• Tab

    Separate windows within your browser which mean you can look at different pages on the internet without opening up whole new versions of your browser. Try holding down the 'Ctrl' and 'T' buttons on your keyboard at the same time, and see if a new tab opens up at the top of the browser window.
  • Tabbing

    To move from one link/part of a page to another using the Tab key on your keyboard (directly above the Caps Lock button). A technique often used by people with disabilities which prevent them from using a mouse, or by people who don't like using a mouse.
  • Tablet computer

    A keyboardless computer in one screen, which you use by using your fingers or a stylus to navigate around the desktop (instead of a mouse).
  • Tags/tagging

    To label a piece of content (like an image, blog post or video) with keywords so that it is easy to find and ends up in search results.
  • TalkTalk

    A TV, broadband and phone company.
  • TCP/IP

    The combination of protocols that make the internet. TCP deals with the process of dividing data into 'packets' of information. IP deals with the process of passing these packets from one computer to the next until they reach their final destination.
  • Technical support

    A phone number you can call (given to you, for example, by your internet provider) to get help from a real human being if you get stuck trying to set something up.
  • Text messaging

    Also known as SMS - a way of sending short text messages from one mobile phone to another through a traditional mobile phone network.
  • Thread

    A group of messages, often e-mail messages or message board posts, linked by a common subject. A thread is the online equivalent of a conversation. Many message boards present messages on the same subject together - as a thread.
  • TIFF

    A type of image file.
  • Toggle

    A switch - if something is 'toggled off' it simply means it is turned off.
  • Toolbar

    A strip of menu options and buttons which you will find across the top of many software programs - the bar across the top of your browser which contains the backwards, forwards, history and refresh icons is a toolbar.
  • Torrent

    A very small file containing information about where BitTorrent can find all the different parts of the file you want to download.
  • Touchpad/trackpad

    A small, smooth surface on your laptop you can use instead of a mouse - touching it will move the cursor like a mouse does.
  • Traffic

    The amount of visitors to a website - heavy traffic means lots of visitors.
  • Trial software

    Software you can install on your computer which will work for a limited time so you can try it after which it will lock. In many cases if you decide to purchase you will get a registration code which you type into the software to make it work again.
  • Trojan

    A program which appears harmless but is carrying inside viruses, worms or even another program that will damage your computer. A trojan is usually an attachment and is often carrying a program which allows someone to hack into your computer.
  • Tweet

    A message on Twitter.
  • Twitter

    A social networking website where people can only post short messages of 140 characters or less. You can 'follow' other people, and their messages will appear on your screen in a time line. A lot of people use Twitter on their mobile phones, especially smartphones.
  • Twoosh

    A Tweet which is exactly 140 characters long (the maximum amount allowed) - no more, no less.
  • TXT

    A file which contains nothing but text, with no complicated formatting. TXT (or simply 'text') files can be read by any text-editing software.
  • Typeface

    A set of fonts (styles you can apply to text).

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