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Paintings by Egyptian artists on auction at Christie's in Dubai

On Tuesday, 19 April, paintings by renowned Egyptian artists will be put on sale in Christie's in Dubai

Ahram Online, Friday 15 Apr 2011
Adel El Siwi "Young Lovers"
Views: 3256
Views: 3256

Modern and Contemporary Arab, Iranian and Turkish Art auction held at Christie's in Dubai on 19 April will present over 100 paintings by artists from Western, Northern and Southern Asia, Africa as well as from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Palestine and other Arab countries. 

The auction will include 10 paintings by Egyptian artists.  Abdul Hadi al Gazzar's "Fishing", paintings by Ahmed Moustafa and Hamed Nada, Adel El Siwi's "Young Lovers", will be auctioned along with works by younger artists; Youssef Nabil, Ahmed Askalany, Marwa Adel, Karim El Quiriti, and Hamdi Attia.

Many of the paintings in the auction have been seen by Egyptian viewers,  in exhibitions held in galleries in Cairo over the last year.


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