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Summer Allergies

Summer is a time for outdoor activities -- but along with these outdoor activities comes outdoor allergies. Allergies to grass pollen, stinging and biting insects, and smoke from campfires and barbecues can ruin an otherwise perfect summer outing.

All About Summer Allergies

Allergies Spotlight10

Unusual Rashes

Monday July 4, 2011

Rashes are a common reason for people to see their doctor. Most of these rashes are minor annoyances, limited to one area of the body, and may or may not itch. Other rashes, however, may involve the entire body, or more sensitive areas such as the face. Whatever the severity, rashes are distressing for many people, and can often turn a person's life upside down. There are a wide variety of causes of allergic rashes, including some unusual rashes -- pregnant women experience a number of unique rashes, some of which are dangerous, while most are not. Rashes that involve only the eyelids are fairly common, especially in women, often as a result of hair dye or facial cosmetics. Lastly, rashes that occur after swimming are common during the summertime, and have different causes based on whether the rash affects the skin under the swimsuit or if the rash affects the exposed skin.

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Beware of Sedating Antihistamines

Tuesday June 28, 2011

I'm always surprised how many of my new patients come to me taking older, sedating antihistamines to treat a wide variety of allergic conditions. Sedating antihistamines, such as over-the-counter Benadryl (diphenhydramine) and prescription Atarax (hydroxyzine), have significant side effects that often outweigh the benefits of taking the medication. This is particularly true for the treatment of allergic rhinitis (hay fever), which is much more effectively treating with newer, low sedating antihistamines. Not only do sedating antihistamines cause drowsiness, they cause constipation, urinary retention and dry mouth. What's more, in many states in this country, a person can be charged with a DUI (driving under the influence) if an automobile accident is deemed to be their fault while taking a sedating antihistamine.  It is true, however, that some allergic conditions, such as urticaria (hives) and pruritus (itching), sometimes respond better to sedating antihistamines, especially doxepin.

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Itchy Rash After Swimming?

Tuesday June 21, 2011

Summer vacation brings to mind all sorts of great outdoor activities - from camping at the lake or trips to the beach, the warm summer months lead to water activities, such as swimming in the lake, surfing in the ocean or waterskiing in the river. Unfortunately, many people will experience an itchy skin rash after aquatic sports. There are many causes of itchy rashes after swimming, including insect bites, cold urticaria and many causes of sun allergy after a day in the sun. Microscopic organisms cause two special types of itchy rashes after swimming, one from exposure to freshwater (lakes, ponds, rivers and streams), the other from saltwater (the ocean).

Learn about the most common causes of itchy rashes after swimming.

Taking the Sting Out of Summer Allergies

Saturday June 18, 2011

Insect allergies are a major problem during the summer months. People are more likely to participate in outdoor activities, such as swimming, hiking and yard work, and therefore are likely to come into contact with various insects. These insects, which are enjoying the warm weather as well, can sting people. Most people experience some type of reaction after being stung by a bee or bitten by a mosquito. Usually, these reactions include pain and swelling around the sting. Allergic reactions can also occur as a result of a sting, and can even be life-threatening. Find out more about insect sting and bite allergy, who should undergo testing, and the treatments that are available.

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