Jennifer Darmon, Paralyzed Bride, Walks Down Aisle

First Posted: 06/ 1/11 09:25 AM ET Updated: 06/ 1/11 10:11 AM ET


In the summer of 2008, Jennifer Darmon was on a road trip to Grand Bend, Ontario with a group of friends, when their van was hit by a car going the opposite direction.

The van rolled over multiple times, and Darmon was left paralyzed after the accident.


Jennifer has suffered a vertebral burst fracture at L1, the first lumbar vertebra on the lower back, as well as nerve damage. “I looked down at my feet, saw my legs in front of me, and that was the first time I actually realized that I couldn’t feel or move my legs anymore,’’ Jennifer told NBC News. “I think from that time I went into complete hysterics.’’

But when Darmon's now husband, Mike Belawetz, proposed to her in 2010, she was determined to walk down the aisle.

After years of intensive, physical therapy, and multiple surgeries, the Windsor, Ontario native accomplished her lofty goal, with the aid of titanium leg braces.

It was a day that Darmon had dreamed of, but at times, thought might not happen. The new bride told ABC she feared her injuries might be too much for Belawetz to deal with.

"I told him a few times, 'You don't have to stay if this is something you don't think you want in your life for the rest of your life,'" Darmon said. "I figured that I would spare him."

Story continues below

But Belawetz' commitment never wavered.

"She's just a big part of my life," Belawetz said. "I wouldn't want to be without her, no matter what."


In the summer of 2008, Jennifer Darmon was on a road trip to Grand Bend, Ontario with a group of friends, when their van was hit by a car going the opposite direction. The van rolled over multiple...
In the summer of 2008, Jennifer Darmon was on a road trip to Grand Bend, Ontario with a group of friends, when their van was hit by a car going the opposite direction. The van rolled over multiple...
Filed by Simon McCormack  | 
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Recency  | 
2 minutes ago (9:41 AM)
Best story of the day.
12:13 AM on 6/02/2011
Really nice story. We need more of these.
Americans: Free to do as we are told.
06:47 PM on 6/01/2011
Good man.
06:32 PM on 6/01/2011
Wonderful woman Wonderful accomplish­ment