Independent research, analysis and media. Shifting outlook, shifting policy, shifting communication.
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At Climate Central, A Focus on the Economy and Localized Engagement

On Friday, Climate Central ran a Q&A style article on several of the communication implications of the Climate Shift report. Launched in 2008, Climate Central is a digital news community pairing journalists and scientists to produce independent coverage and resources that Americans can use to more effectively participate on the challenge of climate change. In...

MIT Knight Science Tracker: Journalists on the Beat Need to Read the Media Analysis

Charlie Petit, the veteran science journalist who writes the MIT Knight Science Tracker, featured the Climate Shift report yesterday in his daily round up and commentary of science and environmental coverage.  Reflecting on the media analysis featured in Chapter 3 of the report, Petit says ““Journalists on the beat need to read this chapter.” Here’s...

Response to Joe Romm’s Statements on Climate Shift Report Analysis of Spending

Based on the analysis in Chapter 1 of the Climate Shift report, it is no longer tenable to assert a David vs. Goliath narrative when it comes to comparing the financial resources of the major national environmental groups and their opponents among conservative groups and industry associations.  Greens bring in vastly more in revenue, spend...

The New Republic On A “Fascinating Dissection” of Climate Activism

At the New Republic, associate editor Brad Plumer has penned a fair and substantive reflection on the Climate Shift report, elevating into focus a range of arguments and considerations that have not been given much attention since the failure of cap and trade legislation last year. Plumer calls the report a “a fascinating dissection of...

NATURE Editorial: Climate Shift Report “Essential Reading”

NATURE ran a very flattering lead editorial today on the Climate Shift report: In just over six months’ time, officials from the world’s nations will meet under the auspices of the United Nations to try again to complete the task that was beyond them in Copenhagen in 2009, to establish a legally binding treaty to...