The EU's foreign policy

Low ambition for the high representative

Low ambition for the high representative

Praised in Libya, the EU's foreign-policy chief faces trouble at home(5)


Not over yet

Not over yet

Protests continue in Syria despite a violent crackdown in which scores more were killed over the weekend(15)

South Africa

The ruling party is challenged

The ruling party is challenged

For the first time since apartheid ended, voters may give the ANC a fright in South Africa(25)

Myanmar's refugees

Bordering on despair

Bordering on despair

As Myanmar’s isolation eases, Karen who fled worry they may be forced to return(3)

French Impressionism

Brothers in arms

Brothers in arms

The long perspectives of Gustave and Martial Caillebotte

Repetitive tasks

Turks of the world, unite!

How spammers and robots exploit human workers on Mechanical Turk

Leaning libertarian

Gary Johnson's hobbling virtues

The Republican candidate's pragmatic, libertarian-leaning politics leaves freedom-loving conservatives cold


Pictures of sorrow

Libya's black refugees

Weekly quiz

Ten questions on the current edition of The Economist, covering a range of subjects from the mammoth 787 Dreamliner to the tiniest of Germany's Laenders

Georgians in Abkhazia

The plight of the Mingrelians

Ethnic Georgians living in Abkhazia are turning to Russian soldiers for help



A new study argues that poker is a game of skill, not chance.

Business travel under the volcano

Iceland, again

Not all eruptions are equal

Economics by invitation

Who should lead the IMF?

Economic experts give their opinion on who should replace Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Editor's note

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