My Way gives you the information you need...and fast!

Feel a need for speed? My Way features some of the fastest loading pages on the Internet, easily breaking the speed limit you'll find on other portals. No matter what you're looking for - the latest weather report, stock quote, sports score, or movie time - you'll likely find it faster on My Way.

How does My Way do it?

While My Way continues to grow by leaps and bounds, My Way's site performance remains industry leading. With no banner ads or pop-ups, My Way pages are fast to begin with. But that just isn't fast enough for us or, more importantly, our growing number of users.

Our technologists have engineered every My Way page for optimal performance.
  • We have streamlined each page to maximize end-to-end page response metrics.
  • We marry the best of open source with the best available commercial solutions.
  • We utilize advanced client display technologies to optimize data transfer.
  • We deploy state-of-the-art hardware and software on the server side to enhance data delivery.
  • And we've got a really, really big connection to the Internet (actually, five, but who's counting).
All of this ensures that every My Way page loads lightning-fast on both dial-up and broadband.

We hope you enjoy the ride.

- The My Way Team