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Obama Camp Hammers New 'Ironic' New Yorker Cover Depicting Conspiracists' Nightmare of Real Obamas

July 13, 2008 5:46 PM

The sophisticates at The New Yorker have come up with a cover that is sure to get the magazine a lot of attention. Negative attention. From their friends.

An illustration by Barry Blitt depicts Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., and his wife Michelle in the Oval Office, revealing their "true" selves: Michelle is in full revolutionary garb, an enormous afro making her look like a millennial Angela Davis, holding an automatic weapon and wearing military pants.

In the cartoon Michelle is giving dap, or fist-bumping, with her husband who is wearing a turban and is dressed in garb perhaps more appropriate for a madrassa in Lahore than the Oval Office.

A painting of Osama bin Laden hangs above the fireplace, where the American flag is being burned.


ABC News' Sunlen Miller reports that when he was asked about the controversial cover during a press avail today, Obama shrugged and then said, "I have no response to that."

His campaign had a response later in the day on Sunday.

Said Obama spox Bill Burton: "The New Yorker may think, as one of their staff explained to us, that their cover is a satirical lampoon of the caricature Senator Obama's right-wing critics have tried to create. But most readers will see it as tasteless and offensive. And we agree."

Knowing the liberal politics of the magazine, I believe the magazine's staff when they say the illustration is meant ironically, as a parody of the caricature some conservatives (and some supporters of Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y.) are painting of the Obamas.

But it's still fairly incendiary, at least as these things go. I wonder what the reaction would be were it the Weekly Standard or the National Review putting such an illustration on their covers.

Intent factors into these matters, of course, but no Upper East Side liberal -- no matter how superior they feel their intellect is -- should assume that just because they're mocking such ridiculousness, the illustration won't feed into the same beast in emails and other media. It's a recruitment poster for the right-wing.

"This is as offensive a caricature as any magazine could publish," says a high-profile Obama supporter, "and I suspect that other Obama supporters like me are also thinking about not subscribing to or buying a magazine that trafficks in such trash."

But I would assume over at the Conde Nast building, they think it's droll.

I cannot imagine there aren't some angry, angry people in Chicago right now wondering if they should ever even talk to the New Yorker again.

- jpt

* This post has been updated with the response from the Obama campaign.

UPDATE: The Huffington Post publishes a comment from the artist, Barry Blitt, who says, "I think the idea that the Obamas are branded as unpatriotic [let alone as terrorists] in certain sectors is preposterous. It seemed to me that depicting the concept would show it as the fear-mongering ridiculousness that it is."

Asked if in retrospect, given the outcry, he's glad that he submitted that cover, Blitt says, "Retrospect? Outcry? The magazine just came out ten minutes ago, at least give me a few days to decide whether to regret it or not..."

The New Yorker, of course, has a history of brilliant and occasionally controversial covers. There's the Art Spiegelman Valentine's Day picture of a Hasidic man in lip-lock with an African-American woman; Ed Sorel has depicted bin Laden on the subway; Saul Steinberg's 1976 homage to a New Yorker's egoistic view of the world is legendary.

More recent Blitt covers of some edge and note include one commenting simultaneously on the Larry Craig "for whom the stall tolls" scandal and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's comments about homosexuality; the impact of Hurricane Katrina on the Bush presidency; and Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, in bed together with the red phone ringing.

While I'm in a linking mood, here's the American Society of Magazine Editors' 40 Top Magazine covers of the past 40 years (as of 2005) and a 1999 story by then-Salon columnist (now with Time) James Poniewozik expressing concern than then-brand-new New Yorker editor-in-chief in chief David Remnick was being too cautious with his covers.

July 13, 2008 in Obama, Barack | Permalink | Share | User Comments (545)

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Posted by: mc | Jul 22, 2008 8:49:09 AM

The first sign of a political dictator is one that will start giving mandates that control the people that hire him, ie., control the way you drive your vehicle, how much water you use when you flush, mandate government controlled health insurance, and make sure that you will speak Spanish.

Any self respecting citizen of the United States should speak loudly and say " No Way ".

Posted by: ron Sprague | Jul 18, 2008 2:18:04 PM

The only trouble with the NewYorker cover about senator 0bama is its p0litical inc0rrectness .

Posted by: nway | Jul 18, 2008 11:45:55 AM

Some editor drinking too much caffeine coffee and smoking some cuban cigar and coughing like mad hit his fist on the table and scattered the papers and pens and guffawed at his own wild demented dark rabid joke that he worships at his pseudo shrine called sick satire!
This was and is some sick joke that was flushed down the gutter by someone else and picked up and washed and sprayed with scented perfume and varnished and put aside to dry and then patched up and posted as satire in what used to a respectable iconic magazine.
Sad poor journalistic taste by what may be remote controlled manipulated editors standing on the auction block of insanity. Trashy media has marched into the ivory palaces of media moguls and put their mud dripping boots on the elephant leather sofa's of the office of the ministry mindset opinion with the open agenda of trashing the respectability of hardworking dedicated American's like Barak and Michelle Obama.

Posted by: Errol Smythe | Jul 17, 2008 6:17:34 AM

The NYer did this on purpose, guys. DUHHHHHH

Posted by: duh | Jul 16, 2008 5:59:32 PM

I watched on Tuesday July 15, 2008 John McCain conduct a Town Hall meeting in New Mexico
and I have to say that Mr. McCain was impresive on his dialogue about the issues facing America,
and listening through the whole meeting I was at the point of wanting to vote for him, but after reflecting
on what was asked to Mr. McCain, I realized that there were no follow-up quetions, for example:
when he was asked what he would do to help Small Business's in America, he responded by saying
that he would help them by giving them tax incentives, no one asked his viewpoint about his recommendation
for a 'Tax and Cap Bill'. and what effect this bill would have on Small Business's and their tax obligations.

Some one asked Mr.McCain about our illegal immigrant problem and he confirmed his stance on
'Immigrant Reform', and the major problem of killings and drugs comming into our country,
his response was that we need to send more money to Mexico to help combat this problem,
but he did not mention the fact that we are reducing the amount of financial aid to our own
enforcement officials on the United States side of the border.

The people who posed the questions to Mr. McCain asked some very important questions
and they sounded like very educated people, but I can not help but think that the poser of
these questions were paid stand in's.

Posted by: Patty Reynolds | Jul 16, 2008 2:14:21 PM

As I sit down to my cup of coffee and newspaper in the morning I can't help but reflect on how totally biased the news media are, it would seem that they think we only have two political parties to choose from in the United States.

Our two party system is the real conspiracy in this country. Bob Barr said to watch the way Democrat's and Republican's try to resolve the problems that our country is in, is a joke, because they are the problem!

I have to stop watching TV and get on with my life because I think my brain is turning to pudding.

One more thing; if I hear about government mandates one more time (ie, you have to: turn down the thermostst, drive less, buy health insurance, use less water when you flush or buy those stupid little flourescent light bulbs, etc., etc.), I think that I'll have to get down and dust off my trusty old cannon

Posted by: ron Sprague | Jul 16, 2008 2:10:33 PM

Congratulations on the cover. Finally someone in the fifth estate had the courage to put in print what all of mainstream America thinks. Stick to your guns. The ones that are howling at the gate for someone’s head on a stick are the same bleeding hearts that scream to defend the rights of the freedom of the press when it is something that they believe in. The only better cover would have been Osama going nuts as a chameleon on a crazy quilt trying to change his colors to match. That’s what he’s doing now trying to hide his true colors until the election. Then, God forbid he should win, will we finally see the true Obama.

Posted by: Randy Waltz | Jul 15, 2008 6:27:52 PM

If this cover had taken a similar approach to a figure on the religious right, would there have been the same outrage by the liberals? And talk about elite, the main argument seems to be that the poor stupid lower middle class white guy won't get the satire. Yeah, they're all too dumb to read and understand The New Yorker. It may be in bad taste. It may be offensive. Hey, the crucifix in a jar of urine is offensive to many. Some people are offended by drawings of their religious leaders. I don't see anyone calling for the heads of the people who made the calls to display those. It seems only Senator Obama is off limits. I am not a fan of W or Cheney but I have seen car stickers and t-shirts that were as derogatory as this. Yes, the cover of NYer isn't a bumper sticker but freedom of expression applies to it as well. It is this kind of double standard on the left that has made me a recovering Democrat.

Posted by: LCS | Jul 15, 2008 11:47:59 AM

Rush Limbaugh discovered a shtick that was picked up by Ann Coulter and others. Whenever they were called out on some of their more outrageous and extremist attacks, they would say they are just practicing the time honored traditions of lampoon and satire. But they know full well that they are tapped into a rich vein of the American audience that take everything they say as gospel. Whatever they say are as authoritative to that audience as the book of Genesis. Metaphors, allegories, parodies, satires, and such mean nothing to them.

The New Yorker cartoon will be fodder for them.

Posted by: JoeC | Jul 15, 2008 10:58:33 AM

The red flags on this “...journalistic boo boo...” is egg on the faces of all those that had their laughs around the editor's coffee table when he approved this cartoon picture of the politics of fear.

Posted by: Errol Smythe | Jul 15, 2008 6:16:41 AM
Errol sounds like merry old England and the papers that pass for news there.
Wohooo are they ever nasty and sensasional. Read a mag lately? I found "journalism" there to be quite disgusting! They sure enjoy the freedom of the press and the soapbox in our sister country!

Posted by: HP Boston | Jul 15, 2008 10:38:23 AM

Time for a change in Editorial policy . Freedom of the press can only be a defence for good accurate responsible journalism and not for bad inaccurate irresponsible journalism that is devisive and incites racial prejudice and is a threat to tatsteful respectful and credible journalism.

Posted by: Errol Smythe | Jul 15, 2008 6:12:53 AM
I do not buy playboy, girl or the inquirer. If you do not like the New Yorker shun it, freedoms are going to often by the way side in America.
Where were you when sexsim and gender bias was running rampant in this campaign, did you not get it? Were you unaware that the MAJORITY of America wonen got it.
If you political newbies do not get satire and accept it for others as foul, get over it when aimed at your guy.

Posted by: HP Boston | Jul 15, 2008 10:26:34 AM

To all the hypocrites:

Where were your indignant voices when the very same New Yorker published their infamous "3 AM Red Telephone" cover?

Then, there was not a peep from the BHO peeps. Now, they do protest too much, methinks.

I also wonder how many of these indignant people actually read the New Yorker on a regular basis? Were it not for the cover being plastered all over the Internet, most of you wouldn't even have been aware of it.

So, sweetie, get over it.

Posted by: Yavo Lem | Jul 15, 2008 8:33:03 AM

The reptilian underbelly of gutter swirl profile politics has slithered on the editorial pages of modern day journalism leaving a trail of distaste, disgust and mistrust of what used to be iconic media status of respectable and responsible journalism.
A sad day of the media. Some people just don't know where to draw the line between editorial sensational media gutter garbage and good editorial sound judgement. A few resignations may be in order from those responsible for smearing gutter mud swirl on the banner of freedom of the press and shredding good editorial judgement versus low taste perverted satirical comedy to control the damage the media credibility has suffered.
The red flags on this “...journalistic boo boo...” is egg on the faces of all those that had their laughs around the editor's coffee table when he approved this cartoon picture of the politics of fear.

Posted by: Errol Smythe | Jul 15, 2008 6:16:41 AM

Word on the street is that some media agencies have no respect for the good taste of their subscribers and that such media agencies have a hidden agenda to brainwash targeted sectors of the community so that they can impose a predetermined mindset that is stereotyped to be offensive distasteful and down right mean and dirty.
There was a serious breech of good sound judgement by the editorial department of the New Yorker Magazine.
Were a few giggles and laughs around the cartoonist's coffee meeting table worth it?
This hidden agenda to derail Barak Obama and Michelle Obama's respectablity is downright dirty and mean and represents the reptilian underbelly of gutter journalism .
People have integrity and high moral standards and are tired of trashy jornalism.
If certain media agencies want to continue to sensationalize swirl and stereotype certain high profile people including Barak and Michelle Obama with patchwork profiling that stretches the credibilty of good journalism just for a few giggles and a few laughs by a few staff members employed by such media agencies, then mass cancellations of subscriptions to bankrupt trashy journalism may be the panacea to such irresponsibility.
Respect should not be just a by word.
Falling standards shred and tatter the banner of respectabilty and corrupt responsible journalism and throws gutter mud on the respectability and patriotism of American citizens and is disrespectful and downright mean and dirty to all patriots including Barak and Michelle Obama .
Time for a change in Editorial policy . Freedom of the press can only be a defence for good accurate responsible journalism and not for bad inaccurate irresponsible journalism that is devisive and incites racial prejudice and is a threat to tatsteful respectful and credible journalism.

Posted by: Errol Smythe | Jul 15, 2008 6:12:53 AM

Methinks.. it is truly disrespectful. I worked for a major newspaper for years

The ability of the (ahem) editors, publishers to control the pictures, that they choose to PORTRAY to the generaL SPONGE MASSES IS disgusting at best, unlawful at the worst. Subliminal perception... run amuck!. That author should truly be ashamed... boooo, big booo to you

Posted by: deborah | Jul 15, 2008 4:24:46 AM

Of course its a satire. Based on type of publication The New Yorker has always been, it's obvious this is a sarcastic image. It's obviously making fun of anyone who believes the absurd claims that Obama is linked to Islamic fundamentalism. IT'S JUST OBVIOUS COMMON SENSE. It's not even a matter of people lightening up, it's simply a matter of people understanding satire and sarcasm.

Posted by: emmanuel | Jul 15, 2008 3:14:33 AM

Barry Blitt's attempt at an explanation is a sorry excuse for a tasteless cartoon. None of his other so called funny depictions were people running for the highest office in the land and he knew exactly what result he wanted.

That's the way of people like Barry Blitt: You do and say stuff like this and then you turn on the people and ask what's the fuss all about.

Posted by: exatlantic | Jul 15, 2008 1:20:13 AM

I think this is terrible. I think there should be some sort of punishment put on the reporter, cartoonist, whatever you call him. I find it very offensive. How far will it go?

Posted by: JJensen | Jul 15, 2008 1:18:45 AM

WOW! This cover just changed my mind about Obama and his wife. I thought they were just good old folks who loved our country. Now I want to thank the New Yorker for correcting me. This cover has changed my life forever!

Posted by: yougottobekidding | Jul 15, 2008 1:04:37 AM

Wow, Ive reached 77 years and seen alot of good and bad happen in our country, but never low of this type, sorry, no matter what side of the fence your on, this is wrong .... President Bush has not been my favorite President but would I want to see him and Laura portrayed in a manner such as this...I think not! For shame New Yorker, for what its worth, I'll not purchase your magazine again.

Posted by: Maggie Schmitt | Jul 15, 2008 12:49:24 AM

Oh boy... if you don't read the New Yorker regularly you might be missing something. It's called humor. Not that the New Yorker has a monopoly on witty satire, but that's EXACTLY what this cartoon is. It's MOCKING the ridiculous rumors about Obama. Guarantee that 99% of people who read the magazine now what up and think the cover is humorous and that is is making... a joke.

Just because there are enemies out there doesn't mean every kid with a water-gun is a terrorist.

It's just ink.

Posted by: Jake | Jul 15, 2008 12:44:16 AM

hey john...im pretty sure you know nothing about it .May God have mercy for you on the day of Judgement.

Posted by: courtney handspiker | Jul 15, 2008 12:33:37 AM

Finally, America gets a true picture
of who obama really is, wake up folks,
he's doing exactly what he has been
trained to do by those that want our
country destroyed. Who are those? just
look at the picture, anymore questions?

Posted by: John | Jul 15, 2008 12:30:08 AM

I can't believe that anyone would find this cover funny. Yes I am angered over the cover. They are Americans. Is this country so afraid of what might happen if a Black Man was running the country that we would attack him on any level. I am sadden that our country is letting hate rear it's ugly head at a such an important time in our history. We need to look at where our country has been. The status quo is not working. We need to change. Let's not let our fear of the unknown or ignorance block us from moving forward and regaining our place as the great nation that we are suppose to be.

Posted by: trixi | Jul 15, 2008 12:29:00 AM

What if the New Yorker next month had a similarly "funny" depiction of the McCain family. Let's dig up some "conspiracy" items for that cover. For starters, let's put a picture of his wife with a Budweiser, only cross off the name and put the name of the new owner. Then, let's put some war pictures that depicted what the war he served in was really about. Then, let's show him jumping back and forth over a fence, because that is what his party seems to be accusing him of doing every day. Let's see how funny that would be.

Posted by: CLT | Jul 15, 2008 12:10:55 AM

What is really shocking is that this got printed when the media is pandering to Obama like he is the 2nd Coming. The New Yorker is a liberal magazine. This isn't some conservative smear campaign... it is a lampoon by one of his own.

I also agree with all of the comments observing that criticizing Obama means one is a racist. I know it is a prevailing attitude that African Americans who don't support Obama are branded as self-hating and "wannabee" whites.

I don't care what his color is, but I do care that he hasn't seriously been vetted by anyone and the media is shielding him from scrutiny. He is singly the most unqualified person to get either party's nomination in recent history.

Posted by: justin | Jul 14, 2008 9:51:25 PM

if only we could vote for positive issues rather than voting against negative feelings. this would make people able to stand up and say things like "i voted for john mccain because..." and not "i will never vote for john mccain because". this is a lost vote, coming from someone who should put their strong feelings to good use in a way that would make them accountable for the future. because of their vote being "lost" in a heated way, they don't deserve to have any say in the running of the country.

Posted by: willie whyte | Jul 14, 2008 9:49:31 PM

Looks like just what it is .So REAL.

Posted by: John Watson | Jul 14, 2008 9:04:09 PM

"wonder how the muslim community will take this.

i too worry about this country."

From what I read, they are excited about one of their own making it to POTUS.

Posted by: Ron | Jul 14, 2008 8:15:13 PM

wonder how the muslim community will take this.

i too worry about this country.

Posted by: zey | Jul 14, 2008 7:18:17 PM

Let's get the chase in regards to can you trust this man. My Grandma always said that you can measure the dept of a man's feelings and likeness of a man by the way he treats his family and the people he surrounds himself with. In this election cycle we do have a very real constrast picture of the two candidates, Obama and McCain and that contrast is in their personal lives, not the sound bits, or radio talk shows talk, but in their lives. Who would you trust, you say? Would you trust a man who divorce his first wife because of an accident that disfigured her, only a month later married a rich person or would you trust a man who has done his best to make a fine home, who loves his wife and children and has worked his way though life, college, work and the light, who guaduated at the top of his class or do you trust a person who just bearly made in his classs, never had to work a real job in his life. Who do you trust? do you trust a man who had tried to associate with different groups of people, made decisions in life that may or not been popluar at the time, or do you trust a person who does what is needed to get an office, but votes agaist issues that are for the common man, who associates himself with a president who will go down in history as the biggest failure of presidents, or do you trust a man who is in a party that talk the talk about family values, but who personal lives, business dealings speak volumes and who seemed not able to take responisibity for their actions. I have more respect for the Clintions for staying together, rasing a wonderful child, and making their marrage work after a very terrible mistake. I respect men and women, no matter what their polical beliefs love and work to make their marriages and family work. Or do you respect a man who disrespects his wife and calls her a dirty name in public and who has lost the respect of his peers due to a anger problem. The one thing I haven't seen Obama do during this election season is to loose his cool or bearing and to me that speaks valumes about the man. He has had everything thown at him, but the kitchen sink, and he maybe angery, he has handle himself with grace and honorable actions. He is able to response to those who attack him with respect and honor. The mark of a true man is how he deals with adversity and when he is down and if he can raise above those things, he is a true warrior and a honor to his community and fellow man. So, if you are going to fall on the I can't trust deal, it would be wise to look at all the facts or both men and then compair. That way you can make an informed decision as to who is the right person for the task at hand. Thank you.


Posted by: Wanbleeman | Jul 14, 2008 6:47:23 PM

This is just a lame attempt at a character assassination.

Posted by: Jacob Weinstein | Jul 14, 2008 6:35:08 PM

It is scary how many stupid people are out there who would believe that this is the real picture of Obama and his wife. (Look at Rook a few places up). The cover is of course legal, but it is tasteless. . While it is legal, it fails to be smart or witty. Let's just hope those who believe the cover to be true pictures of the Obamas stay home from the polls. They are obviously not smart enough to be voting for the direction the country should take. They (most Republicans) are barely smart enough to know what's best for themselves.

Posted by: Michael | Jul 14, 2008 6:31:44 PM

The reason Clinton supporters will not vote for Obama is because they are embarrassed of him, his life, his unfair tactics and his beliefs. And they still don't know all about him.

1. They don't want a candidate that has been in a twenty year relationship with Reverend Wright and the Trinity United Church of Christ.

2. They don’t’ want a candidate that has a twenty year relationship with Father Pflaeger as his compass in life

3. They don’t want a candidate that went to a church that supports Louis Farrakhan, an anti Semitic racist.

4. They don't want to defend Black Liberation theology.

5. They don’t want a candidate that lies about his relationship with Tony Rezko, the Syrian Criminal that sold his property to Obama and supported his campaign.

6. They don't want a candidate that could work with a domestic terrorist, William Ayers.

7. They don’t want a candidate that Hamas supports.

8. They don’t want a candidate that Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam support

9. They don’t want a candidate that has a wife that has just now realized she was proud of our country.

10. They don’t want a candidate that denies Florida and Michigan their voices

11. They don’t want a candidate that mentions 57 states in his speeches. 50 states in the USA and 57 states in the Nation of Islam (IOC website)

12. They don’t want a candidate that fights unfair and steals Michigan delegate votes from his opponent.

13. They don’t want a candidate that feels sorry to leave a church that is anti American and that preaches hatred and racial views that are cruel and nasty.

14. They don't want a candidate that is inexperienced.

15. They don’t want a candidate that considers it a loss to not to be able to attend his anti American, racist Church.

16. They don’t want a candidate that has a “non practicing” Muslim father, but avoids the entire discussion of his father.

17. They don’t’ want a candidate that won’t debate

18. They don’t’ want a candidate that misleads the youth with an ‘Obama girl and her behind in their face”

19. They don’t want a candidate that says he’s an African American and missed the MLK Remembrance Day and the Louisiana Black Caucus meeting

20. They don’t want a candidate that has done nothing for humanity except talk about it.

21. They don’t’ want a candidate that has poor judgment.

22. They don’t' want a candidate named; Barack Hussein Obama

23. He scares them to death.
24. He is embarrassing.
25. He is unelectable.

Posted by: Al from NJ | Jul 14, 2008 5:54:53 PM

Obama is never being addressed properly because, God forbid, one word said that can be twisted will be as a racial slur.

Sexism is much more prevelant.

Obama should get over it.
He's still being vetted. Let the media deal with him.

And yes, he is scary and risky.

Posted by: Al from NJ | Jul 14, 2008 5:52:45 PM

Obama is still not telling the truth about his upbringing.
His father is a non practicing Muslim.
So if he doesn't want to clear the air with Americans the press will go after him until he does.

Also he has never explained his relationship with William Ayers, a coworker of his.

Obama shouldn't complain after he had his mentor mock whites and disgrace Senator Clinton. He never apologized to Clintons.

I can't imagine Hillary or McCain's ministers mocking blacks the way his reverend, mentor and friends did.

Who is the racist?

And for those people that don't know this: Clintons have worked their whole life for the underdog and for civil rights. President Clinton has his office in Harlem, his choice. He could have had an office on 5th Avenue overlooking Central Park.

He loves African Americans and I am sure he is hurt by anyone that even suggests that he has any racists attitude towards them.

Posted by: Rick from Pa | Jul 14, 2008 5:49:14 PM

So what do we do? keep the same system that have failed us, stay the course going down a road that leads us to the end. I don't think so, I may not like the man, but what he is saying or doing is the right thing, that is a small price to pay. There are a lot of leaders that I personly don't like, but if the are doing the right things I could care less. I am not supporting Obama because he is black/white, or a liberal, or because he is the midwest, I am supporting him for bettter or worse, he is our candidate, he won the primaries. There is nothing we can do to change that, so what do we do? We try to let who ever is running how we feel, what we want from him and we work together to get the right things done. The wrong way of doing this is not by listening to the opposition, but by getting involved, by listening and learning and by not being afraid to find out the truth beyond our narrow spear of views. I am neither a Repub or Democrative in this requard. I just want what is best for our people, I don't listen to the far right, or the far left. I am just a simple man in south Texas, but I read, I learn and I can see what the current policies are doing to us and "I DON'T LIKE IT" I don't like that I am suffering, scared that I may be on the streets in the coming months, that I can't affort to drive to work, or to work like a dog for pennies. I don't like the fact that I see what is happening to our troops at Fort Sam and other military hospitals, I don't like that i see homes empty and people losing everything and our jobs going overseas and some jeck, tell me that all this is in my mind. I am so mad that I would rather vote for Bee Bee the roadrunner, before I vote to continue the same road under the repulicans ie, McCain and company. I am not scared for my Country and I am crying because, we can't affort to continue down this path some what for us to go. So, I will take my chances on the unknown with the facts I have at hand and Pray to God that I did the right thing. I want fresh ideals and I want for us all to work together to make a new begining to bring our nation the hope and reason that we need to solve our problems together. Sound bits, non facts or misconceptions are going to change that I have hope and I see a man, thou not perfect, has a vision to the fulture, not the past or present, the FULTURE, for it is the coming generations and children that I am hoping for.. Thank you.

Posted by: Wanbleeman | Jul 14, 2008 5:20:55 PM

I was so happy when I heard about Obama and supported him until I learned more about his church. I am pleased with the New Yorker cover because it validates what many black people think about Obama but cannot say anything openly. Good job but you forget the large bus and the super delegates that are pull the bus for Obama

Posted by: bobafreeman | Jul 14, 2008 5:19:37 PM

Why does everyone insist on making this a racial issue? Barack has never accomplished anything except being elected to the Illinois State Senate, and then getting elected to the US Senate and serving half a term. Barack Hussein Obama has the most liberal voting record in Congress! That is saying something when you consider the company he is in. He has a more liberal voting record than Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Polosi, John Murtha, John Kerry, John Edwards, etc. etc. etc. Here is a sample of Obama’s voting record:
He voted against banning partial birth abortion.
He voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.
Supports affirmative action in colleges and Government.
In 2001 he questioned harsh penalties for drug dealing.
Says he will deal with street level drug dealing as minimum wage affair.
His religious convictions are very murky, but was a regular church attendee.
He is willing to meet with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinajad.
One of his first goals after being elected would be to have a conference with all muslim nations.
Opposed the Patriot Act.
First bill he signed that passed was campaign finance reform
Voted No on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers
Supports universal healthcare.
Voted yes on providing habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees.
Supports granting drivers licenses to illegal immigrants.
Voted yes on comprehensive immigration reform.

Also, he has stated that he would get rid of all space based weapons and anti-missile defense weapons.

Posted by: Ron | Jul 14, 2008 5:08:23 PM

Why is Obama so unhappy with America? Why does his campaign jump on everything and whine? Why is his campaign the most orchestrated campaign ever and everything about it is all about the show? It is just so unnatural. What I really don't like about Obama is how his campaign is built upon the theory that Americans are superficial and stupid.

Posted by: Susan | Jul 14, 2008 4:44:26 PM

the only thing i was impressed with was his vote for fisa . as that vote was right . but we must be a little softer on him as he is a black man . we should not paint him in any bad light as he will cry racist people are all around .let s find something bad about the white guy it will be ok and he can handle it . and he will be our next pres . anyway .

Posted by: bruce | Jul 14, 2008 4:42:59 PM

I am outraged by the New Yorker's cover. I am a subscriber of long-standing and I intend to cancel it.

It is beyond anyone conception except liberal and effetes in New York to think that this is ironic. It goes to show you that these folks are in their own bubble--I wonder if they had a black person in their midst at the New Yorker what kind of feeback they would have gotten?

I keep thinking of all the reasons I keep reading this paper--one of which is reading expose's by people like Hirsch and this trash comes tumbling down. Ofcourse, the cartoonist thinks it's cute. Trash! Trash! Perhaps New Yorker wants to cash in at the expense of one again a 'black man' being skewered. I am disgusted.

Posted by: Tedegsa1 | Jul 14, 2008 4:36:46 PM

Wanbleeman.. we are serious about this election..that is why we do not want Obama in the White House...what in the world in the matter with these Obamamaniacs that they cannot see why we distrust Obama who has a reputation that YELLS distrust!! Obama, in his own words in his book tells it all..along with his wife...not to mention he changes his rhetoric as fast as a mom changes a new baby's diaper.

Posted by: mfmros | Jul 14, 2008 4:32:47 PM

What in the world is wrong with us and why is hate so powerful here. Yes this may be saytia, but it is not funny just as the other cartoons that have come out about others. This is more about us than Obama. I just don't see how we can honestly say that we have to stay the course with Replublicans and It is just a plain lie that Obama is responsible for the current eleconmic mess or that he is a card carry racial. We had better get seious about this election because our fulture as a nation depends on it. Just because a man has drive dosen't make him a trictor or a con man. As far as the debates is concern the conventions haven't been held and to be sure they will come. As a human being, the cover was testless, but I can see the New Yorker point. In closing please remember that the American are smarter then given credit for in these post and they also don't like meanness in any matter. Sure Obama is not perfect and he has some very human fauls, but no person is perfect, but I still believe that he in all his inperfections is the right man at this time in our nation's growing point. Finally, he hasn't change his postions, only that a wise leader is able to listen, learn and make the right decision that he has at the moment, thou they may seem wrong or a betrayal, however, we learn more as time continuals. I am looking for the best man to lead us and no cartoon, distortions are going to change that. All these posts show me that so many people are afraid, but we must remember that the good Lord is in charge and nothing will happin that is not suppose to happen. Sept will be the time of learning what these two men are really about. Time has a way of clearflying things.

Posted by: Wanbleeman | Jul 14, 2008 4:22:07 PM

Obama campaign begging for funds..what ever happened...charge cards over the limit? Seems like McCain is getting the funds now...what happened to the $425M Obama had..hmmmm...check out Huffington post video....they need money!!

Posted by: mfmros | Jul 14, 2008 4:02:06 PM

For some people especially his supporters would think the cover is offensive.
But if you look at as a humor , I think it's pretty funny.

Posted by: catleya | Jul 14, 2008 3:54:06 PM

"""Does this count as libel or slander. Some heads should roll. The New Yorker should be sued. There are limitations and the line has been crossed."""

No. It is a satirical cartoon and makes NO claim to truth or anything else. For God's sake. The liberal media has had a field day with Bush for 8 yrs, mocking him in every way, and going so far as to caricature him with horns, Hitler-like features, and nazi overtures.

If you want your boy Obama in the WH, then you had better be able to stand WHATEVER is thrown his way. He's had nothing but a cruise so far and this cover was not even taking a swipe at him - but at the fear factor in people.

This man is NOT off limits and it's time the rest of you understand it. He wants to be prez, then he needs to grow a set and get some thick skin.

Posted by: Jane | Jul 14, 2008 3:51:25 PM

So why are people saying that Obama can't take it? According to this article first he did not make a comment. Then all a spokesperson said that it was "But most readers will see it as tasteless and offensive. And we agree." I just got off the Huffington Post and most of the comments there agree. it is not Satire and is very tastless. But I am sure Obama will have to make a comment because he will be asked about this till he does. If it was one of us we would be yelling 'I AM SUING THEM" Why should Magazine get away with slander?

Posted by: Iam4thisCountry | Jul 14, 2008 3:48:13 PM

Amazing how the obama camp becomes so distraught over a satirical cartoon when this type of satire has long existed. Thin skinned? Would seem so. Try googling the cartoon run in Rolling Stone mag last month. I dare ANYONE to cry how awful this one concerning Obama is compared to that cartoon mocking the torture of McCain as a POW. Spare me. Grow some Obama. If you want to run with the big boys, live with it.

Posted by: Jill | Jul 14, 2008 3:44:04 PM

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