJudge blocks Wisconsin union law

A US judge in Wisconsin issues a temporary restraining order blocking the state's new collective bargaining law from taking effect.

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Libyan rebel fighters in desert near Ras Lanuf, 7 March 2011Middle East protests

Features and analysis of the unrest spreading across the Middle East region

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