Israel’s obduracy

Sooner or later, the plight of Palestinians will return to the center of Arab discourse

IN the wake of increased violence and heightened tension along the Gaza border, Palestinians continue to sound a willingness to renew efforts toward peace with Israel. Israeli politicians are also calling for action — for stronger military reaction to the latest spike in Mideast attacks and reprisals.

Violence along the Gaza border has been escalating. Last Saturday, Gaza fighters bombarded southern Israel after which Israeli shelling missed its target and killed three children and their uncle in Gaza. As the violence increased on the border, in midweek a bomb exploded at a bus stop in Jerusalem, killing a British tourist and injuring dozens of Israelis.

The reaction to the violence has been telling. Both Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad issued condemnations shortly after the bus explosion, and Palestinian security was energetically engaged in the search for those who carried it out.

In Israel, however, there were loud calls for heads to roll for the missiles out of Gaza and then, even more vocally, for a tough response to the bus blast, even though security officials said there was no indication who was responsible for it.

Israel would do well to tone down the rhetoric for it is witnessing unnerving days. The uprising that forced Hosni Mubarak of Egypt to step down as president, plus the ongoing unrest in Jordan, have shaken the pillars of Israeli security which include peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan. There are worries in Tel Aviv about the new government forming in Egypt and whether the eventual leaders would be as committed to peace as defined by Israel as was Mubarak. There are also concerns that the unrest in the Arab world could undermine Jordan's stability.

In the broader context, Israel must worry about how the peace process, which it is preventing from moving, and the Palestinian territories, which it continues to occupy, ties in with this unprecedented regional unrest. The best way to stay ahead of the populist movement, stated US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates who was visiting the region, is to negotiate peace and remove the Palestinian-Israeli conflict from the discourse. Is Israel listening? As the wave of unrest reverberates through the region, thus far the demonstrations have not targeted Israel. Protesters have been locked on to only local demands calling for a better quality of life. But sooner or later, once the demands of the masses of these countries are met, by one means or another, the demonstrators will turn their attention back to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Up until this Arab spring of unrest, the single biggest issue in the Middle East and the one uniting all Arab peoples was the Palestinian cause. The smoke of the unrest has clouded the issue but that smoke will eventually blow away, leaving Israel exposed and perilously vulnerable.

This is a time of great challenge for the region and also presents an opportunity to redouble efforts to pursue the cause of peace and justice and security. Negotiating peace is one way to get ahead of the wave of populist uprisings. The latest spike in Mideast violence must not derail the peace process and bold diplomatic and peaceful action by Israelis are essential. The Palestinians do not want to see an escalation in last week's violence with Israel and do not want it to derail the peace process. But in the wake of the violence, entreaties to Israeli leaders have been publicly rebuffed and met, not with wise statements calling for calm, but with vows for retribution.



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It's sad how gleeful the rest of the Arab world is at sacrificing the Palestinians to at the alter of Jewish hatred.

Peace? The Palestinians want an independent state dedicated to and run by Palestinians?

Do you suppose the Jews want an independent state dedicated to and run by Jews.

The Western world is supporting the Palestinian goal. The Arabs? They sit around watching the despair of the Palestinians go on and on due to the obduracy of who?


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Obduracy is not an independent growth, usually confidence, purported might and disregard for basic values fuels arrogance and obduracy. In the case of Israel there’re more reasons for it to postulate this kind of disdain and impunity. It’s a super state in the making with all the essentials in place or sooner to be. This is not a time for it to comply but to renege and none dare question her. I kindly wish to advice the Palestine Authority and the Arabs, in case you’ve exhausted all options and able to see what’s in store, go back to Islam as per pristine sources fully and reclaim your dignity.


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Our palestinian brothers & sisters have suffered enough at the hands of the Jews & fellow Arabs. Now is the time to bring the issue to the negotiating table and please NEGOTIATE don't just talk about negotiations!


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Big words there, Nishtar, but you meant to say "advise" and not "advice".


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It takes two to tango -- the Palestinians refuse to come to the negotiating table because it is easier and safer for their leaders to take aid from the West and push for independence in the UN, which will not solve the problem with Israel. Arabs must urge Palestinians that the only way there will be peace is if they negotiate, and stop simply posturing. you can keep blaming the Jews for all that wrongs the Palestinians, but let them take responsibiility for their futures like everyone else in the Arab world seems to now be doing. They will not defeat Israel militarily -- it is time for a just peace, which means compromise by both sides.
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