The New York Times

April 15, 2011, 3:00 am

Daily Lexeme: Gracioso

Today’s word, in association with the legendary Oxford English Dictionary, is


(1a) ?An attractive person.
(b) A court favourite. Obs.
(2) The buffoon of Spanish comedy.

Used in a sentence in a1670 by J. Hacket:

“The Lord Marquess of Buckingham, then a great Gratioso, was put on by the Prince to ask the King’s liking to this Amourous Adventure.”

Click on the word for further information, and here for the Daily Lexeme archive.

About Schott's Vocab

Self Portrait

Schott’s Vocab is a repository of unconsidered lexicographical trifles — some serious, others frivolous, some neologized, others newly newsworthy. Each day, Schott's Vocab explores news sites around the world to find words and phrases that encapsulate the times in which we live or shed light on a story of note. If language is the archives of history, as Emerson believed, then Schott’s Vocab is an attempt to index those archives on the fly.

Ben Schott is the author of “Schott’s Original Miscellany,” its two sequels, and the yearbook “Schott’s Almanac.” He is a contributing columnist to The Times’s Op-Ed page. He lives in London and New York.

His Web site can be viewed at, and his Opinion pieces here.


Vocabulary loves company. So, if you have stumbled across a word or phrase that you think suitable for inclusion, please e-mail your suggestion to

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Ben Schott

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Daily Lexeme

In association with the inestimable Oxford English Dictionary, Schott's Vocab offers a Daily Lexeme – the archive of which can be viewed here.

Past Competitions

Below are the weekend competitions from weeks past. Co-vocabularists are invited to peruse the wisdom and wit of their fellow readers, and post any esprit de l'escalier that may have just presented itself.

Recent Posts

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April 18

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April 15

Weekend Competition: What’s the Onomatopoeia?

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