Data For Research

Regression Models and Life-Tables

  • D. R. Cox
  • Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), Vol. 34, No. 2 (1972), pp. 187-220

  • Published by: Blackwell Publishing;Royal Statistical Society
  • Stable URL:
  • Abstract: The analysis of censored failure times is considered. It is assumed that on each individual are available values of one or more explanatory variables. The hazard function (age-specific failure rate) is taken to be a function of the explanatory variables and unknown regression coefficients multiplied by an arbitrary and unknown function of time. A conditional likelihood is obtained, leading to inferences about the unknown regression coefficients. Some generalizations are outlined.
  • Subjects: statistics
  • Keyterms: sample, failure, hazard, likelihood, censor, survivor, regression, function, model, table, censoring, mantel, distribution, maximum, gehan, asymptotic, statist, estimation, conditional, estimate, variable, analysis
  • CiteRank: 3
  • Times cited by articles in JSTOR: 1856

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