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Text Talk: the Top Text Message Abbreviations, 2011

Getty Images:  Text Talk Abbreviations

2011 is all about quick and mobile internet. Thumb typing has spawned many modern abbreviations, and personal email has been condensed into oddball jargon. Here is a list of the most common modern messaging expressions that pervade daily conversation...

More on Text Talk:

Internet for Beginners Spotlight10

What Is 'Jumping the Shark'? What Does This Expression Mean?

Monday June 6, 2011

In an online discussion forum, you see the odd phrase "This health care bill debate has jumped the shark. I'm outta here!" You have seen this expression in an email as well. But what exactly does it mean to 'jump the shark'? Well, friends, 'jumping the shark' and its sister expression 'nuking the fridge' are both negative colloquialisms. About.com explains the shark jumping expression here...
(photo by Altrendo / Getty Images)

Poll: Do You Prefer Mac or PC?

Sunday June 5, 2011

Readers share their reasons here...

Why You Should Not Use Company Computers for Personal Email

Saturday June 4, 2011

Many of us use our office email to send and receive personal messages. It's harmless to check in with spouse and friends, right? Well, actually: no - you shouldn't use work email to trade personal messages. About.com explains how we should all keep our work and personal emailboxes completely separate...

(photo by Taxi / Getty Images)

What Is 'Trolling'?

Saturday June 4, 2011

Trolling is the immature act of causing controversy and conflict in online discussions. Trolling abounds in conversation forums, online games, and even news sites. Read more about Internet trolling here...

(photo by Workbook Stock / Getty Images)

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