Anthony Weiner Twitter Photo Scandal: Congressman Breaks His Silence

Anthony Weiner Twitter Photo Scandal

AP/The Huffington Post First Posted: 06/ 1/11 01:42 PM ET Updated: 06/ 2/11 08:01 AM ET

A day after telling reporters that he's "not going to talk about this anymore," Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) broke his silence Wednesday about the controversy surrounding a lewd photo sent from his Twitter account.

"This was a circumstance where someone committed a prank on the internet," he told MSNBC's Luke Russert. "I didn't send [that] picture out" the congressman said, though he does not know who did. Is the photo of him? "I can't say with certitude" he told Russert.

"It was a prank," Weiner reiterated. "This is not a national security matter. We're not making a federal case out of this."

"I'm not sure it rises -- no pun intended -- to that level," he continued.

Weiner said he has hired a private security company to investigate how his account has been hacked.


Last weekend, a lewd photo of a man's bulging underpants was sent to a 21-year-old female college student in Seattle from Weiner's Twitter account. It was quickly deleted, but a frenzy of coverage and comment ensued on blogs, cable news outlets and other media. Weiner's spokesman said that the congressman's Twitter account had been hacked and dismissed the episode as a prank, but this week the congressman hired a lawyer, prompting additional rumors to swirl.

Earlier this week, the colorful and sometimes combative congressman who represents parts of Brooklyn and Queens was characteristically sharp tongued, refusing to answer reporters' questions about it, and even calling one a "jackass" for interrupting him. He insisted that he wanted to move on from the incident, which was distracting from his work on Capitol Hill. But there was no sign the story, or the speculation about who may have been responsible for tweeting the photo, was fading.

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Weiner failed in a 2005 bid for the Democratic nomination for mayor of New York City, but he is still is widely considered a future contender for the office.

"I'm not going to talk about this anymore," Weiner told reporters on Capitol Hill. "I think that if I was giving a speech to 45,000 people and someone stood up and heckled in the back, I wouldn't spend three days talking to him. I'm going to get back to the conversation I care about."

Weiner declined to answer reporters' questions about the photo or why he was hiring a lawyer for the case instead of having law enforcement officials pursue the matter. Weiner was a Twitter follower of the female college student who received the photo.

The tweet of the lewd photo first was reported Saturday by, a website run by conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart.

The site said the photo was tweeted to a female college student in Seattle. The woman told the New York Daily News that she had never met Weiner, and that there had "never been any inappropriate exchanges" between her and the congressman.

Weiner, 46, is married to Huma Abedin, an aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The congressman over the weekend joked about the incident on Twitter, asking whether his kitchen blender would be next to "attack" him.

On Tuesday as the House was preparing to vote on the nation's debt limit, Weiner was back tweeting about the vote with his usual partisan edge.

This story is developing.

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A day after telling reporters that he's "not going to talk about this anymore," Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) broke his silence Wednesday about the controversy surrounding a lewd photo sent from...
A day after telling reporters that he's "not going to talk about this anymore," Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) broke his silence Wednesday about the controversy surrounding a lewd photo sent from...
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2 hours ago (2:36 PM)
In other words yes that is my platano macho.
5 hours ago (10:55 AM)
Rep. Weiner name has probably caused him anguish so he takes a photo with a sock prop then accidently on purpose mails it; what an idiot! All he had to say is that it was accidently sent instead he adds to the furor by lying with certitude.
Snarking for Merika! Glory!
7 hours ago (9:37 AM)
Wow a pic of grey undie$ sure has all the tr0//$ atwitter still! lmao You can actually see full front of identifiab­le men in Hanes ubdie commercial­s of men like Michael Jordan etc. Oh the horror! bwahahahah­a
2 hours ago (1:46 PM)
I think I need therapy for just seeing it. I was concerned about the recent jobs report and the future of Medicaid, but not any more.
7 hours ago (9:29 AM)
Do politician­s GET any smarmier than this creep? Way to go NY, keep on electing these 'champions of society' to represent you guys... sheesh.
12 hours ago (4:09 AM)
Wait a minute. This picture which doesn't really show anything is causing an uproar?? Forget the economy, this photo is way more important! /s
15 hours ago (12:54 AM)
No question Weiner is being evasive.

It does make one wonder: are ALL politician­s perverts?
16 hours ago (12:22 AM)
This thing doesn't make sense. If it is not a photo of your body say so. If you are not sure say so. Once this is in the public domain you need to be clear and to the point, No more evasive answers.
This American
pushing back the boundaries of ignorance
17 hours ago (10:51 PM)
Everyone knows he did it. Continuing to lie about it is in insult to everyone's intelligen­ce. This man is what we used to call a pervert.
16 hours ago (11:58 PM)
My bologna has a first name.....
20 minutes ago (3:49 PM)
That's funny, I know it's a right wing hit job. Why else would Brietbart be all over it within minutes?
18 hours ago (10:27 PM)
As a PART TIME conservati­ve, I like weiner. This is a dead issue and it not worth talking about.
17 hours ago (11:12 PM)
There is no such thing as a "PART TIME conservati­ve. That's like being half pregnant! There isn't a conservati­ve in the country who could like Weiner. He is the most progressiv­e of all liberals and despised by conservati­ves!
Snarking for Merika! Glory!
7 hours ago (9:30 AM)
I don't believe you Charles, nice hooters for an av though... Charles.
18 hours ago (9:50 PM)
19 hours ago (9:38 PM)
It's amazing how the Huffpost tried to bury this story. I couldn't find it for days. If he were a republican it would have been front page. Must be sung to the oscar myer song. If i were anthony weiner that is what I truly want to be, for if I was anthony weiner everyone would see a piece of me.
just as sweet as they come!
7 hours ago (8:50 AM)
They didn't bury this at all, I've been commenting on it all week!
Snarking for Merika! Glory!
7 hours ago (9:31 AM)
wipe the guano out of yer eyes so you can see to have someone read it to you
19 hours ago (9:34 PM)
I looked at the photo and as a gay guy, based on my experience­, the photo is not a crotch shot of a middle-age­d man - belly under t-shirt too flat, legs too thin and smooth, and it's not the underwear of the a somebody Weiner's age. if it is Weiner, he should find Michael Jackson's plastic surgeon, quit politics, and start a modeling career.

"All that from a crotch shot?" You ask.

"Yup, the knee bones connected to the thigh bone..."
19 hours ago (8:43 PM)
I've seen and heard more of Weiner in two days than I have in the past 5 years and it was quite enough. I say, change your name and do something else Mr. Weiner. I believe one should take pride in their name, origin and ancestry, however, some names should understand­ably be changed. Two, that come to mind are Weiner and as a friend of mine, first name Dick, was blessed with, is Head.
Matt Herren
20 hours ago (7:59 PM)

Weiner’s Office Calls The Police After CBS′s Marcia Kramer Asks For An Interview
21 hours ago (7:02 PM)
The easiest way to pull off this as a hoax would be if you knew weiner's yfrog email address. E-mail a blackberry pic to that email address with (@subject) in text and you'd create exactly what happened here.

It would require no password hacking (you wouldn't even need to know his password to do it). The chance that somewhere along the way that Weiner's yfrog address had been leaked? Pretty damn high.

It would happen if Weiner or an aide simply forwarded a pic he emailed to his yfrog account to anyone else (thus showing the yfrog email address in the chain).

Matt Herren
20 hours ago (7:59 PM)
"hoax" implies none of it is real...

His elusive behavior implies otherwise.
16 hours ago (11:51 PM)
8 hours ago (8:31 AM)
Elusive? He doesn't want to talk to the TMZ media and make a bigger sh*t storm out of it than it already is and he's not saying anything definitive until they figure out exactly what happens. That's exactly

Do you and the rest of the Republican trolls in this thread actually think that a fire brand like Weiner, who is loathed by the right, would actually send a picture like that to a complete stranger? If so, you've got to be dumb or naive.

This is manufactur­ed. A cheap O'Keefe-ia­n attempt to bring him down with a fake scandal. The whole hoax is broken down here: