Last Update 15:10
Four more artefacts are back in the Egyptian museum
Four ancient Egyptian artefacts, two of which were reported missing from the Egyptian Museum during the January revolution are back home
Nevine El-Aref , Monday 2 May 2011

the four retrieved bronze statues
Osiris as a child

Today the tourism and antiquities police succeeded in retrieving four ancient Egyptian artefacts, two of which were reported missing from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir.

The criminals were caught red-handed.

Zahi Hawass, minister of state for antiquities affairs, assigned an archaeological committee headed by the Egyptian Museum Director, Tarek El-Awadi, to check on the authenticity of such pieces and whether they belong to the Egyptian museum.

Hawass told Ahram Online that the four bronze statutes date to the Late Period.

Two of them were from the Egyptian Museum that was looted during the January 25 Revolution. The statutes depict the god of prosperity, Osiris, and the other two feature the god Harpocrate, which represents the god Osiris in his childhood.

El-Awadi confirms that the other two are authentic items, but not from those on the list of the objects that are reported missing after the January Revolution. The committee is now investigating whether they are from any museum or archaeological site in Egypt.

One of the statues is 37.5cm tall depicting the god Osiris and the second is an 18cm statue of the god Horus when he was a child.

This brings the count of missing objects from the Egyptian museum to 31 objects out of 54 reported missing.

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chas nelson

Tuesday, May 03, 2011 9:42 PM
Regaining Tourism at Low Cost
1.8 $ billion to be spent trying to get back old tourism volume says the article at little cost to Tour Sellers!! How about a little effort from the Egyptian companies who accepted my $6400 in January; they renegged and the Egyptian companies got my money for nothing-- pure profit. Not one supplier ever called me to consider a later trip. Thousands of others who made a firm decision to come , spent the money and will never hear from them!! Call---Welcome us with a great discount and watch tourism rise. or We Call and arrange a camel tour in Australia with suppliers who want our business... Come on Egyptian Tours-- your country is famous for its Sales ability.. Here is your opportunity to regain business--- if you can stop studying your belly button and start to market smart!!'


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