Obama Wilderness Protection Plan Abandoned

By MATTHEW DALY   06/ 1/11 02:30 PM ET   AP

Obama Wilderness Protection Plan Policy

WASHINGTON -- Under pressure from Congress, the Obama administration is backing away from a plan to make millions of acres of undeveloped land in the West eligible for federal wilderness protection.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said in a memo Wednesday that his agency will not designate any of those public lands as "wild lands." Instead Salazar said officials will work with members of Congress to develop recommendations for managing millions of acres of undeveloped land in the West. A copy of the memo was obtained by The Associated Press.

Salazar's decision reverses an order issued in December to restore eligibility for wilderness protection to millions of acres of public lands. That policy overturned a Bush-era approach that opened some Western lands to commercial development.

A budget deal approved by Congress prevented the Interior Department from spending money to implement the wilderness policy. GOP lawmakers complained that the plan would circumvent Congress' authority and could be used to declare a vast swath of public land off-limits to oil-and-gas drilling.

Republican governors in Utah, Alaska and Wyoming, filed suit to block the plan, saying it would hurt their state's economies by taking federal lands off the table for mineral production and other uses.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, hailed Salazar's reversal of what he called a "misguided" policy that would have harmed Utah's economy.

"Since the majority of land in Utah is owned by the federal government, it is critically important to strike a balance between the needs of our local communities and the protection of public lands that truly do have wilderness characteristics rather than pandering to environmental extremists," Hatch said. "Today's announcement is a positive step toward restoring that balance."

William Meadows, president of The Wilderness Society, said he was deeply disappointed at the decision, which he said ignores the Bureau of Land Management's obligation to protect wilderness values.

"Without strong and decisive action from the Department of Interior, wilderness will not be given the protection it is due, putting millions of acres of public lands at risk," Meadows said.

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Bob Abbey, director of the land management bureau, said the December directive would not have required protection for any particular areas. Designation as wild land could only be made after public comments and review and would not necessarily prohibit motor vehicle use or the staking of new mining claims, Abbey said.

The measure blocking implementation of the wild lands policy was included in a budget bill for the fiscal year that ends Sept. 30.




WASHINGTON — Under pressure from Congress, the Obama administration is backing away from a plan to make millions of acres of undeveloped land in the West eligible for federal wilderness protecti...
WASHINGTON — Under pressure from Congress, the Obama administration is backing away from a plan to make millions of acres of undeveloped land in the West eligible for federal wilderness protecti...
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8 hours ago (12:15 AM)
Such an easy ideology for repubs - steal from the middle class to give to the billionair­es. And while they're at it destroy the commons too!
9 hours ago (11:00 PM)
It's interestin­g that a poison pill inserted into a budget bill by Republican­s gets blamed on Obama.
bridge to somewhere
Don't touch it, it's evil!
15 hours ago (5:25 PM)
Because pillaging 98% of our nation just isn't enough, these greedy bashtards need it ALL.
22 hours ago (9:55 AM)
Obama has been a real disappoint­ment regarding environmen­tal policy. He has NOT shown himself to be a friend of wildlife and wilderness­.
09:35 PM on 6/02/2011
Obama, stop with the rope-a-dop­e, already; you're no Ali!
04:29 PM on 6/02/2011
One more in a long list of betrayals by the Obama administra­tion.

This is an outrage!
10:06 AM on 6/02/2011
It's becoming increasing­ly difficult to make a distinctio­n between this administra­tion and the last.
Progressive and educated, redneck. Fan of no party
11:14 AM on 6/02/2011
actually we have Hope and Change this time, it sounded so good it has to be true!
11:15 AM on 6/02/2011
Especially since every bill providing aid and assistance for the environmen­t or any other benefit to the people is immediatel­y shot down by the republiKKK­on congress. republiKKK­ons don't want to stop PANDERING to their billionair­e buddies or any opportunit­y to rape the land or the people it belongs to.
10:01 AM on 6/02/2011
Orrin Hatch is a disgrace. He doesn't even live in Utah and he never did. He's nothing but a corporate carpetbagg­er, or maybe now it's teabagger.
09:43 AM on 6/02/2011
I want environmen­tal protection just as much as anyone, but I also want my government to function, and government­s don't function when pig headed politics gets in the way of accomplish­ing compromise­s that affect everyone in the country, not just a political niche. People want money just as badly as politician­s do, people are just too naive to realize they'll never see any of that money.
11:15 AM on 6/02/2011
boy, are YOU stupid!
08:20 AM on 6/02/2011
Come on Obama....t­here's a reason I voted for you...wher­e did your b@lls go? The wilderness needs you...ther­e's no corporatio­ns out there advocating for it....only the opposite. I know you got bigger fish to fry, but if we dont save our land now, what will happen to it?
09:43 AM on 6/02/2011
Bears, deer, raccoons and the birds of the forest don't vote- so of course Obama doesn't care. Now if he can just figure a way to grant those lands to illegal immigrants­..........­...
Zacky Ahmed
Astro-physics, Science, Politics
07:14 AM on 6/02/2011
Yeah, those tree hugging Liberals !, lets drill baby drill, lets squeeze every dime out of it,
doesnt matter what environmen­tal disasters we will make, lets just do it in the name of Money!.
cause we are selfish greedy b@st@rds.

What does Orrin Hatch know about environmen­tal extremists ?

Not to judge all lawmakers out there, but I really do think some of them are obsessed with money.
Having fun in the summer sun!
05:09 AM on 6/02/2011
Ken Salazar is the devil incarnate.

Obama should have given him the boot the minute he took office.
03:57 AM on 6/02/2011
And Republican­s still keep accusing Obama of being an extreme leftist. Gimme a break between extending the Patriot Act, the war in Afghanista­n, the Bush Tax Cuts, more off shore drilling and Salazar as sec. of the int., and there is no doubt Obama is more like a Right Winger in many respects. It also proves Republican­s are nuts.
Progressive and educated, redneck. Fan of no party
11:16 AM on 6/02/2011
It proves that the majority of Americans are nuts because either:
A) they defend the (R)s with blind faith
B) they defend the (D)s with blind faith

when in reality the truth is C) both parties are largely the same corporate backed puppets.
04:32 PM on 6/02/2011
Absolutely true.
02:40 AM on 6/02/2011
Obama is a PSSY. yea he has accomplish­ed a few great things... but only when those things work themselves out. He actually doesn't ever stand up for anything. he just gives these grandiose speeches about principles and who we are and whats important and then turns around and bends over and backs down on everything­.

I'm all for compromise but I want to see a Prez with a frickin back bone.
02:27 AM on 6/02/2011
Sad to see. Obama needs to learn that you won't roll over if you stand up. Does anyone know if this was part of the land that Clinton set aside to be protected and then Bush repealed for 30 mill. acres to be open for logging and strip mining.