How to guides: I find words difficult

These guides explain ways to change how your computer or web browser operates, to make things easier for people who have difficulty with words.

Change your fonts

How to change the font settings in your operating system or web browser to make text easier to read.

Check your spelling and grammar

How to operate spell-checking software in commonly used programmes.

Make your computer speak text aloud

How to turn on and customise your computer's text-to-speech features.

Make your text larger

How to change the settings in your operating system or web browser to increase the text size, making it easier to see.

Overview: Dictionary and thesaurus software

How you can use dictionary and thesaurus software to help you spell better.

Overview: Smart word prediction

An overview of software that helps you type less.

Overview: Symbol browsers

An overview of software that helps people with learning disabilities use the web.

Use voice recognition

How to set up and customise the speech-recognition feature on your operating system.

Factsheets and useful links

Dyslexia and computing

Factsheet available from the former (archived) My web my way site.
Note: This information may no longer be up to date. Revised factsheets coming soon.
Factsheet in PDF format | Factsheet in text format

Dyslexia and voice recognition software

Factsheet available from the former (archived) My web my way site.
Note: This information may no longer be up to date. Revised factsheets coming soon.
Factsheet in PDF format | Factsheet in text format

Learning difficulties and computing

Factsheet available from the former (archived) My web my way site.
Note: This information may no longer be up to date. Revised factsheets coming soon.
Factsheet in PDF format | Factsheet in text format navigation

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