
Welcome to the Beta version of the Ideas Economy website


Over the next few weeks we will be updating the site with many new features, along with regular new blog posts and updates on our events. Please bear with us; we may need to restrict access during brief moments while we add these extra features. 


Coming soon:

Videos section - All videos from Ideas Economy events and beyond will be available for you to browse and watch


Community section - Collaborate on ideas and meet fellow site users


Location based services - Set your location to tag your ideas, and browse them on our idea map


Presentations - After our events, we will post multimedia content for you to rate, share and discuss


Enhanced filters and tagging - More filters will be added across the site to improve your browsing experience, and if you are logged in, you will be able to tag content to highlight it for fellow visitors


Economist login - You will be able to sign into the site using your existing account, or register for one through the Ideas Economy site