• Napster

    A file-sharing application which could be downloaded so that music could be shared over the internet by people who are online at the same time. Napster was closed by the US courts but has been launched again as a pay for service.
  • Navigate/navigation

    To move within or between websites using navigation bars and links.
  • Navigation bar

    A set of links to the main sections of a website which appears on each web page within that website. The 'nav bar' often appears at the top or left of a web page: WebWise's navigation bar is underneath its banner and above this text, and contains links to all the different sections of WebWise.
  • Netbook

    A very small laptop that is lighter and easier to travel with than a normal laptop. Netbooks have smaller screens and keyboards than conventional laptops, and can often only perform more basic functions - like writing this glossary!
  • Netiquette

    A form of etiquette for the internet which is understood by the majority of internet users. For example, typing everything in CAPITAL LETTERS is considered to be akin to shouting, and is not good netiquette.
  • Network

    A group of computers communicating together via a server along cables or wirelessly.
  • Network connections

    Connections made from one computer to another as part of a network.
  • New Media

    A vague term referring to any new or digital technology - including the internet, IPTV, digital radio and more.
  • Newbie/noob

    Someone who is very new to the internet - this can sometimes be used negatively.
  • Newsgroups

    Nearly obsolete forums for exchanging information and views over the internet which are held on special servers. When you post a message it is systematically copied to other newsgroup servers around the world so other people can read it and reply with their views.
  • Newsletter

    A regular email sent out to lots of people with news and information on a specific subject. You can sign up to newsletters by submitting your email address to a company or organisation and they will send you information about their services.
  • Newsreader

    A dedicated program which enables you to read and send newsgroup messages. It's often included within mail programs such as Outlook Express, but is very rarely used.
  • Notepad

    The most basic text-editing software available on a PC. It comes as standard on computers with a Windows operating system.

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