
Arizona 2012: New Leaders With Ethnic Studies Caravan Will Move On and Flourish, Barking Dogs Will Fade

Jeff Biggers | Posted 12.30.2011 | Education

Jeff Biggers

"After taking Raza Studies in high school, I felt like it was my obligation to make sure to stay connected with the community and search for solutions in improving our local environment."

The Science of Seinfeld

Sam Sommers | Posted 12.12.2011 | Entertainment

Sam Sommers

Far from a "show about nothing," Seinfeld was actually an analysis of the ins and outs of daily human interaction-of the mundane social experiences previously not deemed worthy of exploration in front of a mass audience.

Who Owns Hispanic Social Media?

Daniel Cubias | Posted 12.06.2011 | Latino Voices

Daniel Cubias

Communication is a fundamental function of human existence. And it does not require corporate sponsorship. That primordial need to listen, and in turn to be heard, will always drive social media.

'My Tram Experience' Race Relations in Modern Britain

Nabeela Zahir | Posted 12.01.2011 | UK

Nabeela Zahir

There has never been a time when a racial utopia has existed and I doubt such a thing could ever exist, but we are losing sight of what makes the UK a racially tolerant and welcoming society. It is time for us to bring the discussion of race relations back to the forefront.

Black In The Whitest Corner Of Russia

Regina Fraser and Pat Johnson | Posted 11.11.2011 | Travel

Regina Fraser and Pat Johnson

An entire group of Russian tourists asked if they too could take my picture! I was a novelty and it was 2010!

London Is No Longer An English City and Who Won World War Two?

John Fleming | Posted 11.14.2011 | UK Lifestyle

John Fleming

Recently, John Cleese told an Australian interviewer: "London is no longer an English city... it doesn't feel English." Last night I saw Arnold Weske...

Can Ethnic Pride Translate into Hatred?

Daniel Cubias | Posted 11.01.2011 | Latino Voices

Daniel Cubias

Does being an activist for your own race mean discriminating against others?

I Was Told I Needed Plastic Surgery

Giulia Rozzi | Posted 10.30.2011 | Style

Giulia Rozzi

If women, especially public figures, keep giving into this bizarre fake ideal of what beauty is, the cycle will never end.

No Country for Stateless People

Davinder Kumar | Posted 10.29.2011 | UK

Davinder Kumar

Unwanted, unheard and unseen, stateless people exist with a sinking feeling of rejection. 'Let's go home, back to our country,' is not an option. There isn't any country for stateless people.

Divide and Conquer

Jay Tavare | Posted 10.24.2011 | Impact

Jay Tavare

As 2012 approaches and our global village gets smaller and more crowded, we must remind ourselves that underneath the stars we are all one race, one people.

A New Voice for Asian Americans

2morrowknight | Posted 10.24.2011 | Culture


Eighty years ago, in his best-seller The Epic of America, historian James Truslow Adams coined the phrase "American Dream." He defined it as not merel...

Do Clothes Define Your Ethnicity?

Arielle Hixson | Posted 10.24.2011 | Black Voices

Arielle Hixson

Are clothes associated with a particular race? This controversial question may fuel a debate. Certain aspects of fashion tend to connect to particular ethnic groups in the United States.

How Will Personal-Feedback Loops Affect the Hispanic Population?

Daniel Cubias | Posted 10.20.2011 | Latino Voices

Daniel Cubias

Could a personal-feedback loop help recent immigrants learn English more quickly? Might the idea be applied to concepts like voter registration or proper prenatal care, both of which are issues within the Latino population?

Hispanics and Illegal Immigration - Where the Conversation Stops

Stephen Palacios | Posted 10.19.2011 | Latino Voices

Stephen Palacios

Hispanic opinions on illegal immigration have what I believe is a reasoned, and reasonable perspective on comprehensive illegal immigration reform.

Rights and Responsibilities of the Black Community

Freedom Sithole | Posted 10.09.2011 | UK

Freedom Sithole

One of the points made in that previous blog was a feeling that the media was only interested in hearing from black or other ethnic minorities when problems occurred in those communities. Well I can't complain about a lack of black faces on TV over the last 3 to 4 days now. What I have been seeing over the last 4 days are attempts by Black politicians, community leaders and community workers to explain something that many of them do not really seem to grasp that well themselves.

Marvel's Mixed Race "Ultimate Spider-Man"

Marcia Dawkins | Posted 10.03.2011 | Entertainment

Marcia Dawkins

Today we meet Miles Morales, a younger multiracial and multiethnic Spider-Man. Even though Morales may remind us of the Spider-Man we're used to in the more traditional Marvel universe, there are definite differences.

Ethnic Voices in the British Media Pt 1

Freedom Sithole | Posted 09.26.2011 | Media

Freedom Sithole

Two weeks ago I sat down with a couple of friends over coffee London, discussing the closure of the News of the World and their last edition the previ...

Pretending Not to Notice Race

Sam Sommers | Posted 08.13.2011 | Politics

Sam Sommers

Have you ever had a conversation like the fictional one above, in which the person you're talking to (or maybe you yourself) hesitated before using race to describe someone? Or maybe avoided mentioning race altogether?

When Whites Feel Marginalized

Sam Sommers | Posted 07.31.2011 | Politics

Sam Sommers

In an era in which all groups, even the historically empowered majority, see themselves as victims of bias, deciding from which direction to combat the problem of discrimination will only continue to become an increasingly difficult task.

Black Women Are Not (Rated) Less Attractive!: Independent Analysis of the Add Health Dataset

Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D. | Posted 07.23.2011 | Style

Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D.

The low convergence of ratings finding suggests that in this very large and representative dataset, beauty is mostly in the eye of the beholder. What we are looking at here are simple ratings of attractiveness by interviewers whose tastes differ rather strongly.

Urban Engines -- American Cities Must Grow

Greg Selkoe | Posted 06.11.2011 | Politics

Greg Selkoe

My name is Greg Selkoe and I am an entrepreneur. This is a phrase I am proud of and no matter what the activity, whether it was when I worked at City ...

Has Anti-Latino Sentiment Peaked?

Daniel Cubias | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

Daniel Cubias

Virgil Peck's feeble attempt at humor lines up with the more overt shrieking of those conservatives who are terrified of Latinos, immigrants, undocumented people, or all three. They know that their mindset, once the default setting for the nation, is fading away.

What Is the Arab Third Estate?

Uriel Abulof | Posted 01.03.2012 | World

Uriel Abulof

For two long centuries, the Arab Middle East has struggled to meet the challenge of modernity, a task exacerbated by the lingering, and increasing, dissonance between the glorious past and the shameful present.

Is Tribalism on the Increase?

Daniel Cubias | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

Daniel Cubias

When I was a college student, I worked at the student newspaper. I was a longhaired, hard-drinking journalist -- a Woodward and/or Bernstein in traini...

Are Chinese Mothers Superior? You Can Decide for Yourself

Disgrasian | Posted 05.25.2011 | Books


Basically Amy Chua wrote the book we didn't. Which means my own Tiger Mother was right: my laziness was going to be my "downfall" one day.