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Science! A trivia test

Science! A trivia test

Test yourself with these 20 fun, odd, and interesting questions.
The Green Blog
Davis Square Yogurt Co-op
Sam Katz-Christy, a robot-builder by day, was tired of all the plastic yogurt containers he was throwing out. He decided to eliminate the waste by...

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Endangered Sumatran tigers captured in video

JAKARTA, Indonesia — Video cameras captured 12 critically endangered Sumatran tigers, including mothers with their cubs, in Indonesian forests slated to be cut down, wildlife activists said yesterday.

Past features

Low-salt diet has some roads
getting greener

The science of making streets safe during winter storms is potholed with problems. Tons of sand dumped on roadways can pick up contaminants and clog storm drains and must be swept up each spring.
The Broad Institute has exploded into a major research hub, with a goal of leveraging mind-boggling amounts of information to understand and abolish some of the most complicated diseases.

Lessons on regrowth on a small scale

In his lab at Tufts University, one biology professor is investigating an often-overlooked mechanism that may play a key role in triggering a regenerative capacity.

Is your social life extra full? A big amygdala may be why

Social butterflies don’t just have more friends than other people; a study finds that deep within their brains, they also have a larger amygdala — the almond-shaped structure that has long been known to play an important role in emotions.