Julia Dale, 10-Year-OId, Sings National Anthem At NBA Finals (VIDEO)

Julia Dale Anthem Video

The Huffington Post  Craig Kanalley  First Posted: 06/ 2/11 10:23 PM ET Updated: 06/ 3/11 01:27 PM ET

Local singing sensation Julia Dale treated fans to a rousing rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner before Game 2 of the NBA Finals in Miami tonight.

The 10-year-old Fort Lauderdale native performed so well in her rehearsal three hours before the game that ABC's director made sure she would be part of the national telecast, the Palm Beach Post reports.

She already has a 4-0 record when performing at Miami Heat games. The Heat beat the Mavericks 92-84 in Game 1 of the series.



Local singing sensation Julia Dale treated fans to a rousing rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner before Game 2 of the NBA Finals in Miami tonight. The 10-year-old Fort Lauderdale native performed...
Local singing sensation Julia Dale treated fans to a rousing rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner before Game 2 of the NBA Finals in Miami tonight. The 10-year-old Fort Lauderdale native performed...
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9 hours ago (3:29 PM)
Unbelievab­le ! She is great
This proves that to be able to sing our Anthem you need to be practicall­y an opera singer...
Most people, regardless of age, cannot sing it.....the notes are too high !
10 hours ago (2:22 PM)
I feel bad saying this, but that was difficult as hell to sit through. I literally cringed to block some of the sound from entering my ears. I'm no singing expert, but she was straining too hard! I thought you were supposed to sing from your belly, breathing out, not from your nose, holding your breath. Poor thing, some people around her are lying to her. I hope she gets real singing lessons before her dreams are crushed big time.
14 hours ago (10:29 AM)
Julia Dale, with just 3 hours notice, gave, I thought, a wonderful performanc­e by any standard let alone a 4th grader.

For a real treat, I recommend that you listen to her performanc­es of "I could have danced all night" and "I want to hold your hand", both on Youtube and easily found googling her name and part of the song title.

By the way, I understand her parents have arranged for her to take courses in singing, guitar and ballet.
07:23 PM on 6/04/2011
woof... she needs to be banned from listenin to christina.
07:00 PM on 6/04/2011
I don't care how well anyone sings the American Anthem as long as they know the words and the true meaning.
05:23 PM on 6/04/2011
03:41 PM on 6/04/2011
she was okay. unfortunat­ely, now the Heat are 4-1 with her singing. cut!
02:33 PM on 6/04/2011
For a ten year-old, she sure can sing. She'll get better with age. This is only the beginning for her. Seize the opportunit­y.
11:54 AM on 6/04/2011
SERIOUSLY? Are we really writing in to judge a 10 year old? FIrst, who the hell cares, and Second -yup I would say she has a good set of pipes on her. Get up there and sing if you think you can do better or know better.
11:10 AM on 6/04/2011
Don't like to complain about kids but any rational thinking person would agree that sounded ridiculous
11:01 AM on 6/04/2011
I have taught vocals for many years and believe that this little girl is not only wearing her vocal cords out at an early age, but doesn't sound good. She screams from her chest and breaths in the middle of words.....
03:10 PM on 6/04/2011
Sadly I have to agree.
my micro-bio is short & sweet.
12:05 AM on 6/04/2011
she's an old soul..well done:)
appraiser of folly
09:39 PM on 6/03/2011
who on earth thought a drinking song would be a great national anthem?
10:58 PM on 6/03/2011
Do you really think that our Nation Anthem is a drinking song? What country are you from?
11:13 PM on 6/03/2011
What is the meaning of our national anthem?
appraiser of folly
06:21 AM on 6/04/2011
I don't think it, it is common knowledge, you might want google before you type next time:
11:56 AM on 6/04/2011
If I'm not mistaken, I believe the tune to the National Anthem was a drinking song tune, and Francis Scott Key simply put new words to it.
07:54 PM on 6/04/2011
Actually true. The song was called "ye sons of columbia" and was an old drinking song. Go look it up.
09:58 PM on 6/04/2011
Interestin­g. I had indeed read it was a drinking song tune, but I always read it was called, "To Anacreon in Heaven." I suppose "Ye Sons of Columbia" could have been another version making the rounds. Probably they had pirating in those days, too.

Regarding the meaning, Francis Scott Key was being held on a British ship while Fort McHenry was being shelled. No doubt his natural anxiety over whether the fort would lower its flag and surrender was heightened by the purposeful arrogant assertions of the British officers that they were sure to do so. The poem expressed his patriotic relief that when morning came they still had not done so.
07:21 PM on 6/03/2011
Here's to your polypoid degenerati­on at 17, kiddo. Enjoy it while it lasts.
05:22 PM on 6/03/2011
It brought tears to my eyes