McDonough School of Business
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The Rafik B. Hariri Building
Undergraduate Video for BusinessWeek
Admissions Tips - The Interview
A Day in the Life
Rafik B. Hariri
An introduction to the new Rafik B. Hariri Building
Dean's Enews Welcome
Admissions Tips
Georgetown McDonough School of Business Reunion Weekend
NABE: Recession will End by Fall 2009
Totalt antall visninger
Ble med:
30. apr 2009
Siste pålogging:
1 uke siden
Offering unparalleled access to the world's business, policy and thought leaders, Georgetown University's Robert Emmett McDonough School of Business is seated at one of the nation's most prestigious universities in one of the world's most dynamic and important cities. The school is committed to developing leaders capable of making complex business decisions in a global environment and who are dedicated to serving their companies, society and humanity.

The McDonough School's undergraduate, MBA, executive education and International Executive MBA programs provide solid grounding in all the core management disciplines, with an emphasis on the global, ethical and political environment of business.