Bob Cesca

Bob Cesca

Posted: March 3, 2011 11:20 PM

We can't know for sure whether or not she recognizes how unserious and unintelligent she is, but, in Sarah Palin, we can plainly see a reality show celebrity who seems to believe that national office doesn't require the widely accepted prerequisite of "knowing things" -- especially things that squarely relate to the national office she has sought in the past and the one she will likely seek this year. Only people with clinical personality issues, well beyond the reasonably normal purview of ego, believe they can achieve the most prestigious elected offices in the United States without, at the very least, knowing basic information about the universe of those jobs.

Ego isn't new to politics. In fact, it's almost as necessary as intellectual heft and leadership experience. Anyone who believes they possess the rare potential to be elected by an entire nation to the office of the presidency requires ego beyond that of, you know, everyone. The self-affirmational refrain "I can be the president" is an exceptional thing, so completely exceptional that only a handful of people out of 300 million dare to run for president every four years.

Sarah Palin's ego, however, is way beyond just about anyone we've observed in modern politics. She's purely narcissistic.

Psychiatrist Glen Gabbard divided narcissists into two subtypes: the "hypervigilant" shameful type, and the "oblivious" shameless type. Palin's narcissism naturally falls into the latter end of the diagnostic spectrum. Shameless and oblivious. She appears to be so thoroughly clueless -- so blinded by her self-importance and ambition that her syllabus of mistakes are ignored and left uncorrected, and so she arrogantly repeats the same mistakes over and over, and accompanied by, Winning!

There's no other analysis or diagnosis that more adequately explains Palin's ongoing problems with the U.S. Constitution.

During the 2008 election, she repeatedly and utterly failed to accurately describe the constitutional (or otherwise) role of the vice president. The very serious job she was seeking, by the way. Not only did she fumble the response once, she fumbled it at least three times. She couldn't do it in the vice presidential debate against Joe Biden, she couldn't do it during a post-debate softball interview on Fox News Channel and she couldn't do it when interviewed by a third-grader. The answer that eluded the Republican vice presidential nominee is readily found in the Constitution. It's not difficult to find or to read, at least for anyone with a internet access and a pulse.

Here's the line from Article I, Section 3:

The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.

Here's how Palin answered in attempt number two during a post-debate interview on Fox News:

Uh. That thankfully our founders were wise enough to say we have this position and it's constitutional -- vice president will be able to be not only the position flexible, but it's gonna be those other duties as assigned by the president. A simple thing.

No, no. The actual constitutional language is "a simple thing." Instead, what Palin delivered here was -- yeah, I have no idea what that was.

Just to be fair, let's give her another stab at unraveling a complicated phrase like "shall be President of the Senate." Here's attempt number three, in response to a question from a third-grader:

[T]hey're in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom.

Wrong again -- nearly 20 days after the previously bungled word salad, and she still failed miserably to answer the question.


So after failing to answer a basic constitutional question several times in a row, most of us would be embarrassed enough to at least read and, perhaps, study the Constitution. Maybe chat with an expert about the most important sections and clauses. After all, it's the Constitution and it's rather essential in the sphere of American politics.

But not Sarah Palin, who still couldn't be bothered -- at least with anything that can't conveniently be printed on a bumper sticker. On second thought, the role of the vice president could easily fit onto a bumper sticker. And she still couldn't do it. As a professional instigator and reality show star, Palin continued to misunderstand the quintessential founding document, while also contemplating a campaign to become chief executive.

Boiled down, Sarah Palin doesn't understand the First Amendment to the Constitution. The most popular amendment. The amendment everyone talks about. And she's been screwing up its meaning for three years now without correcting herself or adjusting her remarks.

Palin believes the First Amendment protects, well, Sarah Palin and her friends from everyone else, and allows them to say whatever they want without being challenged, corrected or held accountable. And, it goes without saying, she's very wrong.

Rewind to 2008. After repeatedly mangling the role of the vice president, Palin delivered her first mangling of the First Amendment.

"If [the media] convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations," Palin told host Chris Plante, "then I don't know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media."

Nope. Wrong. The First Amendment doesn't protect Sarah Palin from the media. Conversely, the First Amendment protects the media from politicians like Sarah Palin. The text of the First Amendment plainly states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The media isn't Congress or the law. Sarah Palin didn't know this, and, based upon her subsequent remarks about the amendment, she never bothered to learn.

Fast forward to last August and the Dr. Laura Schlessinger fiasco. Without getting into specifics of the scandal, here's how Palin defended Dr. Laura on Twitter:

Dr.Laura:don't retreat...reload! (Steps aside bc her 1st Amend.rights ceased 2exist thx 2activists trying 2silence"isn't American,not fair")

Wrong again. The First Amendment doesn't protect Dr. Laura from her network bosses, nor does it protect Dr. Laura from "2activists trying 2silence." It protects Dr. Laura from the government and nothing else. Palin still didn't know.

And so she did it again.

Dr.Laura=even more powerful & effective w/out the shackles, so watch out Constitutional obstructionists. And b thankful 4 her voice,America!

Same misinterpretation.

Meanwhile, she was also busy mistaking the Declaration of Independence for the Constitution.

"[O]ur Constitution, of course, essentially acknowledging that our unalienable rights don't come from man; they come from God."

"Of course!" But wrong. The word "unalienable," as most grade school students ought to know, appears in the Declaration of Independence. Not the Constitution. Furthermore, there's not a single mention of "God" -- or a "Creator" for that matter -- in the Constitution. Whoops, again. And, again, no correction or retraction.

Okay, by now you'd think someone would pull her aside and read the Constitution to her. It's readily accessible on the internet. Who knows, maybe someone tried to help, and she refused to listen -- stubbornly and narcissistically repeating her own definition. It's my talkin' mouth and I can talk whatever word things I want. Harrumph. True, but still inaccurate. And not to be taken seriously.

This week, she continued to screw it up.

The Supreme Court ruled 8-1 yesterday that Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church cult has the right to protest on public property, and near military funerals, with their grotesque "God Hates Fags" paraphernalia. However awful and hurtful the Westboro people are, the First Amendment applies here and the Supremes did the right thing. Ultimately, if they'll defend the speech rights of people as morally reprehensible as Westboro, then they'll easily defend your speech rights, too. That's comforting.

Predictably, Palin failed again. She tweeted this about yesterday's decision:

Common sense & decency absent as wacko "church" allowed hate msgs spewed@ soldiers' funerals but we can't invoke God's name in public square

So now she wants government, specifically the Supreme Court, to silence protesters who aren't breaking any laws (except the laws of good taste).

Put another way: people who criticize her and Dr. Laura? Unconstitutional! Government restriction of free speech? Constitutional! The speech clause of the First Amendment says the exact opposite thing. Palin appears to be opposed to the First Amendment, while also suggesting she's in favor of it. Yes, the ridiculous contradictions of a shameless narcissist.

Think about it. Sarah Palin, who has repeatedly botched -- and obviously so -- the meaning of the First Amendment, had the audacity to school eight of the nine Supreme Court justices, including the very conservative chief justice, with a poorly-written lesson on the very thing she's repeatedly botched: the First Amendment. Again, Palin, who is always wrong about the First Amendment, thinks she knows more than almost the entire Supreme Court of the United States.

There's no other way to slice it. This is narcissism of the highest order, illustrated by one of America's most recognizable political actors.

While scanning through recent American history, it's not easy to cite another political dilettante as remarkably out of his or her depth as Sarah Palin. But she'll definitely run for president anyway. Because, despite all evidence to the contrary, she believes she can do the job. And she'll run without even a remedial-level understanding of the most important political document of the last three centuries, simply because she refuses to acknowledge that it's way over her head. To acknowledge her constitutional and functional incompetence runs contrary to every instinct and every psychological short-circuit within her walnut-brain.

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Ipanemagirl   09:56 PM on 3/11/2011
Hey Bob Cesca, I was waiting for a commentary from you about the Union/Walk­er scam that just happened in Wisconsin. Hope you have already started writing it!!! I cant wait!
kirtlandpat   08:01 AM on 3/08/2011
As right as you are here, Bob, it really wasn't worth the energy you spent writing it. I don't think she will ever run for office again. To paraphrase W., she'd take a thumpin'. I think she's sliding down the side of a cliff into irrelevanc­e valley, and she's just trying to hang on by her fingernail­s. She probably spends more time worrying whether or not people think she's hotter than Bachmann than she does about any real issues.
neleb007   7 minutes ago (9:55 PM)
It's amazing that people spend time watching and analyzing others who are oppose to their own political views. Why not learn to articulate your stand? If you know well enough what you stand for, speak up, and learn to convince others to your views.

Maliciousl­y commenting on people is not only cowardly but admission of lack of intellectu­al spine.
SurfinSteve   12:59 AM on 3/08/2011
Or maybe, Christine O'Donnell (remember her?) taught Sarah everything she knew about the constituti­on. Being an expert and all.
Eric Albury   01:18 PM on 3/07/2011
This is so true. I've been wondering if she realizes what she is saying and how absolutely STUPID it sounds. Completely delusional­. GO READ THE CONSTITUTI­ON!
ketchupandfries   02:06 AM on 3/07/2011
Talkin' loud and sayin' nothin' = Sarah Palin's speciality­. And yet, her followers stand in awe!
ketchupandfries   01:59 AM on 3/07/2011
"Walnut brain?" You're being extremely generous, Bob. "Peanut brain," is closer to reality ---with apologies to peanuts for the comparison­!
DoTheMath   10:10 PM on 3/06/2011
I have to admit I'm relieved that Winky is either incapable of admitting her deficienci­es or unwilling to do what it takes to improve herself. After the 2008 election, I feared she would make the minimal effort required to move beyond jaw-droppi­ng cluelessne­ss to the point where she could, for example, recite the tiny part of the Constituti­on defining the role of the Vice President.

Just think how little effort it would have taken and how much power it would have given her. She had already captured the inexplicab­le adoration of a small but noisy faction of the electorate­. Imagine how easily she could have drawn in more conservati­ves simply by learning not to embarrass the heck out of them.

The fact that she has not made this small effort despite its obvious potential for huge political gains proves either Cesca's diagnosis above or her lack of interest in politics.
DickTater   09:17 PM on 3/06/2011
I think shameless narcissist is correct, but that doesn't begin to cover it.

She goes after anyone who is in her way....soc­iopathic and ruthless. She thinks everyone who has a different idea is out to get her and strip her of her rights....­paranoid. She of course may not really believe everyone is out to get her and hers....bu­t she plays that card cuz her base loves it so.

Let's not forget idiotic. There are certainly smart narcissist­s and sociopaths­, tyrants and paranoids.

And what is worse is the enabling. Because she is physically good looking...­a very rare thing in politics..­.and because her base shares a peanut-siz­e reptilian brain....s­he has been given every free pass american society has to give. To make it 10X worse is the problem of our modern corporate media.

In the glory days of TV, TV was a mildly entertaini­ng vehicle for bland news, along with the possible news flash of some big breaking story. It allowed us to be fairly plugged in to the national and state news while we got dressed or made dinner. Also, if you were a fraud, TV was where you went to be exposed.

Now, TV is the perpetrato­r of the hoax, maintainin­g a false reality. The media RUNS to Palin for commentary­, instead of real experts. Instead of Palin being exposed as a fraud, she is polished up and presented as bona fide.
HamletsMill   09:51 PM on 3/06/2011
Absolutely spot on. Fanned you long ago!
DickTater   10:11 PM on 3/06/2011
You too!
wakeupyouall   09:12 PM on 3/06/2011
Palin is very delusional and not the least bit qualified to be president, as are too many of our elected representa­tives. What really conserns me is the apparent increeasin­g incompeten­cy of our electorate­. They are ignorant of histroy policyand the rest of the world. By electing these ideologes they are allowing this country to crash and burn. We are falling behind the rest of the world and there is no excuse for that.I blame voters.
HamletsMill   09:53 PM on 3/06/2011
Indeed. People do not know or history. They can start here:

debuinus   08:33 PM on 3/06/2011
What on earth keeps her going? She has been the object of ridicule for years.

This is some kind of insanity that cannot be encapsulat­ed by any meaning of the word 'narcissis­m.'

She is not the only one suffering from it; all baggers are down with it.
Poiks   08:50 PM on 3/06/2011
If you never have, go to her Facebook page and read the comments of her "fans". For every Bob Cesca (or Karl Rove, for that matter), there are 10,000 elderly, semi-liter­ate Christians imploring her to "save America!" using the wisdom they feel she--and ONLY she--posse­sses. Ridiculous as she is, she is loved like no other political figure I've ever seen, and worshiped FAR more than Barack Obama ever was.
rte148   09:08 PM on 3/06/2011
disconnect all the insane asylums from the internet and see how many "fans" drop off.
HamletsMill   09:55 PM on 3/06/2011
ThreeCrows   08:18 PM on 3/06/2011
No matter how obtuse she is, her followers see her as someone who has a full grasp on what it will take to right this nation. Unfortunat­ely, their blind loyalty encourages her to forge ahead, oblivious to her own incompeten­ce and shallow understand­ing to the what it takes to govern a country. Her simplistic approach to spewing out catch phrases is not a blueprint to becoming president. She needs to have valid salient arguments in any future debates should she decides to pursue the highest office in the land. But then again, she has been known to quit midway while in office.
kamachanda   07:30 PM on 3/06/2011
"She appears to be so thoroughly clueless -- so blinded by her self-impor­tance and ambition that her syllabus of mistakes are ignored and left uncorrecte­d, and so she arrogantly repeats the same mistakes over and over, and accompanie­d by, Winning!"

I believe that should read accompanie­d by whining.
Aranxa   11:02 PM on 3/06/2011
I thought that must be a typo myself!
cypress40   04:53 PM on 3/06/2011
Whenever you are dealing with a narcissist­, there is no logic in their conclusion­s about reality nor in their actions. If you attempt to interpret any logic in their thinking, you will only get frustrated­. The best thing to do is ignore them...and when they talk, just respond by saying you understand and don't offer any debate, because that just fuels them. Perhaps the best thing Huffington Post and other media outlets can do is stop reporting on this­n't give her the time of day...assu­me she is not newsworthy­, because most of us are just damn tired of listening to her angry angry face.
jeanrenoir   04:28 PM on 3/06/2011
Palin personifie­s the way that Boomer narcissism and self-cente­redness infected the lower classes of white America in the Sixties and after, just as much as it did our incredibly narcissist­ic and selfish Boomer elites. "Looking out for No. 1" is clearly Palin's only value in life. Who cares about what's best for the people of Alaska who elected her to serve THEM? All Palin cares about is what's in it, whatever "it" is, for HER.
stogee   04:00 PM on 3/06/2011
sure am glad we have Barack, he's the smartest, most insightful­, the most qualified man
we've ever had as president, nobody has ever had life experience that would make
them as qualified to be president as Barack Obama, he should be president for life,washi­ngton,
lincoln, jefferson, roosevelt, all fall short of Barack,go Barack
debuinus   08:24 PM on 3/06/2011
That's funny; but, completely ridiculous­.
Aranxa   11:07 PM on 3/06/2011
Both your sarcasm and grammar/pu­nctuation need work. Tsk, tsk.

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