The New York Times

Updated April 18, 2011 05:11 PM

Why Look Down on a Business Degree?


marketing research classArielle Retting for The New York Times Students working on a group project for a marketing research class at Radford University.

Business-related fields account for slightly over 20 percent of all undergraduate degrees in the United States, the most popular field of study. But the quality of that education is facing growing scrutiny and criticism, as detailed in an article by David Glenn in the Education Life section of The Times as part of a joint project with The Chronicle of Higher Education. A recent study found that undergraduate business majors study less than other students, and lag behind in assessments of critical thinking and writing skills -- scoring lower than students in education and communications, and well behind liberal arts majors.

Is it worth majoring in business, particularly in the so-called softer fields like marketing and human resources?

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