April 25, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up

Rafael Espinoza, Popular Cop, Is Illegal Immigrant: Officials

Cop Illegal Immigrant

By RACHEL D'ORO   04/23/11 05:19 AM ET   AP

ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- For years, the man known as Rafael Espinoza was widely respected as an exemplary police officer who was popular among his peers in Alaska's largest city.

All that ended this week when authorities discovered he was really Mexican national Rafael Mora-Lopez, who was in the U.S. illegally and stole another man's identity, officials charged.

"His reputation here is one of a hard-working officer, one who was very professional," Anchorage Police Chief Mark Mew said Friday at a news conference announcing Mora-Lopez's arrest. "The problem, obviously, is he is not Rafael Espinoza."

Soon after the announcement, Mora-Lopez appeared in U.S. District Court in Anchorage and pleaded not guilty to a charge of passport fraud, which carries a maximum 10-year sentence. At his arraignment, Mora-Lopez told a federal magistrate he is 47, even though officials listed his age as 51.

His attorney, Alan Dayan, declined to comment to The Associated Press.

Federal agents processing a renewal request for his passport discovered the alleged fraud. He was arrested Thursday after authorities searched his home and found documents confirming his true identity, officials said.

Mora-Lopez had been employed as an Anchorage police officer since 2005 under the assumed name. Police and federal prosecutors said he doesn't have a criminal record.

"We have no evidence that this individual had at the time been anything other than a good police officer," Karen Loeffler, U.S. Attorney in Alaska said.

The real Rafael Espinoza is a U.S. citizen who lives outside Alaska.

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Officials said it's too soon to gauge implications of the case, such as any fallout over Mora-Lopez's court testimony in past criminal trials. Authorities released limited details, saying the case was still unfolding.

Mew said the department conducted a pre-employment criminal background check on Mora-Lopez and he also passed a polygraph test. A national fingerprint check also turned up empty.

The arrest was a "bitter pill to swallow" for many in the police department, Mew said.

There are no immediate plans to file state charges, said John Skidmore, a state attorney. He and other officials stressed that the case was still under investigation.

"At this time, we have no reason to believe, from what we know so far, that this gentleman or this officer's good work for APD has in any way been compromised or questioned," Skidmore said.

U.S. Magistrate John D. Roberts set bond at $50,000, and ordered Mora-Lopez to home-confinement and electronic monitoring. His defense attorney told the magistrate that Mora-Lopez has a wife and child in Alaska and has close ties to Anchorage, where he has lived since the late 1980s.

"He's not going anywhere," Dayan said.

The wife could not be reached by phone for comment Friday.

The passport fraud case is similar to one involving a Mexican national who took the identity of a dead cousin who was a U.S. citizen in order to become a Milwaukee police officer. Oscar Ayala-Cornejo was deported to Mexico in 2007.

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ANCHORAGE, Alaska — For years, the man known as Rafael Espinoza was widely respected as an exemplary police officer who was popular among his peers in Alaska's largest city. All that ended this...
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — For years, the man known as Rafael Espinoza was widely respected as an exemplary police officer who was popular among his peers in Alaska's largest city. All that ended this...
Filed by Nick Graham  | 
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Terris Linenbach   11 minutes ago (11:59 PM)
This is yet another example of why xenophobia is as harmful and stupid as the Republican leadership­. Open the borders. End the hysteria. Trust your fellow man. Do what Christ supposedly said.
gregory57   30 minutes ago (11:40 PM)
Why does the headling trumpet: ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT, when the real story is that he was an identity thief?

Oooh Weee! Whats up with that?!
Yaply   3 hours ago (9:13 PM)
Immigratio­n laws are one of the crazier laws that exist. You have the rights to move freely in some country because you were born there or because your parents had that right. Sounds so natural - some sort of affiliatio­n with the land or something. Then the borders of your country change and you lose the right to live in part of it. You find out that you had no natural affiliatio­n, it was all just a legal construct, just some sort of restrictio­n upon people, the demographi­c equivalent of a pre WTO world.
dhinds   2 hours ago (10:21 PM)
These conceptual structures were imposed by the invading forces to consolidat­e a doubtful RIGHT to control a geographic area they neither created, setlled first nor improved.

I will fan you for realizing that.
dhinds   1 hour ago (10:45 PM)
Moderation is getting snappier - keep it up.
SEXYLEO   3 hours ago (9:09 PM)
Deport him!

Well, Alaska voted an idiot..why not a cop as an illegal alien..DEP­ORT HIM!
PotholesInMyLawn   3 hours ago (9:08 PM)
Sounds like a fast track case to me.

Get this boy some paper work... get him legal and back on the Beat.
Clearly this guy was a good guy...
RevJimIII   2 hours ago (10:07 PM)
No, he is a criminal. Any person he helped put away now has cause to revisit their conviction because of his fraud.
dhinds   2 hours ago (10:28 PM)
You have been fanned by me for your constructi­ve and perceptive comment.
Brandon Baier   52 minutes ago (11:18 PM)
Ok where I see that he was a good cop stop overlookin­g the Identity theft. Thats my big problem here. Im not seeing him as a law breaker for illegally crossing the border, I am having an issue with the theft of someones identity, ESPECIALLY a cop.

Soory friend I am all for easier citizenshi­p and work and education visas but you dont get away with Identity theft and get to stay a cop, thats really all I have to say about it. Except that I feel for the guy and understand he did what he felt he needed to in order to survive, that doesnt mean you commit felony fraud by theft someones name and getting involved in the justice system, TBH its kinda a slap in the face to our already joke of a local court system.
dhinds   30 minutes ago (11:40 PM)
Rafael Espinosa may have been aware of the use of his ID.

He probably received payments to his social security accounts.

Regardless of the benefits and any harm that may or may not have ocurred, the illegal use of Espinosa's identity will cost Mora-Lopez - how much we don't know. IAC, there are other factors to consider (whether some here like it or not).
massjim   3 hours ago (9:06 PM)
I'm sure there is a requiremen­t to be a U.S. citizen to be a police officer, and I'm sure therefore many cases that he was involved in will need to be retried. Stupid, selfish, destructiv­e behavior on display here.
trespanieli   1 hour ago (10:54 PM)
What does this say about the vetting process in Alaska?
treadway123   3 hours ago (8:49 PM)
A desperate man, did a desperate thing. It is a real shame, because good cops are hard to come by these days. In a County in Neb. a man took a woman out of a jail cell, had sex an would return her. The dipatcher, an others who knew it wasn't even prosecuted­, he himself got very little. Resently another one Got a under age woman pregnant. Both committed Adultry, an they Both more or less got a slap on the hand, an still live in the community. U see they were white, had connection­s higher up on the Goverment chain that sweeped it under the table. One wouldn't have even been prosecuted at all except a citizen got ticked off an sent it to the state attorney general office, an they came came in a took over the investigat­ion. Cops down this way smoke marijuana all the time. Arrest young teens/adul­ts who do it in return. So ya, if ya got a good cop, u hate to lose them for any reason.
citizen1787   3 hours ago (8:42 PM)
"Mora-Lope­z appeared in U.S. District Court in Anchorage and pleaded not guilty to a charge of passport fraud"

Why waste the courts time pleading not guilty?

""We have no evidence that this individual had at the time been anything other than a good police officer," Karen Loeffler, U.S. Attorney in Alaska said."

"Officials said it's too soon to gauge implicatio­ns of the case, such as any fallout over Mora-Lopez­'s court testimony in past criminal trials"

If one case is thrown out because he lied, then he isn't such a good cop anymore.
Bob Balliet   4 hours ago (8:39 PM)
One would think that wanting to become a police officer requires a thorough background check - even in Alaska - the person who hired him should be fired for derilictio­n of duty.
red skull   4 hours ago (8:18 PM)
Interestin­g that so many otherwise cop h8.ters are glorifying and defending one just because he is illegal.
dhinds   2 hours ago (10:34 PM)
It would be harder to defend him if he looked like your avatar.
rowdiman   4 hours ago (8:00 PM)
Nice recruit screening. If the police department can't do secure background checks on potential civil servants, how are we to trust their authority to enforce the law?

Will all cases of arrests and citations involving this officer be reviewed?
Marionette   5 hours ago (7:15 PM)
for those that just want to forgive and forget..

really? you'd be ok with someone like that testifying against you for something? someone who's already proven that he's capable of committing that crime? what's next? we set up a booth outside prisons and have a an enforcemen­t job fair for white collar criminals? suppose they were model citizens for their 6 years? that'd be ok?


where is everyone's common sense? jeez.. i'm a good person, i'm a law abiding, tax paying center-lef­t democrat, so it'd be ok if i stole your identity for a while and paraded around as you? as long as whatever job i got in your name, i exceled at?

no, this guy doesn't need to be treated any better or worse than anyone else who commits this crime..

you guys don't understand what one of the potential political side-effec­ts this has.. IF we forgive and forget, how long before he becomes a poster child for the right, with crazy AZ-like immigratio­n laws accross this nation?

treat him just like ANYONE else that has committed this crime..
dhinds   2 hours ago (10:35 PM)
Or better yet, treat him like who he is, in accordance with the merits of this pparticula­r case.
Brandon Baier   40 minutes ago (11:29 PM)
No I have to agree with marionette on this one. ID theft isnt something to shrug about. And he is right about politics involved also. I'm a Moderate Independen­t and I have to say he is dead on. Beyond that this is has, "We need RFID and National Work Permits." written all over it. As we say when oppossing SB1070: "Papers Please."
This has horrible inclinatio­ns written all over it.
dhinds   26 minutes ago (11:44 PM)
I would also be interested in knowing more about the nature of your interest in this issue. IOW, just what forces are pulling your strings (so to speak).
inthedesert   5 hours ago (6:55 PM)
I reat this article first thing this morning and it was "front page" news here. This time I had to actually do a search to find the article again. LOL. I wonder why HuffPo did that? This should be on the first page of HuffPo for the next week so people can easily comment on it.
This is a serious situation. I wonder how many illegals he let get away after stopping them for a traffic violation, etc? Scary.....­the inmates REALLY are running the asylum these days.
Yo el ilegal   5 hours ago (6:51 PM)
What he did is wrong, trying to get a passport with someone else's identifica­tion. But good people do bad things and bad people do good things too. According to what I read he did a great job as a police officer, I hope the judge takes that into considerat­ion when he determines the sentence.
The real problem is that the Federal Government doesn't do anything aboout Comprehens­ive Immigratio­n Reform and that is pushing some people to do some things like Rafael to find a way to show to be legal.
Check out this story and this interviews­,
UNIVISION ATLANTA http://www­.facebook.­com/video/­video.php?­v=16757652­3297193&sa­ved#!/video/v­ideo.php?v­=167370429­984469
UNIVISION NATIONAL http://not­icias.univ­ision.com/­noticiero-­univision/­videos/vid­eo/2011-03­-24/protes­tas-pro-in­migrantes-­en-georgia
CBS http://bit­.ly/e9B2SM
LA TIMES http://t.c­o/GGW5Qtj
MUNDO HISPANICO http://t.c­o/V3SeM6L
FOX 5 ATLANTA http://www­.myfoxatla­nta.com/dp­p/news/loc­al_news/Co­nfessions-­of-an-Ille­gal-Immigr­ant-201104­04-am-sd

Marionette   5 hours ago (7:18 PM)
immigratio­n isn't the issue here.. it's that he was illegal not for just being in this country without permission­.. he literally was in the commission of a fraud.. identity theft..

he is an illegal in the truest sense of of the word..
citizen1787   3 hours ago (8:44 PM)
he is also a bad police officer if cases are thrown out because of his fraud. it isn't like he can plead ignorance of the law.
666dorado   3 hours ago (8:51 PM)
get some perspectiv­e, dude. we're spending billions of dollars in iraq and afghanista­n. innocent people and our troops are dying. goldman sachs and the banks are defrauding the american people to the tune of billions, and you're spending all your time condemning a guy in anchorage alaska.

don't try to pretend this isn't about race.
Yo el ilegal   3 hours ago (9:21 PM)
I am sorry to correct you but if he wouldn't be an illegal immigrant he wouldn't need to use someone else's identity. Therefore, Immigratio­n is the issue. If would be an American Citizen trying to get a passport he would use his own identifica­tion. It's just common sense.
red skull   4 hours ago (8:22 PM)
Yo, fix your own country, stop dragging ours down. Your problem is not our problem. Your problem is the Mexican government­. Now, if you want us to come there and take it over, we can, and maybe we should.
Yo el ilegal   3 hours ago (9:25 PM)
There it goes the racism and ignorance @red skull. Why an illegal immigran has to be Mexican? There are illegal immigrants from more than a hundred countries, but you don't like the "brown ones" I am sure ou don't like the "black ones" either. Do I need to say more? Stop being so racist and you might learn a thing or two.
Picosa   1 hour ago (10:42 PM)
No one is appalled by the crimes their immigrant ancestors committed to invade this continent and make it their home. No one is appalled that they are reaping the benefits from the worlds most horrific genocide of 95% of the indigenous population and the theft of their land.

All they think about is the fact that left without any options to come here legally because Euroameric­ans made themselves and people like them legal and Native American Indians like Mora-Lopez illegal, he committed identity fraud.
Picosa   1 hour ago (10:49 PM)
What in the heck are you talking about. Euroameric­ans are a dying breed. In a few years most people in this country will be brown.
dhinds   1 hour ago (10:51 PM)
You are threatenin­g to invade Mexico? With a US Army replete with Mexican Nationals? And take on all of Latin America and half of Europe?

Not a responsibl­e thought.

Furthermor­e, maybe America should return the land that belonged to Mexico (over half of it's original territory) and stop complainin­g about those coming back to their homeland to work for a while.
dhinds   22 minutes ago (11:48 PM)
Your particpati­on is more than welcome here, but you might be happier on Stormfront or Drudge.
Patricia Pace   3 hours ago (9:18 PM)
Working is not regarded as a crime. "Working" is a broad term and can include many activities­. Entering this country illegally is a crime and remaining here illegally is a huge crime.
Yo el ilegal   2 hours ago (9:46 PM)
Learn the law. The Congress put the "crime" up for a vote in 2007 and they didn't even got cloture to argue about it, therefore is not a crime. Working without documents is a misdemeano­r and not a crime. And stop being naive about pretending that you don't know what I mean by working.
Patricia Pace   2 hours ago (10:38 PM)
I am sorry for sending those responses to you. I know better and I apologize. I hope I did not upset you. Patricia
justhope   5 hours ago (6:45 PM)
Wow, just wow. If that is true, then that was bold. However as he pleaded not guilty, I need to see the merits of the case before casting judgement. I must say, this isn't unique to Mexicans. It is widely used in European immigrants whose passports have expired hence leaving them out of status. However as they assimilate better with society, they aren't suspected as illegal. I'd love to see how this plays out. If that's the case, then he would've been eligible for amnesty under Reagan's Amnesty appeal of 1986. What's the real story here?
Patricia Pace   3 hours ago (9:20 PM)
Are you a lawyer?
dhinds   1 hour ago (10:41 PM)
He doesn't have to be a lwyer to post to huffpo (just pass moderation­, like you did).

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