Al-Ahram Weekly Online   17 - 23 December 2009
Issue No. 977
Front Page
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875



The Shape of Things to Come

On 31 December, Al-Ahram Weekly's yearender explores how life would, or wouldn't, change in 2020. This exceptional issue takes stock of the first decade of the third millennium and attempts to provide answers for the toughest questions of the next ten years.

This fully coloured special edition sets its sights on possible scenarios of what is likely to happen to the Egyptian people and shape their future for years to come.

'No need for nukes'
Officials reject demands from some members of the Shura Council that Egypt develop a nuclear weapons programme, reports Gamal Essam El-Din
Sacred images
Crowds flock to Giza as news spreads of an apparition of the Virgin Mary, reports Sherine Nasr
Survival of the fittest
Makram Mohamed Ahmed has retained his post as chairman of the Press Syndicate in a run-off election after a fierce battle. Shaden Shehab assesses the result of a week of frantic campaigning
'Back to crisis management'
President Mubarak aims to focus the spotlight on the dangers of leaving the Palestinian "situation" unattended during his current foreign tour, reports Dina Ezzat
Independent, or bust
For the second week in a row former IAEA director Mohamed El-Baradei's comments on the circumstances that would have to be in place for him to consider standing as a presidential candidate continue to make political ripples, reports Gamal Essam El-Din
Endless crisis?
Engineers are struggling to end a dispute that has entered its 14th year, reports Mona El-Nahhas
Vicious circle
As dozens of schools, and hundreds of classes, close, parents are left wondering whether health and education officials really know what they are doing in their attempts to combat the spread of swine flu, reports Reem Leila
Fourth time lucky?
Neither France Telecom nor Orascom Telecom is willing to let go their hold of MobiNil telecommunications, Niveen Wahish reports
The way forward
The Arab region, Egypt included, has untapped potential just waiting to be exploited, Sherine Nasr reports
Getting away with murder
Settler attacks on Palestinians escalate while Israel does nothing to apprehend the culprits, writes Khaled Amayreh in Ramallah
Dead in its tracks
Palestinian unity is still unreachable, writes Saleh El-Naami
Palestinian Christians urge boycott
Condemning the Israeli occupation of Palestine, Christian leaders call on their brethren worldwide to rise up in action
Return to Gaza
International solidarity with besieged Gaza is gaining momentum despite a Western media blackout. Amira Howeidy reports on the progress of the second Viva Palestina aid convoy as it crosses Europe
Who is besieging who?
Will GCC and the US "rescue" Yemen from collapse, asks Nasser Arrabyee
Rapprochement with Iran
Egypt and Iran have not been able to normalise relations, and Iranian regional ambitions may mean that they will not be able to do so, writes Salah Hemeid
Who is Samir Rifai?
As the cabinet of new Jordanian Prime Minister Samir Rifai takes its oath of office, does this latest change of government signal the possibility of real change, asks Sana Abdallah in Amman
The real thing
Al-Hariri will visit Syria shortly but will this be a courtesy call or a historic visit which will end tensions spanning four years, asks Bassel Oudat in Damascus
Window of opportunity closing
Attempts of the Turkish government to reach out to the Kurds have reached an impasse with the banning of the DTP, says Gareth Jenkins
Pakistani anvil
Barack Obama's new strategy for Afghanistan is worrying Islamabad, writes Graham Usher in New York
Inspired and perplexed
In the buildup to Christmas, Ati Metwaly takes her fill
B Movie
Tracing the history of the Egyptian espionage film, Hani Mustafa finds fault with its latest incarnation
The best is yet to come
Rania Khallaf is carried away by a dance paying tribute to Michael Jackson with a hint of Latin passion
Facing the final curtain
Pantomime artist Ahmed Nabil talks to Rashda Ragab about breathing life into a dying Egyptian art form, and how, much more than this, he did it his way
Demands for change
As world leaders gathered in Copenhagen for the UN Climate Change Summit, Mahmoud Bakr talked to head of the Egyptian delegation Maged George about Egypt's agenda
Gardening in small spaces
Live in an apartment and want your own garden? Jyl Ghoneim lends a hand
Swings of fortune
Zamalek put an end to their four-match winless run while Ahli drew for the third straight time. Ahmed Morsy reports on the domestic football league
Unfit at any speed
A specialist in physical exercise tells Ahmed Abu Ghazala what Egypt's national football team is missing

After a seven-year hiatus since its discovery, the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) will today lift a huge red granite tower, originally part of the pylon in a temple dedicated to Isis, from the Mediterranean seabed...


Whirling shadows
By Sherif Sonbol


'Sadly still needed'
By Karen Abu Zayd


A pilgrim's tale
By Nader Habib


Running out of time
Mohamed Said Idris argues that Iran's favourite tactic of procrastination has landed it in hot water
Dubai stands tall
No matter what the hacks say, Dubai is far from finished, writes Aijaz Zaka Syed
2010's looming dilemmas
Having given the world so much hope, now Barack Obama may be the world's greatest disappointment, writes Gamil Matar
Not Obama's year
Disappointment followed high hopes -- especially among the Arabs -- after the promise of change of the new US president foundered in 2009, writes Bassem Hassan
The peace enemy within
President Obama has done nothing to address the grip of the Israeli lobby on US foreign policy, and hence Middle East peace is as unattainable as it ever was, writes Ramzy Baroud
Marwan Barghouti: the equalizer
The threat of new popular president of the Palestinians is the incentive Israel needs to embrace the two-state solution, writes James Gundun
'Undivided' divided Jerusalem
US and Euro attempts to anticipate further "realities" infuriate Israeli planners, notes James Zogby
Climate change blues
Each global warming scenario seems more nightmarish than the last. But the one thing Egypt cannot afford to do, writes Abdel-Moneim Said, is to bury its head in the sand
Can we end the violence?
Across the Arab world the state remains the major party in ongoing conflicts. It stands to reason, then, writes Galal Nassar, that the state must itself be overhauled if conflicts are to be resolved
Life on the fault lines
Are we doomed to live on the fault lines of misconceptions and a lack of understanding, or can new technologies empower individuals to make their voices heard across borders, asks Raed Refaie

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