Web Services
Copyright Clearance Center

Copyright Clearance Center Web Services

Use Copyright Clearance Center's (CCC) Web Services to integrate your applications with CCC's rights licensing database. Our Web Services enable your end users to search, price and obtain copyright permissions within your Web site or application. All permissions-related financial transactions are managed by CCC, allowing you to focus on building and supporting your unique solution.

Technology Options

We offer three options for workflow integration:

  • RightsLink®
    • Permissions Gateway — A Web-based service using application programming interfaces (APIs) to insert within your application the ability to provide users with seamless access to CCC's rich rights licensing database, enabling them to search, price and obtain copyright permission without ever leaving your application.
    • RightsLink® Basic — An OpenURL-based deep link to copyright.com that provides users with one-click access to copyright permissions on copyright.com directly from your application, making it easy for them to search, price and obtain copyright permissions.
  • RightSphere® Plus — Enables intermediaries to use APIs or deep links to create an integrated solution to organize CCC rights data.

CCC provides assistance with the integration process and technical support to guide you through implementation.

Choose the Right Service for You


RightsLink RightSphere Plus
APIs and
deep links
Description Allows end users to search for, price and order copyright permissions from within your application by means of CCC's rights licensing database. Links users from your application to a permissions summary page on copyright.com where they can obtain permissions directly from CCC. Allows vendors to integrate CCC's rights information with document management systems, library archives and other applications.
Level of integration High - Integration of API into partner application Medium - Placement and integration of link in website or application High - Integration of RightSphere Plus API or deep link into partner application
Best suited for Application service providers, coursepack producers, copy shops, document deliverers, e-reserves systems Article databases, content aggregators, collaboration tools Corporate research tools, document ordering and management, and subscription management services
Volume of permissions handled High Low - Medium High
Technology APIs OpenURL APIs and deep links
Data transfer Bi-directional One way Bi-directional