
New brand and website for Leading Edge Design

3ev were given the task of not only designing and building Leading Edge Design’s new website but also help develop their branding. The brief was to create a brand that was modern yet still familiar to existing clients. The …

Topics: Branding, Design, Work Tags: ,
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What the font!

The majority of designers are pretty good at recognising fonts but, like the rest of us, they do have limits and can’t remember every typeface created by every foundry since the Gutenberg press. Thankfully WhatTheFont! by MyFonts can help …

Topics: Applications, Design Tags: ,
Comments: none so far

Cache Reminder

Things not appearing as they should when you know you’ve made changes to a website? Usually this is down to caching and some browsers (I’m looking at you Internet Explorer) are particularly stubborn when it comes to clearing the …

Our new business cards

As 3ev works with predominantly digital mediums it’s always a treat to do some work for print. It was exciting for me not only to design the cards but also to do some research into materials and finishes. The …