
Podcast Help

What is a podcast?
A podcast is an mp3 or video file that can be downloaded and played on a computer or portable media device. Individual podcasts appear as episodes that are updated daily or weekly. By subscribing to a podcast you can receive automatic updates. You can also listen to podcast episodes here on this page. To subscribe, you must have podcasting software installed on your computer such as iTunes or Juice. iTunes Podcast FAQ
How do I listen to a podcast?
If you would like to listen to a podcast right away you can hear a sample by clicking on the "play" button on our podcasts page. If you would like to play your podcast later or take it on the road, you will first need to subscribe to and download the podcast using the subscription software on your computer, such as itunes. Then you will have to transfer the podcast file to your portable media device. we recommend the following subscription software for the best user experience:
  • iTunes - available for windows and mac
  • Juice - available for windows (2000 or XP), mac (OS 10.3 or higher) and linux/gnu
Where can I find previous episodes of NYTimes.com podcasts?
Previous episodes from The New York Times podcasts can be found on iTunes .
Terms and Conditions
NYTimes.com Terms and Conditions for Podcasts. We encourage the use of NYTimes.com podcasts for personal, non-commercial use. You may not edit or modify or redistribute the podcast content. Please read the Terms and Conditions for complete instructions. All rights reserved.