Andrei Serdeliuc

Andrei is responsible for architecture at 3ev. His passion for structuring code makes him an expert at all low-level development: Andrei makes the tools that the rest of us use – he is the building block to the team, without him we’d crumble and need underpinning.

The similarities between the name ‘Andrei’ and the word ‘Android’ are more than mere coincidence; though Andrei claims to hail from Romania, he enjoys the company of beautiful code slightly more than is natural. His exceptional talent with Zend Framework and PHP lead to many hours of him and Dan talking on the office server in a language that no one else can or wants to undersrtand.

Recent Posts

Phing Symlink task

Many projects have shared items across them. For example, Typo3 projects can share the same source, but just sticking it on the include path doesn’t necessarily solve the problem, so you have to symlink it from a shared location …

How we built

A nerdy visualisation of the activity on the Git repository.

Unwire your instance

When deploying on the cloud, you have to make sure you are not tied to your machine because at any point it might not be there anymore.

Scalr: Find farm’s load balancer hostname

As you can’t point the root of a domain to an EC2 load balancer yet, we’ve decided to have a small Apache instance with an elastic ip attached to it and have it proxy all the incoming traffic to …

Exporting Scalr instance parameters as bash variables is a very good service when it comes to hosting in the cloud, but it does have its little annoyances.
One of them is that you can’t access parameters passed to instances, as bash variables, and considering it has …