Starred stories in Google News - Google News Help
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Features: Starred stories in Google News

If you find a story of interest in Google News, you can mark it by clicking on the star next to it. Similar to the way you star items in Gmail and Google Reader, this marks a story to let us know that you're interested in that subject and make it easy to return to that story. When there are significant updates, we will alert you in Google News by displaying the headline in Bold.

You can also follow all of your starred stories in the "Starred" section of Google News. page. This page is limited to the most recent 20 stories that the user has starred. If a story becomes no longer available in Google News, it will simply expire from your "Starred" section.

If you are no longer interested in a topic, you can remove a star from a story at any time by simply clicking on the star next to article.

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