#1 Caprese Salad

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The ghetto witchdoctor superstar chef is here to make you forget about every cooking show you've ever heard. Get your tomatoes, your mozzarella, a little balsamic, and get your ass into that kitchen, baby.

Click the "More Info" tab below for the recipe.



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Cookin with Coolio
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    By AdamZeppelin on October 13, 2010, at 5:28PM PST Sorry , forgot to add; SHACKA ZULU!!!!

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    By AdamZeppelin on October 13, 2010, at 5:27PM PST Yes I do know what you are saying Mr Coolio, sir....

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    By ProudAnselmo on August 24, 2010, at 12:07PM PST I think you mean "coalesce", Coolio.  "Coagulate" means to harden from a liquid state, like grease does after sitting out for awhile.  "Coalesce" means "to combine or unite as a whole".

    Knowing is half the battle and whatnot.

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    By nr22 on January 31, 2009, at 7:35AM PST My kind of cooking!!!

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    By KateColl on January 15, 2009, at 3:34PM PST I'm going to make this for my boyfriend next week when my next organic veg box arrives. Is that allowed? ;) xxx

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    By Qblazer on November 17, 2008, at 11:23AM PST Your Coolio Caprese Salad I tried it with chicken it was wonderful!

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    By dana on July 25, 2008, at 11:17PM PST by: Dana Lewis Hey coolio I love your show and your mad funny while your cooking. I believe god gave you that gift to be more healthy with food to cook with. Keep up with your recipes, ps I saw you on the Wendy williams show take care god bless you and your family.

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    By WaBob on March 14, 2008, at 9:56AM PST Yo man, you need to get yourself a sharp knife.  I can tell just by watchin that it's weak sawing back and forth on that tomato.  Once you go Japanese you never go back.   A Gyuto is what you want.

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    By L_Boogie on March 10, 2008, at 11:15AM PST Look I understand the humor behind this kind of a show. When you really stop and think of it from a progressive point of view, this type of humor does nothing but set the black community back. So can I ask what is the point?

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      By someonesmarter on March 25, 2008, at 2:01PM PST The point of the show? It's to make people laugh and have a good time cooking. If you really understood this kind of show then you wouldn't have to ask.  Please live your life enjoying the things you see. :)

    • user thumbnail

      By concord327 on December 23, 2009, at 7:49AM PST Coolio is from Compton, biotch. He's bringin his hood up. He has a cooking show with healthy food.  He's bringin cooking shows up, too.

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    By mrpoe on March 5, 2008, at 12:23AM PST Coolio,

    You need a cutting board.  It's also an Italian dish.  How do you get Mexican flag imagery from your Italian dish?

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Cookin’ With Coolio
Episode 1: Coolio Caprese Salad

Produced by -
Dead Crow Pictures

Starring -

Sauce Girls -
Heather Tocquigney
Janet Lynn Saunders

Producers -
Jared Gilstrap
Elan Gale
Michael T. Fitzgerald Jr.
Dan Smith

Director -
Michael T. Fitzgerald Jr.

Director of Photography -
Imre Juhasz

2nd Camera -
Noah Dille

Production Sound Mixer -
Tana Rusitanonta

Editor -
Michael T. Fitzgerald Jr.

Hair, Wardrobe, and Make-up -
Mary Shittu

Production Assistant -
Gregor Hryniszak

Cookin’ With Coolio
Episode 1: Coolio Caprese Salad


- Buffalo Mozzarella Balls
- One Medium Onion
- One Large Tomato
- Fresh Basil
- Balsamic Vinegar
- Olive Oil
- Dime-bag of Salt
- Nickel-bag of Pepper
- Dime-bag of Special Seasoning


1. Chop your Tomato into 8 or 9 thin ass slices and spread that shit around your plate.

2. Finely chop your Onion and spread liberally. Very liberally.

3. Slice your Buffalo’s Balls and position them around your chopped tomatoes. It’s about presentation, bitches!

4. Throw down a peench and a half of Salt. Shaka!

5. Now just a peench of Pepper. Zulu!

6. Drizzle a little bit of Olive Oil over the whole thing, because an oily salad ain’t shit.

7. Fill the empty spaces on your plate with Balsamic Vinegar. That’s for presentation.

8. Step your game up.

9. Use fresh, hand torn basil and sprinkle it all over the place.

10. Take a peench of Special Seasoning from your dime-bag and sprinkle it nice.

11. If it looks good…smells good…tastes good? It is GOOD, Shaka-zulu!

12. Take a clean ass fork and get a little tomato, a little basil, some mozzarell, and some onion and let it coagulate in your mouth.

13. Watch those panties slide right off.

**Coolio Caprese Salad Special Seasoning: Oregano