Play free games, watch cool clips and loads more fun from Children's BBC!

  1. Leonardo with the notebook printout. Leonardo Notebook

    Leonardo with the notebook printout.

    Draw your own art and inventions with a Leonardo Notebook

  2. Colourful painted eggs. Easter Egg Surprise make

    Colourful painted eggs in an egg box.

    Make this cracking Blue Peter Easter egg treat

  3. Merlin waves his hand next to a paper spell book. Merlin Spell Book

    Merlin waves his hand next to a paper spell book.

    Master the art of magic by making a Merlin Wizard Book

  4. Two sheep standing on a winner's podium. Championsheeps games

    Lots of sheep playing in a field with two sheep standing on a winner's podium.

    Compete in the Championsheeps with Shaun the Sheep

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Can you find the Easter eggs on the messageboards? - SilverSkippyScamp

Easter eggs in a basket.

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Chris Johnson smiling.

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