Kingdom denies offering $150bn to buy Facebook


JEDDAH: A Saudi official denied on Monday that the Kingdom had offered to give SR562.5 billion ($150 billion) to purchase Facebook.

The official, who requested anonymity, said the Kingdom had not made any offer to Mark Zuckerberg, founder of the famous social media.

“The report is totally baseless,” the official told the German news agency, DPA.

The report claimed that Saudi Arabia offered huge amounts to purchase Facebook because of its huge role in anti-government protests in Tunisia and Egypt.

It said the Kingdom is very upset with Zuckerberg for allowing the revolt to get out of control.

According to latest statistics provided by a specialized company, 2.3 million Saudis use Facebook, about eight percent of the Kingdom’s population. In Egypt their number has reached 3.4 million, while in Libya more than 150,000 use Facebook, Bahrain 220,000, Oman 160,000 and Tunisia 1.6 million.

Wael Ghonim, Google’s head of marketing in the Middle East, had played a big role in Egyptian anti-government protests by connecting people and organizing demonstrations through social media.



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I think Saudi Arabia has nothing to worry about the revolution spearheaded by social media. The people are pleased with the King and so are the average muslim. Islam is in safe hands and there is no trace of shirk,these are the most important issues. Any media social or otherwise will thrive where there is rampant injustice,chiefly injustice to Allah. Saudi need not have any qualms.


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I like this mentality that if a problem exists the only solution is to throw money at it.


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You have to know with all the rapid movements in the world in the past month, There obviously will be quick written reports sent out.. You cant be so niave as to beleive every single written word... Also some are one sided.. If you are not there, you dont know.. I read this that and the other on various news sites and am amazed at the blatent outright lies some journalists report.. But this goes with the territory.. It will happen.. Just read with an open mind.. For example.. Aramco state employees in SaudiArabia have NOT received any 15% pay raise this month as some announced in the news about state employees. All the Aramcoens Ive spoken with have no idea where this rumor came from. They have not as of yet received or been told of a pay raise for state employees, Unless by some reason the managers are keeping it a secret and surprise them in their paychecks next month.. Which is absurd, this isnt the way Aramco does business. All this has done is make the private sector think all the people are getting raises, so they have increased the price of their goods, which now is hurting us all cause we didnt get raises... The nusance of incorrect reporting effects us all negatively.. Please be careful....


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Finally the Muslim world realizes how the western big economies are playing with our social and moral stability by using media tools like facebook and blogs!

now one should wonder, was facebook designed to make just friends? or even create revolutions in countries?

One after the another, we will see new media tools which will inflict wounds in the Muslim world....


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Seriously, why would this country buy Facebook. They can simple put Facebook in control list as they did with Orkut !!
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