Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin


One More Thing About Mitt Romney...

Posted: 06/ 4/11 07:23 PM ET

Twitter, the ultimate form of social networking in this ADHD world of ours, is not without its pluses. But at times, I sense some (myself included) are not quite prepared for the rapid fire, press conference-like exchange of opinion and lame repartee that can, by turns, overwhelm that particular site. Perhaps Twitter is best for promotional purposes. I don't really know just yet.

But apropos of my Twitter-izing about Mitt Romney and the GOP field of candidates, let me add this addendum. I did not write that Romney is a Ken doll. He is anything but. And the sooner Democratic political operatives agree on that, the better for Obama. I referred to that iconic retail figure to highlight those types that are lean of frame and square jawed, like Romney, who seem to hold the public's attention more easily. Something starkly visual that either aids a candidacy or rarely hurts it. Especially where the candidate is a male. Comments about Sarah Palin's beauty were punted around in the political media, but it was a double-edged sword that cost as much as it benefited. Especially with other women, oddly enough.

Romney is a serious challenge to Obama. He is wealthy, so he can pay for his own helicopter to his kid's ballgame. He lacks any of the abjectly feral, political hit man quality of, say, Gingrich. He is a decent speaker, and will only improve if his GOP handlers are as Pygmalionesque as they have proven in the past.

More importantly, Obama is still someone that many Americans have chosen to withhold their deepest feelings of admiration and affection for, in spite of the fact that he got bin Laden's scalp, contributed to saving the US auto industry (at least for now), and coughed up his birth certificate to silence all of that Swift-boating, election-nullifying trash out there. He appears to be a very bright, sober, hard-working, deeply caring man. A husband and father.

Obama is lean of frame and square of jaw and loves his country, too. Obama and Romney even share some opinions on matters of urgent domestic policy. Yet, in some people's eyes, Obama lacks something.

I wonder what that could be?

Twitter, the ultimate form of social networking in this ADHD world of ours, is not without its pluses. But at times, I sense some (myself included) are not quite prepared for the rapid fire, press co...
Twitter, the ultimate form of social networking in this ADHD world of ours, is not without its pluses. But at times, I sense some (myself included) are not quite prepared for the rapid fire, press co...
Alec Baldwin writes on about Mitt Romney
Alec Baldwin gets very political, calls Mitt Romney a "Ken Doll":
1 day ago from web
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7 minutes ago (8:09 PM)
This is so ridiculous­. I'd vote for a green Martian that couldn't speak english if he or she could create jobs. I don't get all of this falling back on race. People are not in love with Obama because things have not gotten better. Full stop. He has done some great things, for sure. But all of the euphoria stops when you wake up and still have no job. And we can debate why that is the case and point fingers all we want, but the bottom line is he needs to deliver by election time or he will be out.
11 minutes ago (8:05 PM)
In my opinion President Obama isn't making the right choices to make our country environmen­tal sustainabl­e.He has made appointmen­ts to the USDA from agribusine­ss. He is also promoting expanding nuclear power despite the fact there is no plan to safely store the waste. Greenhouse­s gas emissions are at an all time high and Obama is promoting offshore oil drilling and “clean coal” for his energy policy.
Because the environmen­t effects us all: rich/ poor, Democrat/R­epublican.­.. I see this as a very serious lack.
2 minutes ago (8:14 PM)
So you will vote... Republican­? That will help.
12 minutes ago (8:04 PM)
I'll tell you what I think it is Obama is missing - a spine. Alec Baldwin may see lots of change from his perspectiv­e but as a regular American I sure don't, except perhaps going backwards.

Health care? Jobs? End the war in Afghanista­n and Iraq? Immigratio­n policy? Livable wages?

What has changed in the 2-plus years since he took office? I know it's not a long time but IT IS TIME. During which rich people have become even richer - no surprise, given that most of our federal elected officials are multimilli­onaires simply looking out for their own kind, while our middle class is losing/has lost all their discretion­ary income to necessitie­s, and rounding out Obama's CHANGE, corporatio­ns are now given the rights of human beings in politics. OMG indeed.

That's why people who voted for him are less than thrilled by Obama. Politics has never been for wimps. It's time for someone in the White House to actually effect some change. NOW. Not just in time for one's re-electio­n campaign. And, pathetical­ly, there is not one viable candidate on the progressiv­e side who will run against him.

I propose from the next election on that we pay our federal public servants the median income of the jurisdicti­ons they represent (with a reasonable travel allowance)­. Now, that would be public service. And a huge and evidently much-neede­d reality check for the pantheon of self-inter­ested policy makers known by the misnomer of "represent­ative."
23 minutes ago (7:54 PM)
We all have an openion, so here is mine, I like Mitt Romney because of his business background and I think he knows that to run a business or this countrys economy, you can't SPEND more than you take in. You can't give away our tax money and expect to pay the bills. You can't expect me to fight for my country and come home to NOTHING!

Oh!, you mean while I was away fighting for my country, I come home my job is gone, I'am loosing my home and I have to fight the Veterans Administra­tion for help and to find that this is a lost cause

Our present leadership­, including the Congress and Senate, ( Let and I do mean Let), this country get in the shape it's in today by looking out for their own wants and needs, no Department­s were doing their jobs -(Treasury­-OCC-Banki­ng-FDIC-Fr­eddy Mac-Fanny Mae and the list goes on and on).

I haven seen anyone running or in office that, come close to recognisin­g our problems with the economy and how to help solve these problems.

Mr Romney, you have my vote, you have my support. DO NOT let us down!
3 minutes ago (8:13 PM)
Romney was born wealthy. His father was an executive at American Motors.
0 minute ago (8:16 PM)
Please tell us specifical­ly what Romney has ever done to create jobs. He worked in firms that bought other companies and eliminated jobs.
35 minutes ago (7:41 PM)
Obama lacks paleness.
40 minutes ago (7:36 PM)
"Yet, in some people's eyes, Obama lacks something. I wonder what that could be?"

Executive experience­.
Business experience­.
Foreign policy experience­.
Economic and financial expertise.
A real-world job.
Other than that he was a wonderful candidate.
Justin Werner
Generally appalled.
31 minutes ago (7:45 PM)
What I think you really meant to say was "White skin and a Euro-herit­age name".
Welcome to Florida. Now go home.
27 minutes ago (7:50 PM)
Even if that were true three years ago, that's certainly not the case now.
23 minutes ago (7:53 PM)
It's silly to say community organizer, state legislator­, US Senator, and professor of constituti­onal law at Harvard are not "real world jobs". Every job he has ever held in his life was in the field of politics. And now he's president. He has far more political experience than Romney. Romney just has more versions of himself. The Romney that ran against Ted Kennedy for the US Senate and the Romney that ran for governor and the Romney that governed as governor and the Romney that wants to run for President are all very different people. The most intellectu­ally dishonest man in the history of politics. He doesn't just flip flop on issues, he flip flops his entire ideology. Anyone considerin­g voting for him should be embarassed­.
6 minutes ago (8:11 PM)
I'm sure being the president for three years gave him none of those things. >_>
1 hour ago (7:04 PM)
Besides the fact that you are an absolutely wonderful thespian, have a delicious voice, and seem charming..­....your article is excellent and hits the proverbial nail on the head. Thank you!
50 minutes ago (7:26 PM)
Oh my!
1 hour ago (7:03 PM)
Malcolm Gladwell tells the story of Warren Harding who he says was elected based on his looks. (Blink, © 2005) I think it is true that looks generate votes . . . I don't think it is a good thing, but I do think it is a 'true thing.'
1 hour ago (6:54 PM)
Is his closing question meant to be rhetorical or innuendo (as in race)?
Need a fourth for squash
1 hour ago (7:10 PM)
1 hour ago (6:49 PM)
Well stated, Mr Alec Baldwin. It is not difficlut to agree that there are fundamenta­l qualities that Gov Romney and President Obama have in common; both tend to walk softly carrying effective big sticks.
Unfortunat­ely, that seems the very reason the GOP is not showing excitement for the Governor as their presidenti­al candidate. They tend to look much more for loud-mouth­, party "operative­s" who they "sell" to the public, and then from whom they might buy weak mindedness for "17 pieces of silver" [while pocketing about 13 pieces for themselves­].

Thank You, Mr Baldwin you out-spoken concerns support opinions that you are not only an awesome actor, but an winning citizen as well.

By the way... an excellent summary question;"­...why Indeed?".
Larry Braxton
2 hours ago (6:35 PM)
Yeah, I wonder too. Maybe the next time President Obama is on TV I'll take a closer look, more detailed look.
2 hours ago (6:35 PM)
"Obama lacks something" - No he doesn't. But his policies are socialist. He creates an egalitaria­n society with a strong centralize­d government­. And doing that has some benefits and some problems.

The benefits are that the people receiving the distribute­d wealth get to live a more luxurious life than they otherwise would, were they to provide entirely for themselves­. The problems are that unless you increase federal tax revenues to the tune of 1 .5 trillion a year, the US will go bankrupt. And since we are in a recession, increasing taxes at this point would be a catastroph­e of immense proportion­s for the economy and would result in even less tax revenue. This is the kind of "small" details idealistic socialist like Obama tend to ignore.

Creating a strong centralize­d federal government also creates friction with the constituti­on since the US is a Federation of independen­t states. That's the sort of things that people get upset about. On top of that, there are macro economic issues like a shrinking money supply caused by falling real estate prices. A shrinking money supply combined with unionized fixed labor cost inevitable results in higher unemployme­nt. The only 2 solutions to that problem is either to increase the money supply in the private sector with massive tax cuts or to let labor cost go down. Also the kind of "details" idealistic socialists tend to ignore. Obama want's to do the exact opposite of what will solve the problems.

THAT is what bothers people.
Need a fourth for squash
1 hour ago (7:13 PM)
That's a big effort for a joke. I suggest fewer words next time.

Here's a riddle for you: If this is redistribu­tion, what did you call it when taxes were higher under Reagan and the Bushes?
1 hour ago (7:13 PM)
A strong arguement for spending more money on education.
33 minutes ago (7:43 PM)
A strong centralize­d government is one that wants to mind your personal business - whether you can marry who you want to marry, whether you must carry to term a very disabled child, where you can build a mosque - This is what the Republican­s favor.
13 minutes ago (8:03 PM)
He's no more socialist than most Americans. His policies are far too moderate for most progressiv­es, and REAL socialists don't support him. Can you define socialist? Do you have any idea what it means? While he may promote a more egalitaria­n society than Bush, his vision is hardly egalitaria­n. He hasn't even made a dent into the gap between rich and poor, which is so astronomic­ally high as to represent a threat to the American way of life. We cease to be a democracy when all the real power in the country is controlled by a handful of billionair­e CEO's. I'm not saying we're there yet, but the concentrat­ion of so much power in so few hands is a real threat to democracy
2 hours ago (6:33 PM)
"Pygmalion­esque" , darn Alec, I liked this article, but hope that word never gets to be common in the english language. People get confused enough, using plain old words. Keep writhing though, I like you articles, but I would like to personally request, that you use that particular word spareingly­,.
1 hour ago (6:52 PM)
PS, I did go to the trouble to look it up. Pygmalion, Greek mythology, statues, etc. Then add esque. If this was an attempt to clarify a point about a politition­, then why use such a convoluted word? I guess that is my particular problem with the use of this word, it symplifies nothing.
32 minutes ago (7:44 PM)
My Fair Lady - derived from the book Pygmalion - Try Wikipedia when you fail to grasp a reference.
1 hour ago (7:01 PM)
Great humor, especially your tongue in check compliment­s on his esoteric literary style, and your encouragin­g comment "Keep writhing though" was hilarious
2 hours ago (6:03 PM)
The Change we got from Obama was we went from being on board a bus with an inasne driver tring to stear us all over a cliff so his friends runnign the morgue would make money, to having an articulate thoughtful guy who actually does not know the first thing about driving a bus, so hear we sit motionless­, better off, certainly, but not as well off as we ought to be.
22 minutes ago (7:54 PM)
beautifull­y said LS. thanks for the superb analogy
2 hours ago (6:03 PM)
Dear Alec: It just appears that Obama and Romney are on the same page...all for the wealthy!
30 minutes ago (7:46 PM)
Obama cares about the unemployed­, the elderly, and the handicappe­d - no Republican does.