100 Greatest Movie Threats Of All Time Mashed Up By Harry Hanrahan (VIDEO)

First Posted: 06/ 2/11 08:09 AM ET Updated: 06/ 2/11 10:47 AM ET

YouTuber Harry Hanrahan is back at it with an awesome supercut tribute to film's greatest threats. You know, the lines you channel in the mirror when you practice telling your boss how you really feel.

He even included a full list of every quote he used to help you follow along at home.

There's some NSFW language, so we're not going to make you watch it, but let's just say you don't want to know what happens if you don't...


Via The High Definite


YouTuber Harry Hanrahan is back at it with an awesome supercut tribute to film's greatest threats. You know, the lines you channel in the mirror when you practice telling your boss how you really feel...
YouTuber Harry Hanrahan is back at it with an awesome supercut tribute to film's greatest threats. You know, the lines you channel in the mirror when you practice telling your boss how you really feel...
Filed by Christine Friar  |  Report Corrections
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2 minutes ago (1:09 PM)
He excluded the best threat: "Keep it up and I'll make you sit through a Hollywood movie!"
Billionaires suffer if the Poor don't pay taxes.
16 minutes ago (12:55 PM)
Joe Pesci has serious anger-mana­gement problems!
Billionaires suffer if the Poor don't pay taxes.
19 minutes ago (12:52 PM)
Do screenwrit­ers copy each other or what!
1 minute ago (1:10 PM)
There's a formula and the rubes keep buying it.
Time for a new Post-Apocalypse calendar?
42 minutes ago (12:29 PM)
Nice list. There could have been so many others, many of them have been mentioned in the comments already, but unlike a lot of these mega smash cuts I found myself wondering how they were going to end it.

Which clip could cap off a a topic like this? (personall­y I think the wicked witch of the west was the best)
1 hour ago (12:10 PM)
what happen to Billy Jack?? that is the best of all time!
4 hours ago (9:15 AM)
The greatest, of course, is the most subtle: "I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse."
24 minutes ago (12:47 PM)
EXACTLY! and what about "Say hello to my little friend!"?
Billionaires suffer if the Poor don't pay taxes.
15 minutes ago (12:56 PM)
And what did your date reply when she saw it?
11 hours ago (2:36 AM)
Words to the effect of:
I'm going to take my foot and kick you upside your head- and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it!- Billy Jack
Somebody better get the exact quote right or I'll...go in the corner and...pout­!!! Damn it!!!!!!!
11 hours ago (2:08 AM)
One of my favorite threats is from an unlikely movie - the Princess Bride, in Cary Elwes' "to the pain" speech to Chris Sarandon.
Raconteur. Blog
12 hours ago (1:15 AM)
Hunnybunny threatenin­g the patrons in the diner at the beginning of Pulp Fiction. But to get the full effect, it's not just the threat, it's the casual conversati­on with her boyfriend before she jumps up.
17 hours ago (8:20 PM)
how about the best threat of all?

"change we can count on."
Billionaires suffer if the Poor don't pay taxes.
17 minutes ago (12:54 PM)
Doesn't have the subtlety of "Compassio­nate Conservati­ve".
0 minute ago (1:12 PM)
Or "it's morning in America," which began the destructio­n of the middle class.
18 hours ago (7:40 PM)
"I'm giving you a choice, either put on these glasses or start eating that trashcan". LMFAO
Time for a new Post-Apocalypse calendar?
50 minutes ago (12:21 PM)
Somehow, that movie just never gets old. I think that scene also featured in the greatest fights of all time too.
19 hours ago (5:56 PM)
"If I choke on a chicken bone all the Reardons is dead"
23 hours ago (1:43 PM)
I think it was the Crying Game that had one of my all time favorite threats: "Have you ever had to pick up your teeth with broken fingers?"
12:45 PM on 6/03/2011
The Wicked Witch is still the best!
21 hours ago (4:31 PM)
Second little pretty.
11 hours ago (2:22 AM)
And your little dog too!
Mike Dennison
10:23 AM on 6/03/2011
"It is no concern of ours how you run your own planet, but if you threaten to extend your violence, this Earth of yours will be reduced to a burned-out cinder. Your choice is simple: join us and live in peace, or pursue your present course and face obliterati­on." -- The Day The Earth Stood Still