
Tips for NASA: Houston, You Have a Problem

John Bobey | Posted 05.26.2011 | Comedy

John Bobey

You shot yourself in the foot by calling them Space Shuttles. "Shuttles" don't boldly go where no man has gone before, they go to Chicago, and occasionally bring you from Parking Lot T to the front entrance of the State Fair.

The Real End of the World

Seth Shostak | Posted 05.26.2011 | Technology

Seth Shostak

Either none of my neighbors qualify for salvation, or Harold Camping is wrong in predicting that the countdown to the end of the world begins today. I vote, without surprise, for the latter.

May 21 Rapture: Books We Will (And Won't) Be Reading If The World Really IS Ending Tomorrow

Gina Barreca | Posted 05.25.2011 | Books

Gina Barreca

It'd be interesting to see what we'd read if we actually considered ourselves an endangered species. We'd have to give up the pretence and get with the program; we'd have to read only what we know (or believe) we'd love.

Relax! The World's Not Ending Anytime Soon

Dr. David Liepert | Posted 05.25.2011 | Religion

Dr. David Liepert

Moses, Jesus and Muhammad seemed to be striving for a world with peace. All that means for sure is the world's not going to be ending anytime soon.

Atlas Shrugged? Pertinent Today?

Laura Mola | Posted 05.25.2011 | Entertainment

Laura Mola

Depression, people on the streets, begging, homelessness, the end of the American Dream -- sounds like today. Well, today in the new Ayn Rand movie At...

What Would End-Timers Do Without the Threat of Nuclear Annihilation?

Russ Wellen | Posted 05.25.2011 | Entertainment

Russ Wellen

"The Great Atomic Power" was first recorded in 1952, the year that the hydrogen bomb was first tested. The song may have provided some comfort for those listeners aware that the nuclear arms race was at its height.

Bruce Willis to Save World in 2036

Pablo Andreu | Posted 05.25.2011 | Comedy

Pablo Andreu

The asteroid Apophis might crash into the Earth on April 13, 2036. NASA says that the chance of impact is slim, but actor Bruce Willis is counting on it.

2012 Doomsday Wrong? Prediction Date May Be Off Several Years

ABC News | Posted 05.25.2011 | Religion

Doomsday believers, you might be able to breathe a sigh of relief. The much-hyped "prediction" that, according to the ancient Mayan calendar, the w...

The Unfortunate Effects Apocalyptic Beliefs Can Have On Morality

Jonathan D. Fitzgerald | Posted 05.25.2011 | Religion

Jonathan D. Fitzgerald

When I was a kid I knew The World was going to Hell in a hand basket. I didn't know what that phrase meant, still don't really, but I knew that it was one of the only times I could get away with saying hell.

Unemployed Colo. Springs Woman Funding Bus Bench Ads Predicting Christ's Return

Colorado Springs Gazette | MARK BARNA | Posted 05.25.2011 | Denver

Marie Exley of Colorado Springs is convinced that Armageddon, the end of the world as written of in the Bible, will come next year. Her conviction ...

The End of Times: Do Scientists and Fundamentalists Concur?

Clay Farris Naff | Posted 05.25.2011 | Religion

Clay Farris Naff

You might think that scientists and Evangelicals have nothing in common. But you'd be wrong. Large numbers of both agree on one thing: the end is near.

Armageddon For Dummies

Jim Watkins | Posted 05.25.2011 | Entertainment

Jim Watkins

It's always interesting to me to see the different ways pop culture products reflect their times. Two shows now share the same premise: What would happen to the earth if one day we were all gone? It's a strange and dark form of entertainment.

Nobel Peace Prize Winner ElBaradei Writing Memoir

AP | Posted 05.25.2011 | Books

NEW YORK — Nobel Peace Prize winner Mohamed ElBaradei (ehl-BEHR'-uh-day) is writing a memoir about his years as head of the International Atomic...

ReThink Review: Waiting for Armageddon -- the End of the World As They Want It

Jonathan Kim | Posted 05.25.2011 | Entertainment

Jonathan Kim

As a person who is not religious, it seems to me that the major difference between a cult and a religion is popularity. And as the documentary Waiting...

Interview: Steve Buscemi on St. John of Las Vegas and the Indy Film World

Marshall Fine | Posted 05.25.2011 | Entertainment

Marshall Fine

Actor Steve Buscemi believes in luck, up to a point. As he notes, it usually has nothing to do with what you do to get it but what you do with it. "I...

The Future of Publishing: 10 Predictions Plus 2

Laurence Hughes | Posted 05.25.2011 | Books

Laurence Hughes

I had hoped to be out in front of the pack with some pithy prophecies of my own, but the holidays got in the way. Turns out the only thing I'm better at than prognostication is procrastination.

Evangelicals, Israel, and the End of the World

David Heilbroner | Posted 05.25.2011 | World

David Heilbroner

There are some 50 million Evangelicals in the US who believe in the literal truth of Bible prophecy. All are fixated upon Israel. Because for a great many true believers, the end of the world is just the beginning.

9 Ways Hollywood Has Destroyed The World (PHOTOS)

Huffington Post | Dan Abramson | Posted 05.25.2011 | Comedy

Hollywood loves to destroy the earth. Whether it comes in the form of an alien attack, a giant lizard, or just a good old fashioned asteroid, director...

Ex-Shopaholic's Survival Tips

Marjorie Hope Rothstein | Posted 05.25.2011 | Style

Marjorie Hope Rothstein

In case of total disaster, here are a few thoughts about changing your fashion habits today to be prepared:

Neocons' Jihad against Liberal Parties in Egypt

Wael Nawara | Posted 05.25.2011 | World

Wael Nawara

What does it mean to be an Egyptian Neocon? In their words, it means that they believe that the USA, has the right and the obligation to spread "democracy" and "capitalism," by force if necessary.

Happy Doomsday to You!

Randall Amster | Posted 05.25.2011 | Green

Randall Amster

Yes, it's the end of the world as we know it ... and it really is all fine.

Transformative: Le Cinema de Michael Bay

William Bradley | Posted 05.25.2011 | Entertainment

William Bradley

The fact that it is considered preposterous for a writer to not dismiss Bay's work in the most vehement of terms points up a dramatic disconnect between the critical community and the movie-going audience.

Judgement Day -- One Final Request

Jeffrey Shaffer | Posted 05.25.2011 | Comedy

Jeffrey Shaffer

Greetings! This is your official check-out notification. We hope your stay on the world has been pleasant. Now it's over. Finito. No more tom...

The Ultimate Divide

Wael Nawara | Posted 05.25.2011 | World

Wael Nawara

The recent events in Iran, Pakistan, Lebanon and even inside the United States, show that we are experiencing a deep divide in our world.

There's Only One End of the World... and This Isn't It

Zachary Karabell | Posted 05.25.2011 | Business

Zachary Karabell

The financial crisis is a good, albeit painful, reminder that the stocks, bonds, gold, silver have no intrinsic value. We act as if they do, because it gives us some sense of an orderly world.