Swedish house votes for Libya mission

Swedish house votes for Libya mission

Published: 1 Apr 11 11:56 CET | Double click on a word to get a translation
Online: http://www.thelocal.se/32958/20110401/

Sweden's Riksdag on Friday voted overwhelmingly in favour of Sweden sending JAS Gripen fighter aircraft to Libya to monitor a UN-backed no-fly zone.

The parliament voted through the proposal by a resounding 240 to 18, with five abstentions.

"Sometimes the risk of intervening is less than the risk of not doing so," said foreign minister Carl Bildt in reference to concerns that the intervention could, in a worse case scenario, harm civilians.

Bildt underlined that Libya and north African countries are neighbors to the EU and what is currently happening there is having a very real impact in the form of refugees arriving in boats on European islands in the Mediterranean.

Bildt called for European solidarity to help EU partners aid the refugees fleeing war.

"Lampedusa is a part of the EU, just like Ven, Sicily and Crete, and as much as Öland and Gotland," he said.

The vote clears the way for the Swedish air force's first international deployment in 48 years.

Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt said Tuesday he would put to parliament the proposal of sending eight Swedish-built fighter jets, a transport plane and a reconnaissance plane to Libya, stressing Swedish jets would not be involved in ground strikes.

Sweden's participation in the mission had received broad political support and the proposal was widely expected to pass.

The only parliamentary group opposing the measure was the Sweden Democrats.

The party's spokesperson Mikael Jansson warned against Swedish involvement ahead of Friday's vote.

"What right to we have to take sides in a civil war through a one-sided bombardment," he said predicting a long period of fighting and raised the prospect of clan warfare following a defeat for Muammar Qaddafi.

The Social Democrat foreign policy spokesperson Urban Ahlin meanwhile argued that the decision to support the mission sanctioned by the UN Security Council was an easy one.

"We respond when the UN calls for the protection of civilians, this is a Swedish tradition," he said.

The Nordic country is not a member of NATO, although it has been in NATO's
Partnership for Peace programme since 1994 and participates in the alliance's
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) force in Afghanistan with some
500 troops.

Sweden's air force has not been involved in action since 1963, in a UN-mandated operation in the former Belgian Congo.

TT/AFP/The Local (news@thelocal.se)

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13:21 April 1, 2011 by lux.veritas
Does that mean Sweden will also be using depleted uranium to bomb civilians. Perhaps supporting the Pentagon run Alqaeda regime and country destabilizing terrorist (oops I mean freedom fighting rebels).

Now I'm not saying he's no angel but the following is true:

Did you know that Libia has one of the few central banks not in global internationalist private hands (debt based currency for usury and creating poverty)?

Did you know that Gadafi was going to nationise the current contracts with the likes of Shell and BP?

Did you know that Gadafi has done more for Northern African infrastructure and prosperity than any central-private-bankster-corporation-government?

Did you know that there is a log of Gold, Gas and other resources in Libia?

I guess that's not the news we get from North Africa. Just four months ago and a few years back, Blair brought him back into the good fold of the North Western Allaince of Lobby-Corporatocracy-Elite. Berlusconi and Sarkozy hugged him and Rampoy of the Euro-Bilderberg regime shook his hand.

Retired US general told in an interview how years ago this venture was planned, as of other Middle Eastern countries. Believe whatever you want from the TV and you government, neither this or history is as it seems.

Eg: The Anglo American was funded on both sides by the Rothschild bank, as was the Napoleonic war. Reichstag building was burnt down the Germans themselves. The Polish border incident was staged. The bay of Tonkin was staged. The bombing of Pearl Harbour was known in advance. There were no WMD's in Iraq. Alqaeda (or the database or list) was created by the US through Brezinski and operated from the Pentagon. Taliban have been guests of Reagan. Top terrorist head dined at the pentagon and known terrorists have been documented to have received their training in the US. Top Pentagon dinning terrorist was former detainee. The Norther Western Aliance supported torture shops are training grounds for brainwashed pentagon run terrorists (matter of public record) Alqaeda is a region destablization tool for puppet governemnt democracies which are bought and paid for by the banco-corporation-globalist-superrich. The Swedes only interest in entering their aircraft is for a cost effective demonstration for weapon sales, nothing to do with bombing the crud out of people so they can be dead free democrates. The evidence piles up week by week.
13:57 April 1, 2011 by Prat
Q: Is this war an April Fool's joke?

A: Yes - we are fools. No joke.
14:05 April 1, 2011 by wolverine2k
I have to agree with SD once again. Those people really talk sense. Why should we go and bomb some country? It will only bring in more disgruntled refugees. It is a civil war in that country and let their people decide how it needs to be handled. Why should US/UN/NATO have a say in the happenings of some other country. It is pure bullshit to be so meddling into other countries affairs just because some topshot said so...
14:58 April 1, 2011 by rob robertson
Thanks -lux.veritas, for sharing your knowledge.

"Does that mean Sweden will also be using depleted uranium to bomb civilians. Perhaps supporting the Pentagon run Alqaeda regime and country destabilizing terrorist (oops I mean freedom fighting rebels).

Now I'm not saying he's no angel but the following is true:

Did you know that Libia has one of the few central banks not in global internationalist private hands (debt based currency for usury and creating poverty)?

Did you know that Gadafi was going to nationise the current contracts with the likes of Shell and BP?

Did you know that Gadafi has done more for Northern African infrastructure and prosperity than any central-private-bankster-corporation-government?

Did you know that there is a log of Gold, Gas and other resources in Libia?

I guess that's not the news we get from North Africa. Just four months ago and a few years back, Blair brought him back into the good fold of the North Western Allaince of Lobby-Corporatocracy-Elite. Berlusconi and Sarkozy hugged him and Rampoy of the Euro-Bilderberg regime shook his hand.

Retired US general told in an interview how years ago this venture was planned, as of other Middle Eastern countries. Believe whatever you want from the TV and you government, neither this or history is as it seems.

Eg: The Anglo American was funded on both sides by the Rothschild bank, as was the Napoleonic war. Reichstag building was burnt down the Germans themselves. The Polish border incident was staged. The bay of Tonkin was staged. The bombing of Pearl Harbour was known in advance. There were no WMD's in Iraq. Alqaeda (or the database or list) was created by the US through Brezinski and operated from the Pentagon. Taliban have been guests of Reagan. Top terrorist head dined at the pentagon and known terrorists have been documented to have received their training in the US. Top Pentagon dinning terrorist was former detainee. The Norther Western Alliance supported torture shops are training grounds for brainwashed pentagon run terrorists (matter of public record) Alqaeda is a region destabilization tool for puppet government democracies which are bought and paid for by the banco-corporation-globalist-super-rich. The Swedes only interest in entering their aircraft is for a cost effective demonstration for weapon sales, nothing to do with bombing the crud out of people so they can be dead free democrats. The evidence piles up week by week. "
15:02 April 1, 2011 by IntricateMind
Why dont you re-read the article...."stressing Swedish jets would not be involved in ground strikes." This means no dropping bombs....

But you also need to give the Swedes credit for taking a stance. Sweden is slowly becoming the country of old. Its a wonderful thing :)

And if it was you getting shot by your countries troops for protesting, I know for a fact that you would cry for America to save your asses.
15:59 April 1, 2011 by Raymond D
Sad and disturbing. With this new act of servilism and submision to the interest of the multinationals and the war machine that is NATO at the service of the USA Empire, Sweden not only became a lackey of those powers but also is showing to the world its decadence and the lost of course in history. From a country that use to be a model to be copy - because its defence for just causes and a supporter of the principle of Not Intervention -, Sweden is seeing now by the rest of the world as a country that clearly don't have leaders that figth for the interests of the majority of the swedish people but a follower of the international corporations that mantain and support the most beligerant Empire in human history .
16:27 April 1, 2011 by RobinHood
A note to the scruffy bearded, sandal wearing, lentil eating, conspiracy theory believing, marxist dogma spouting, wackoes above. I don't think anyone is listening to you.

I read your posts out of sympathy, if that helps at all. Keep up the good work chaps; I enjoy reading about the latest capitalist conspiracy those cunning corporations have dreamed up. As you say, "The evidence piles up week by week." I want to believe, I admit. It's just that you all write in clichés, and it makes you all sound just plain bonkers.
16:58 April 1, 2011 by lux.veritas
@Robin Hood.

Alas tis a name poorly apt for your stance. In my defence; I am no Marxist, or any ism or cracy you care to point the finger at.

Scruffy and lentil eating, upon occasion. Definitely not a sandal wearer, but a lover of fine whisky. You did forget to add pothead, that's a good one. That would totally discredit the validity of information which has been documented, recorded and is in the public domain.

Feel free to dream up some stereotype as to whom I may be; it tickles me no end. If you have some confirmed evidence that any aspect of what was indicated is not sufficiently corroborated, then I would be pleased to detract.

I do sympathise with you. It is easier on the mind to continue in an illusion of falsehoods; as the mere suggestion of this and other things being true is a gruesome thing to consider. I also know to be true that no one can teach you anything, but when the information is laid out clearly enough to reason and see that which is; it is a very sobering and bitter beverage that changes one's life.

I recommend you read Confessions of an Economic Hitman. Interviews with the ex-econimist author are viewable. Once the red pill is taken there is no going back brother.
17:13 April 1, 2011 by Nemesis
The sooner the Swedes get involved in bombing Libya, the better.

Libya has been supplying terrorists in Europe for decades. Payback is a bitch.
17:42 April 1, 2011 by Makaveli
@Lux Veritas: References Please!!!! How do we know all your statements are not all just conspiracy theories? There are lots of them out there and what really constitutes truth in this world today seems to be "the case with well supported arguments".
17:57 April 1, 2011 by IntricateMind
@ Raymond D - the Sweden you speak of was lost long ago once they started with mass immigration. Nothing else Sweden can do at this stage of the game. Its called adapting. What worked for Sweden worked for just the Swedes. Its all the trash that came to Sweden that messed it all up...
18:09 April 1, 2011 by MichaelZWilliamson
So, war is only moral if Europe participates. Got it.
18:30 April 1, 2011 by flobalob
But I though Sweden was a peace loving country. The home of Santa Claus, pixie dust, and harmonious multiculturalism.
19:26 April 1, 2011 by lux.veritas
@ Makeveli.

The local has the habit of deleting certain data, as most MSM, most certainly url's. Though I have noticed that even some MSM is changing.

Not tens or hundreds, but thousands of academics in the sciences, economics and history within the establishment, the shunned, ridiculed, attacked and on the fringe; work laboriously to disseminate as many of their discoveries.

Some Known documents: Agenda 21, Memorandum 200, The Paperclip Project, UNESCO and Club of Rome documentation on population control (genocide).

Sources of information: Webster Tarpley. 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man' - John Perkins. Celente at the Trends Project. Globalresearch 'The Shock Doctrine'. Metanoia-films Metanoia. Population 101, Overpopulation: the making of a myth. Population 101, 2.1 kids. Prof. John Breeding, PhD Psychologist, the truth about mental health disorders. Doctor Russell Blaylock, the dumbing down of people. Maxwell Igan, researcher, 'Fight the new world order'. Work of Stefan Molyneux, loads of free books and free audios. Depleted Uranium: The Ultimate Dirty Bomb -William Lewis, used by western forces in the middle east. Michel Chossudovsky, rememberbuilding7.org, Michael Perenti 'The U.S. War on Yugoslavia, speech. Research further for yourself.

There is much more to history, the human being, the system, medicine, pharmaceutical corporations. The big central banks, BIS, IMF, World Bank and so called NGO's for the good of man and planet, economics and the sciences that what we are being taught and told.

tv.globalresearch,ca.nomorefakenews.com,global-elite.org.ukcolumn.org, corbettreport.com,alternet.org,mediaroots.org,globalresearch.ca,dissidentvoice.org
20:32 April 1, 2011 by MichaelZWilliamson
Lux: So conspiracy nut sites support conspiracy nuttery. Elvis is alive, too.

If these people really had the power you attribute to them, they wouldn't need to skulk around in secret. They'd already have us in chains.

Most of these "Academics" you refer to have no credentials, no credibility, no facts. Blaylock is a quack on PT Barnum's, excuse me, Robertson's show. When he speaks of "Dumbing down," he was addressing you.

I'm watching a show right now about Wake Island, where one of the defenders, still alive, talks about the anticipated attacks on the PI, Pearl, Wake, etc, and how Pearl was considered unlikely. It was still considered possible however.

After all, the best strategy for a knife fight is to let yourself get stabbed first, so you can blame the other guy as the aggressor, right?

Grow up.

And this is from someone opposed to engaging (big word. Means "making war") in Libya.
20:37 April 1, 2011 by lux.veritas
@ Makeveil. More for you.

climate: Prof. Henrik Svensmark. Dr. Tim Ball. Piers Corbyn, Astrophysicist.

Documentaries and more on youtube.

europe: Down With the European Union - Sunday Update

Terror: Fabled Enemies,

Plan To Mass Murder South African Blacks.

"What in the World are They Spraying?" - Official Trailer

Story of Stuff

Renaissance 2.0: Lesson 1 - Revisiting American History - Financial Empire. $10 Oil? Mike Maloney Schools Bankers on Deflation, Gold and Silver (Part 1 of 2).

True News 11: Statism is Dead - Part 1. Deceiving Slaves in NWO Dystopia, Statism a Mafia Tool Part 1 of 2 ExomatrixTV Edit (fast forward the first 2mins. it begins properly at minute 2.)

Interviews with Aaron Russo.

Hidden Agenda Norman Dodd 1 of 6

The Obama Deception

European Union: the new Soviet Union? -Vladimir Bukovsky, writer and lecturer.


WHY DEMOCRACY IS WRONG: document study thesis providing some compelling research.

The bankers manifesto.

Hegelian Dialectics and Conspiracy

The Red House report (Nazi building of Europe)
21:39 April 1, 2011 by RobinHood

These are a bunch of references to various well-known loonies of the Area 51, Kennedy assasination, moon landing/Holocaust denying, international Jewish conspiracy ilk. The internet is full of nutters peddling theories like that, all with piles of dodgy "evidence" to prove they are right. They are only believed by people who wear hats made out of alluminum foil and think the government is spying on them, and heartily ridiculed by everyone else.

How can we possibly take you seriously if this is your night time reading? That wasn't a rhetorical question!

I strongly advise you to be much more selective about where you get your information from. If I believed all that nonsense, I too would be as truly paranoid as you are, and wear an alluminium foil hat just like yours.
22:26 April 1, 2011 by lux.veritas

There's no need to get near fanatically angry. Calm down. Take a deep breath.

You are on the side of the majority and they think as you, nutty paranoid nutters.

Although your sweeping brush of derision for many qualified, respected and educated people in the face of evidence uncovered does not surprise. It is also a matter of concern, but not for me.

I did not make up such documents as:

Memorandum 200

Agenda 21

The bankers manifesto.

Hegelian Dialectics and Conspiracy

The Red House report

And other declassified, declassified and leaked documents.

What's real evidence, what's not, what's fact, what's not.

And around and around the merry-go-round.

So then, are all the things our governments say, the news on and information from TV is true? I expect cointelpro does not exist? Was Iraq as we were told? Is Iran as we are told? So Libya must be exactly as we are told, right?

So quick to jump to conclusions, judge and bomb any brown people that come between you and what you covet; whether resource or position. ITS IN THE NATIONS INTEREST, GOD BLESS MY COUNTRY.

It baffles me how anyone can think that this is about setting brown people free from a dictator so they can have a more appealing Northen Western Gestapo style democracy.

Obey, don't question, don't think, believe us, love the state, nothing to see here, move on.

@ Robin Hood.

Of course they all rubbish, most certainly, right?

I'm not concerned whether any commentators take me seriously.

I'm not looking for likers, dislikers, recruits, disciples, converts yehs or neys.

I don't agree 100% with everything and I'm not trying to sell anything to anyone, talk down to them or insult them. Time would be better served investing in one's own research.
08:38 April 2, 2011 by krattan

Thank you for the insight about Libyan Central Bank. That one was new to me.
09:35 April 2, 2011 by RobinHood

If you do not believe what you write, how can you expect us to take you seriously? why are you wasting our time? There are some excellent sites where conspiracy theorists exchange information, go there. Or better still, consult a psychologist where you can vent your paranoia. They are paid to listen to this sort of stuff and might even be able to help. We are unpaid and cannot help at all.
10:52 April 2, 2011 by lux.veritas
@ Robin Hood.

"The participants and makers of this this (media presentation) may or may not agree with ALL the points raised. Viewer (reader, listener) discretion (mental faculty, reason and or belief) should be applied." A common disclaimer that may answer.

I cannot control the entirety of the information. It would not be ethically acceptable for me to edit material to my liking and then post it.

E.g. If you watch an interview with Bernanke, Kissinger or Brzezinski, do you chose to believe that the entirety of what they say is true and honest? Are there other agendas?

People picking through all I write to find fault serve themselves best with personal research through non aligned sources. I don't claim to be infallible.

Conspiracy, theories. These two words commonly appear together as popular retort to that not desired for the mass indoctrination. Conspiracy: Where two or more people and or organisations meet to discuss things in secret with an objective is a fact throughout our entire history, no theory.

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society." - Edward Bernays.

"One way or another we will have world government. The question is whether it will be by consent or by conquest." - James Paul Warburg, co-author of the Federal Reserve act.

"To play on those millions of minds, to watch them slowly respond to an unseen stimulus, to guide their aspirations without their knowledge - all this whether in high capacities or in humble, is a big and endless game of chess, of ever extraordinary excitement." - Fabian society from Oxford University founded by Sydney West.

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell.

"When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson.

"Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play." - Joseph Goebbels.

"It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes". - Major General Smedley D. Butler.

"The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole." - Caroll Quigley. Author of Tragedy & Hope.
13:09 April 2, 2011 by Rebel
@robinhood, why take the name of an anti-establishment libertarian if you are willing to swallow anything the government tells you?
15:51 April 2, 2011 by RobinHood

Er, Robin Hood was a man of fiction.

The fictional Robin Hood was an aristocrat (am earl no less), a royalist and a crusader (literally). He stood against injustice wherever he found it, and was apolitical. He would certainly have given short shrift to crackpot conspiracy theorists. In fact he had a very low tolerance for fools and liers (government liers or conspiracy theorist liers) altogethor and would have booted them out of Sherwood, chop chop. The same fate would have been adminstered to anyone fit to pull their weight, but didn't. As an aristocrat, he wasn't anti-establishment at all; he accepted his restored earldom from King Richard and had plenty of serfs tending his fields and cleaning his castle. None of this is actually true remember.

Of the above, I do exist, but I am not an aristocrat or a crusader. Other than that, I think the name fits rather well.

I hope that answers your excellent question.
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