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Comparative Literature Program

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Francisco LaRubia-Prado




General profile






409 ICC

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M 2:30-3:30 and by appointment


Francisco LaRubia-Prado, a Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Georgetown University, received his PhD at the Department of Romance Studies at Cornell University in 1990. His interests include literary and cultural theory, comparative literature, European intellectual history, and Spanish literature from the eighteenth century to the present.

Dr. LaRubia-Prado has published nine books--four monographs and five edited volumes--on issues such as the eighteenth century, Romanticism, Miguel de Unamuno, José Ortega y Gasset, narrative technique, literary theory, Cervantes, and intellectual history: ("Una encrucijada española: Miguel de Unamuno y José Ortega y Gasset." Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 2005), ("Retorno al futuro: Amor, muerte y desengaño en el Romanticismo español." Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 2004), ("Unamuno y la vida como ficción." Madrid: Gredos, 1999), ("Alegorías de la voluntad. Pensamiento orgánico, retórica y deconstrucción en la obra de Miguel de Unamuno." Madrid: Ediciones Libertarias/Prodhufi, 1996), (Edited, "Literatura y pensamiento en España." Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta. 2003), (Edited, "Cervantes for the 21st Century/ Cervantes para el siglo XXI." Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta. 2000), (Edited, "El hispanismo en los Estados Unidos: Discursos críticos/prácticas textuales." Madrid: Visor, 1999), (Edited, "Theorizing Modern Hispanic Fiction." Special issue of "The Journal of Narrative Technique," 27/2 (1997)), (Edited, "Razón, tradición y modernidad: Re-visión de la Ilustración hispánica." Madrid: Tecnos, 1996).

He has also published many articles dealing with Spanish literature and culture, comparative literature, and intelectual history in journals such as "La Coronica," "Hispanic Review," "Bulletin of the Comediantes," "Revista de Estudios Hispánicos," "Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos," "Bulletin of Hispanic Studies," "Revista Hispánica Moderna," "The Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies," "Cuadernos de la Cátedra Miguel de Unamuno," "Revista de estudios orteguianos," "Dieciocho," "Studi Ispanici," and "Symposium."


  • PhD (1990) Cornell University, Romance Studies
  • MA (1986) State University of New York, Buffalo, Modern Languages and Literatures
  • Licenciado (1979) Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, Political Science and Sociology

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