Georgetown College

  1. 1 Gift Information
  2. 2 Personal Information
  3. 3 Payment Information
  4. 4 Verify Your Gift
  5. 5 Print Gift Confirmation

Please fill in the information below to designate your gift to Georgetown University.  Please give us any special instructions for your gift in the write-in box provided.

* Required Field
NOTE: Recurring gifts offer you the opportunity to easily give affordable gifts regularly and consistently to Georgetown University.  These contributions add up over time and make a lasting impact.  A recurring giving plan can be made on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis.

DESIGNATION: *                   

* Please note that all gifts to the Georgetown Fund will support the 1789 Scholarship Imperative. If you prefer to give to a designation other than those listed above, select "Other" from the drop-down menu in the designation box directly above, then write in your desired designation in the box below.

Special Designation:  
If you selected "Other" in the designation box above, please write your designation (for example, school or college, department,  program, library or sport) in the box below.

Appeal Code:                            

   Please do  not select this box if you are making a recurring gift. Please list in the comments section each of the fiscal years (July 1 - June 30) you would like to buy back at $25.00/ year. You can only buy back fiscal years during which you have not made a gift.  Find out how many years you're eligible to buy back by e-mailing








Not sure your company has a matching gift program? Click here to find out?

 Call 1-800-424-2795 for additional assistance, Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm.



To pre-populate your personal information, please click here to login to Georgetown Alumni Online.

Matching Gifts

If you or you spouse work for a company that matches gifts, please remember to submit the company's matching gift form. More information on matching gifts.

Tax ID Number

All gifts are tax deductible. Georgetown University's non-profit tax ID number is 530196603.