
Daniel Okrent

This is an archive of columns by Daniel Okrent, who was the public editor for The New York Times from December 2003 through May 2005. During that time, Mr. Okrent posted in this Web Journal.


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The False Promise of Legalization
The False Promise of Legalization

Note to California: Prohibition’s repeal didn’t lead to lower income taxes.

June 13, 2010
Echoes of the New Frontier
Echoes of the New Frontier

The parallels between the current political moment and John F. Kennedy’s inauguration in 1961, from a writer who was there.

January 18, 2009
Precisely False vs. Approximately Right: A Reader’s Guide to Polls

The Times recently issued a seven-page paper on polling standards for editors and reporters, but readers, too, need to know something about polls at least enough to sniff out good polls from bad.

August 27, 2006
13 Things I Meant to Write About but Never Did

When I began in this job in December 2003, I had a list of about 20 topics I knew I wanted to address. I got to about half of those.

May 22, 2005
THE PUBLIC EDITOR; Briefers and Leakers and the Newspapers Who Enable Them

SOMETIME in the next few days The Times's staff will be presented a statement titled ''Preserving Our Readers' Trust.'' Prepared by a committee of reporters and editors led by assistant managing editor Allan M. Siegal, the document will offer recommendations addressing such subjects as sourcing, bias, the division between news and opinion, and communication with readers. Staff members will be invited to comment, and then executive editor Bill Keller will determine which recommendations to adopt...

May 8, 2005
Other Voices: The Great Divide in the Middle East

Alison Weir, executive director of If Americans Knew, maintains that my April 24 column ''significantly'' misrepresented her organization's views and the content of a meeting we had in early April. I'll stand by my representations, but interested readers can find her critique at www.ifamericansknew.com. Andrea Levin, executive director of Camera, has posted an extended assessment of the column at www.camera.org. DANIEL OKRENT

May 1, 2005
The Hottest Button: How The Times Covers Israel and Palestine
The Hottest Button: How The Times Covers Israel and Palestine

An article about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict cannot appear in The Times without eliciting instant and intense response.

April 24, 2005
THE PUBLIC EDITOR; EXTRA! EXTRA! Read Not Quite Everything About It!

Last Wednesday, a lengthy Editors' Note on Page A2 scooped a scoop I had planned on the toxicity of scoops. The note addressed irregularities in a March 31 front-page article by Karen W. Arenson, ''Columbia Panel Clears Professors of Anti-Semitism.'' The Times, the note explained, had been given a one-day jump on other media in exchange for its agreement not to ''seek reaction from other interested parties.'' While acknowledging that this was in violation of Times policy, the note said ''editor...

April 10, 2005
THE PUBLIC EDITOR; EXTRA! EXTRA! Read Not Quite Everything About It!

Dan Okrent, in Public Editor column, criticizes New York Times for publishing March 31 front-page article, Columbia Panel Clears Professors of Anti-Semitism, without including the reaction of the students who brought the charges; notes that Columbia University had given the Times one-day jump on other media in exchange for its agreement not to 'seek reaction from other interested parties'

April 10, 2005
A Few Points Along the Line Between News and Opinion
A Few Points Along the Line Between News and Opinion

Some readers believe that the news pages take direction from the editorial page. For the record, it just isn't so.

March 27, 2005


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