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Bleeding Between Periods

Bleeding or spotting between periods can be a frightening experience. You never know when bleeding between periods may occur. Maybe your period was over last week and then you notice that you're bleeding again.

More On Menstrual Cycle Disorders

Women's Health Spotlight10

Oral Contraceptives More Than A Birth Control Pill

Saturday April 23, 2011

Most of us think of oral contraceptives as a means of preventing unplanned pregnancies. Oral contraceptives contain progestin and may also contain a synthetic estrogen. With consistent and proper use, oral contraceptives are a highly effective method of contraception.

But did you know that there are several other reproductive health conditions that can be improved or prevented with the use of these hormones? Learn more about the other benefits of oral contraceptives.

Oral Sex Linked To Head And Neck Cancers

Saturday April 16, 2011

Oral cancer used to be something that happened mostly to men over 50 who were smokers. Today, cancers of the head and neck have been linked to HPV, which is known to causes virtually all cases of cervical cancer in women. The rise in oral sex may be to blame for the significant rise in oral cancers, particularly cancers of the base of the tongue and tonsils.

Peter Giannini, D.D.S. of the University of Nebraska Medical Center has a passion for exploring the possible links between oral cancer and HPV.  Dr. Giannini is alarmed by the increased numbers of young people being diagnosed with oral cancers. While smoking is still the number one cause of oral cancers, with alcohol use a strong second, the significant number of young people being diagnosed with oral sex related oral cancers is cause for worry.

The good news is that a vaccine for certain types of HPV is available, and while it won't do anything for those already infected with HPV, the vaccine does offer hope for less cancers in today's young people.

What Do You Think? Does the possibility of oral cancers affect your plans to start, or to continue, having oral sex?

Epilepsy Drug Approved To Treat Restless Legs Syndrome

Friday April 8, 2011
Do you suffer from the crawling, jumping, and unpleasant feelings of restless legs syndrome? Restless legs syndrome is common among older women, as well as in pregnant women. Now an old drug has been given FDA approval for the treatment of restless legs syndrome -- Horizant extended release tablets (gabapentin enacarbil.) During a 12-week trial, adults with moderate to severe restless legs syndrome who were given Horizant saw significant improvement in their restless legs syndrome symptoms. On the other hand participants who were given placebo, saw no improvement in their restless legs syndrome symptoms. Side effects include dizziness and drowsiness -- meaning that care should be taken before driving or operating heavy machinery. See: What Is Restless Legs Syndrome?

Breaking Up Really Does Hurt

Tuesday March 29, 2011

According to researcher Edward Smith, a cognitive neuroscientist at Columbia University in New York, breaking up or being  unexpectedly dumped by your love interest really does cause physical pain. In a study of 40 people who had recently experienced a break up, Smith found through brain scans that breaking up causes actual physical pain.

Brain scans of the participants found that the same areas of the brain that light up during physical pain also light up during emotional pain. This means that everything you've heard about heartaches and broken hearts are true. Breaking up really does cause physical pain.

Have you experienced a painful break up? Share your experiences!

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