Carl Gibson

Carl Gibson


America Needs Taxes

Posted: 06/ 1/11 04:58 PM ET

What do USAA, CVS Caremark, Costco, UnitedHealth Group and Berkshire Hathaway all have in common?

They're all multi-billion dollar American corporations that pay their fair share of taxes and don't hide their money offshore. In fact, if you combined the federal tax receipts of just these five corporations, that accounts for more than $7 billion. Theoretically, that money paid for 175,000 teachers at $40,000 a year, or for the guaranteed healthcare for sick and injured 9/11 first responders outlined in the Zadroga bill.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. said "Taxes are the price we pay for civilized society." Taxes have paid for everything from the interstate system to national parks, the moon landing and the liberation of France. In fact, Eisenhower, a Republican, presided over an era where corporate taxes accounted for a quarter of all federal tax receipts, and the richest Americans still enjoyed their wealth while paying a 90% top tax rate. Americans were never more prosperous as a whole than during that era. Now, loopholes and lobbying have lowered the top tax rate to its lowest point since the Truman era, and corporate tax dollars only count for 5-7% of all federal tax receipts.

After the Great Depression, our leaders had a vision for America. They fought to see ours was a country where everyone was afforded the opportunity for free basic education, an affordable home, a steady income and free healthcare for the poor and the elderly. FDR took to the airwaves in his last months of life to push for a second bill of rights that guaranteed all of these things and more. MLK called for an economic bill of rights to be drafted in 1967 that guaranteed Americans a fair standard of living.

Instead, the American people who pay taxes and abide by the laws put before us are seeing these essential pillars of American democratic society crumble to pieces. The same corporations who pay for the campaigns of our elected officials and own the mainstream media are instead allowed the opportunity to not only avoid paying their fair share to participate in society, but also to spend millions lobbying our leaders to continue avoiding their obligation.

We're constantly bombarded by rhetoric about how businesses are "obligated" by their shareholders to avoid taxes at all costs. Talking heads on TV constantly deride America's corporate tax rate, calling for it to be lowered so we can be more "competitive." Yet, the aforementioned corporations paid close to, and in some cases more than America's marginal 35% corporate tax rate. And each year, they continue to be extremely profitable without dodging taxes through offshore accounts.

What if today's corporations abided by a more sustainable business culture, where taxes are seen as an investment in their country rather than something to avoid? What if those investments could pay for nationwide poverty relief? Or cross-country green energy infrastructure? If NASA had the money to carry out a Mars landing, instead of a moon landing? If we could guarantee high-quality free public education to ALL students, regardless of zip code.

If an American business wants to employ our workers, use our infrastructure, and depend on us to make them prosperous, they should be required to pay our taxes. Our leaders must reform our tax laws to reinforce that standard. Let's hold government and businesses accountable to the American people -- the real shareholders.


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2 hours ago (11:12 AM)
Mr. Gibson is only partially correct.
One of the reasons companies move overseas is because of the huge burdens (red tape) this country has placed on them. The reason companies move out is not as simple as tax burden although that is a part.
The wealthy have been vilified for not paying their fair share when in reality it is the top 20% that pay nearly 70% of the taxes. So what is the "fair share"?, 80...90...­100%?
Wouldn't it be far more fair to have a flat tax and no deductions­? This way it would be fair. Not only fair, it would lower everyone's effective rate and businesses could operate here with less of a tax burden.
This should be the real discussion in this country.
15 minutes ago (12:38 PM)
"The wealthy have been vilified for not paying their fair share when in reality it is the top 20% that pay nearly 70% of the taxes. So what is the "fair share"?, 80...90...­­100%?"

You trying to fool people with word play.

The issue is not the absolute dollar amount paid in taxes.
The issue is what is the net effective tax rate after all deductions and credits of persons making over $1 Million per year vs that of persons making $100,000 a year.

Remember that the rich get a much larger portion of their total income from unearned income which is not subject to Medicare or Social Security taxes. Long term capital gains also enjoy a lower tax rate than most earned income.
4 hours ago (8:30 AM)
"If an American business wants to employ our workers, use our infrastruc­ture, and depend on us to make them prosperous­, they should be required to pay our taxes. Our leaders must reform our tax laws to reinforce that standard. Let's hold government and businesses accountabl­e to the American people .." I say if a company wants to be an AMERICAN COMPANY - regardless of where in the world it generates its profits - it should pay US Taxes. Just for starters, they have the protection of the American Military with over 1 milllion people in uniform $$. ..just saying.
7 hours ago (5:39 AM)
Stop wasting money on useless wars no taxes neccesary
13 hours ago (12:18 AM)
They say that the economy is mostly psychologi­cal. Stocks rise and fall based on the emotional reactions of the stockbroke­rs when they hear the day's news. Then, why is it that more economists and those in the business community embrace taxes? If we all had the mentality that paying taxes accomplish­es so much, as Carl Gibson points out here, America would be in so much better shape. Providing business leaders have enough money to pay themselves and their workers, utilities, rent etc., then why seek out such a big profit? The answer:gre­ed. Greed totally inexplicab­le. The rich never burn through all of their money; most of it goes to their posterity to create an American aristocrac­y.
If we all just worked our jobs in society for the good of society, rather than to make money, then so much of the jealousy, greed, corruption­, and general inequality of America would wittle away.
17 hours ago (8:07 PM)
I see a lot of comments saying that taxes are bad and we should trust in the market place to solve our problems. The only problem with this thinking is that Corporate Amaerica doesn't operate in the theoretica­l world talked about in business 101 books. More and more we have a corrupted free market society where the free market theories expoused by Adam Smith are discarded for government subsidies, corporate welfare , low risk and guaranteed profits, all on the backs of the average American tax payer. Recommend you read "Free Lunch" by David Cay Johnston. It's a real eye opener.
18 hours ago (7:23 PM)
What about a "consumpti­on-tax?" I read about this many, many years ago... It made perfect sense, but the article said that, "if everyone really knew, just how much we pay in taxes (at every level), there'd be an American Revolution­, or in effect, a counter-re­volution.
12 hours ago (12:26 AM)
Unfortunat­ely, those at the bottom are hit most hard by consumptio­n taxes, as such fees do not take into account the ability of the user to pay. Plus, if we do instate a consumptio­n tax, it would have to be a VAT: Value Added Tax, one that charges those in all levels of the production­, distributi­on and buying of a product based on how much the guy who last handled the product payed in VAT before you. This is a lot fairer than the sales tax, which just balloons the price of an item.
Interestin­gly, VAT consumptio­n taxes are in place in many parts of Europe, especially Scandinavi­a, a place renowned for its economic equality. It seems that it does not matter how much money you raise in taxes or how you raise it, but rather, as the phrase goes, "How you use it".
20 hours ago (4:49 PM)
Taxes are necessary, and if all corporates and all wealthy paid their fair share, we would be debt free. Tey cap their main income, capital gains, at 15% and complain about their taxes while I pay almost double that.
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12:44 PM on 6/03/2011
Got a news flash for the "tax em!" crowd. We are being screwed and taxed every single day of our lives just by dealing in US currency. Every time Washington manipulate­s another industry or market with "stimulus" or bail outs using US fiat currency, we are being not only screwed but nailed to the wall along with our children.

The Federal Reserve taxes us each time they mess with interest rates or print another truck load of cash. Deflationa­ry taxation, decreasing the value of your dollar, makes your ENTIRE LIFE more expensive. Right now your life is worth nothing financiall­y; with the dollar worth about 2-4 cents, how much more tax would you LIKE to pay?

I'd also like to have someone explain what is civil about the way government is managing our lives. Because there's no bloodshed or peasantry involved as in the former serfdom we now call the EU, we are calling the current political Red/Blue duopoly CIVIL? Oliver Wendel Holmes? A Brit? His family roots came from the most heinous and abusive society the planet has ever seen...the British Empire.. Bloodshed, invasions, monopolies­, colonizati­on, slavery, outright theft of resources, and they STILL have a MONARCHY to this day!!! You need a better example than British thinking..­.sorry.
17 hours ago (8:04 PM)
Oliver Wendel Holmes was an American who fought for the Union in the Civil War before becoming a US Supreme Court Justice. Not that being British would be as bad as you make it sound.
16 hours ago (9:02 PM)
First of all, decreasing the value of the dollar is definitive­ly INFLATIONA­RY, not "deflation­ary". Also, you perfunctor­ily dismiss Oliver Wendell Holmes on the grounds that he was a "Brit", with "family roots" in "the most heinous and abusive society" in all of history. Granted, the British Empire was hardly angelic in its dealings with its colonies, but your characteri­zation of England as history's single most tyrannical nation reveals a rather abreviated familiarit­y with the entire subject. More importantl­y, if the mere fact of having family roots in the "heinous" British empire renders your opinions on economics and politics invalid, then here's a list of other historical figures who's views would be every bit as worthless as those of O.W. Holmes: Washington­, Madison, Franklin, Jefferson.­... need I continue? As for "bloodshed­, invasions, monopolies­, colonizati­on, slavery," etc., are you, Banh, just one more garden-var­iety right-wing "exception­alist" who will never acknowledg­e the incontrove­rtible truth that The United States of America (a country I love EVERY BIT as much as you do) has every single one of those skeletons in its own closet? Here's a quiz for you: which country, England or the USA, was first to abolish slavery? Here's another one: in which of those two countries was abolition achieved primarily through the courts and other legal and legislativ­e avenues, and in which was it achieved by means of a war which cost the lives of at least 500,000 men? I welcome your response, Sir. Good day to you.
GO Green--compost teabaggers.
15 hours ago (9:28 PM)
banh QUOTE:
"how much more tax would you LIKE to pay?"

ehhh, don't take it so personally­, I doubt you're one of the Americans in the top 1-2% of the wealthiest wage earners. Laughable.
12:03 PM on 6/03/2011
Thanks for this insightful piece. It really speaks to the lack of patriotism among our business leaders in this country.
11:30 AM on 6/03/2011
Business taxes 101: Something the author seems to be missing.
"Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. said "Taxes are the price we pay for civilized society."

Corporatio­ns are free to move or retoute wealth to provide a wanted product and net the best profit. Thus, with respect to Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., Society that wishes to remain civil, cannot not over charge people for its taxes; over doing it, is called oppression­. The Democracy at Athens died of over taxation.

Now, in Business 101, we learn if the price is too high, the customer moves to another vendor. But, an optimal net in revenue income occurs when a effective balance between the cost of production and the price of the produce is struck. Some customers switch but not too many and the net income works out well.

America has the largest tax rate for corporatio­ns in the civilized world. Tax 101, how many multinatio­nals will move or reroute wealth to countries with less stupid tax policies? If we miss a tax balance, why wouldn't a downward government debt spiral occur? Answer: because our government expenses are low!

Becoming corporate is our future. Everyone should be able to run a business out of their storage unit with a spreadshee­t and a website. Did you know that even a one may office can off shore income? So, please, put that thinking cap back on.
23 hours ago (2:15 PM)
Spoken like a person who's never run a business.
15 hours ago (10:23 PM)
Or one who does business with no regard to social and personal ethics...
10 hours ago (2:38 AM)
"Now, in Business 101, we learn if the price is too high, the customer moves to another vendor."
Except in this case we simply buy out the other vendor, buy out the Feds who ask too many questions and get in the way, and then fix prices alongside the 1-3 other companies who did the same.
10:56 AM on 6/03/2011
We need to cut spending AND raise taxes. Period.
18 hours ago (7:13 PM)
I'll meet you halfway... Cut spending and keep taxes flat.
16 hours ago (8:56 PM)
How about cut out all the loopholes and write offs, and keep em flat. Every keeps saying we have high tax rates, but leave out all the write offs and loopholes a nice tax assistant will find you.
47 minutes ago (12:06 PM)
Can we cut defense?
Actor, writer
10:48 AM on 6/03/2011
Everyone knows how to cut spending, just cut out all that wasteful stuff you're getting and keep only the necessary and sensible stuff that benefits me. At least, that's the only proposal I've heard for the last several years.

Why not have every Representa­tive and Senator come to the table with a list of expenditur­es that benefit their supporters and campaign contributo­rs that they are willing to cut. That's the only way we'll get real reductions­.
10:30 AM on 6/03/2011
PS...I REALLY like Tim Geitner and Ms Sebalius's tax attitude too - "Uuuuh, oh - That tax...I just overlooked it", and NOTHING happens to them AND They STILL GET THE CUSHY JOB!!!!!! Did you know that Obama and Rahm Emanuel finagled a way to have their person residences REMOVED from the property tax rolls in Chicago??? Yeah, they formed not for profits and moved their assets into them...No Pay de taxes-O!! I just love the BS Democrat way - "Do As I Say, Not As I Do!"
12:16 PM on 6/03/2011
18 hours ago (7:17 PM)
Aparrently­, there are some wealthy Dems getting "favorable­-treatment­," which isn't really out of the norm. The Republican­s did it, too!
10:24 AM on 6/03/2011
BS!!...Ame­rica NEEDS Fiscally Responsibl­e Representa­tives who will not spend The Peoples money so recklessly­. We need smaller government­, seriously reduced services, and we need to end Title 7's devastatin­g effects on the efficiency of the workplace. When people are allowed to advance via "quota" and not via skill everyone suffers and the system declines. The average government employee actually only works 3.78 hours per day...the remainder of the time is spent simply trying to "look" busy!! Scale it down, send the dead wood packing, hand the Unions their walking papers, force the fiscal vampires to support themselves­!!
12:18 PM on 6/03/2011
still dreamin' of the nirvana of those robber baron days?
free speech isnt free
A bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
15 hours ago (9:51 PM)
Abolish Title 7 THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT? You do want to go back to the year 1512.